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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Looks like Verizon just ended unlimited data. Sprint will most likely see a huge influx of subs, I'm just worried they are the wrong type of subs that would slowly deteriorate the network with abuse.



What do you mean ended? Wasn't it done for a while ago? Or do you mean the grandfathered unlimited data?


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If they churn, I hope they stay clear of Sprint.

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Even having more money doesn't mean you have to spend it haphazardly.

I don't think anyone is advocating Sprint throw money around. You said throwing money at it wouldn't get sites done any quicker. That is the statement people are taking issue with.


Although a sunk cost, I'd call permitting several thousand sites and not doing anything with them spending a bit haphazardly. Given that it was Claure's original plan to put band 41 panels on the majority of sites to leverage Sprint's "vast asset" the spending haphazardly argument for that approach falls a bit flat for me. That is what he wanted to do... We'll see how the small cell strategy plays out over the coming years; it certainly is initiative. That said, it is also fairly clear it isn't Sprint's optimal strategy either.

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I hope they come to Sprint. That's what the company needs, more people..



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Not data abusers. If they come to Sprint they will degrade the experience for others likely increasing churn in the long run. Thankfully Sprint does manage users on unlimited plans on congested sites. Now if they want to come to Sprint on a metered plan, then I'm all for it.

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Exactly. From the article VZW is only kicking off those Unlimited users who use a ton of data on their network. Congestion is the last thing Sprint needs, especially as they are now doing better than they ever have before.


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True but I don't believe sprint offers an unlimited plan without some catch, so let them come. Then again who cares we are probably talk less than 10g people


The flavor of the month seems to be Unlimitedville which appear to be some sort of fake business accounts being set up on Sprint.


Discussion, among other places: https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r30549125-Unlimitedville-42-99-taxes-Sprint-busniness-unlimited-hotspot-plan

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The flavor of the month seems to be Unlimitedville which appear to be some sort of fake business accounts being set up on Sprint.


Discussion, among other places: https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r30549125-Unlimitedville-42-99-taxes-Sprint-busniness-unlimited-hotspot-plan


Wow that's crazy!!!

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The flavor of the month seems to be Unlimitedville which appear to be some sort of fake business accounts being set up on Sprint.


Discussion, among other places: https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r30549125-Unlimitedville-42-99-taxes-Sprint-busniness-unlimited-hotspot-plan

Isn't there some sort of "no reselling" clause? What kind of loopholes are they jumping through?
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Isn't there some sort of "no reselling" clause? What kind of loopholes are they jumping through?


No idea really.   They just require a business and if you do not have one at sign up you will be "made" one such as "Caspar's Window Washing" and your SSN will be used as your tax id.  Seems to be the only way they can get the account to come through.

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Looks like Verizon just ended unlimited data. Sprint will most likely see a huge influx of subs, I'm just worried they are the wrong type of subs that would slowly deteriorate the network with abuse.


99% of verizon customers are on limited data plans

of the 1% that are unlimited, what % go over 100GB?  1% of that?


Say the 1% of the 1% decide to leave.  Say half go to T-Mobile and half go to Sprint, once they use over ~22GB, they just get tossed onto a managed network anyway... what's the issue?


It's not a big influx of people... I doubt it would put a dent in sprints network.

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99% of verizon customers are on limited data plans

of the 1% that are unlimited, what % go over 100GB? 1% of that?


Say the 1% of the 1% decide to leave. Say half go to T-Mobile and half go to Sprint, once they use over ~22GB, they just get tossed onto a managed network anyway... what's the issue?


It's not a big influx of people... I doubt it would put a dent in sprints network.

I keep saying it, invite them all over.




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You cannot look at an announcement just like that. A company would never come out and just say they are no longer going to commit as much money to their future as was once planned. That would be stock suicide in a fragile moment such as the one Sprint it is. Sprint HAS to maintain and instill investor confidence for the stock to grow. If they succeed in instilling confidence, then they will be able to increase CAPEX more in the future. I am hoping that the numbers at the investor call start showing that they are on the right path. If they have a weak quarter, then things could get a bit uglier. I am an investor in Verizon and seeing Verizon grow this strong is exciting yet frightening because I am a Sprint user and love the company. Put it this way, Verizon's profit right now, per quarter, are close to what Sprint is spending for capital expenditures in an entire year. The underdogs Sprint and T-Mobile, have to pick and choose their battle grounds and words very carefully.



I think that Son bought Sprint with the express purpose of merging with T-Mobile and provide a strong alternative to the Big 2. Since T-Mobile already had a pretty well developed LTE network, capex would be lower since Sprint's frequencies could be added to T-Mobile's sites at a fraction of the cost to upgrade Sprint's network. Unfortunately it did not happen according to plan. SoftBank is not investing in Sprint anymore and I personally think it is grooming it for sale. Cut costs, make it profitable show some additions and then let it become somebody else's problem. Sprint just needs to grow organically since SoftBank is not investing in it. Who knows, maybe that will make it more entrepreneurial and nimble, able to execute. One thing that Sprint needs to do is finance its debt at a much lower interest rate. It is really dragging them down.

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I think that Son bought Sprint with the express purpose of merging with T-Mobile and provide a strong alternative to the Big 2. Since T-Mobile already had a pretty well developed LTE network, capex would be lower since Sprint's frequencies could be added to T-Mobile's sites at a fraction of the cost to upgrade Sprint's network. Unfortunately it did not happen according to plan. SoftBank is not investing in Sprint anymore and I personally think it is grooming it for sale. Cut costs, make it profitable show some additions and then let it become somebody else's problem. Sprint just needs to grow organically since SoftBank is not investing in it. Who knows, maybe that will make it more entrepreneurial and nimble, able to execute. One thing that Sprint needs to do is finance its debt at a much lower interest rate. It is really dragging them down.



We might see big gains on Monday. Hoping for good news from Marcelo and the rest of the executive team during the Earnings call.

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I keep saying it, invite them all over.




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Sure invite them.

I don't think 1% is on unlimited I would guess at 2-5. I know the number wasn't meant to be exact. However I would guess outta 115+ million there is a good 5/6 million on this plan. I would also say whatever the number is its significant enough for them to actually care about it. I am sure many people are using this as home wifi. You can't beat that deal.


That said bring them over make them subject to throttling

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Sure invite them.

So a bit more clarity on the Verizon news..




100GB Plan on Verizon is $450/month!  :dazed:


Uh, yeah, invite them.  Cut their bills in half.  Only $225/mo.



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Uh, yeah, invite them. Cut their bills in half. Only $225/mo.



The way Sprint would do it is by giving them 200gb for $225 monthly by doubling the data too.


This whole data pricing thing is crazy. The customers though really ought to know how to look for deals. I thought I had a great deal with T-Mobile, then AT&T gave me a better one.


It's like Trump says, the Art of the Deal.

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