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Sprint Reportedly Bowing Out of T-Mobile Bid (was "Sprint offer" and "Iliad" threads)


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Sweet! Some reasonably positive constructive criticism from the media! Real nice breath of fresh air.

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That Bloomberg video was right about the iPhone 6 being a huge moment for carriers - I expect this to be the biggest iPhone launch ever, and it'll be a fight for customers. Most will be eligible for either leaving their network or signing that new contract... The timing couldn't be better for Sprint to simplify plans and ratchet up marketing.

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I do agree that American's in general are getting harder to have rational conversations with, I think it probably has to do with the lack of direction we are getting from out political leadership and that nasty stew is festering into other parts of our lives. Its difficult when neither side seems to be willing to rough out a basic set of facts that are universally agreed upon to build jointly off of. I have little time for fancy speak or any of the like. Hence my upmost respect for Dan Hesse, he was always upfront with things.


We're slowly becoming a sound-bite society where one sentence blurbs become cold, hard fact to some people, even when the information is not grounded in truth. "SPRINT SUX T-Mobile rox!!!!1one!" is a lot easier for people to accept at face value than a meaningful conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of each network. It's a common problem when the general population is faced with technical/complicated issues.

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We're slowly becoming a sound-bite society where one sentence blurbs become cold, hard fact to some people, even when the information is not grounded in truth. "SPRINT SUX T-Mobile rox!!!!1one!" is a lot easier for people to accept at face value than a meaningful conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of each network. It's a common problem when the general population is faced with technical/complicated issues.

The turning point for America will be when sound-bites become flesh-bites. :(

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The turning point for America will be when sound-bites become flesh-bites. :(

Flesh-bites are a reality. The T-Mobile trolls are already on internet going "LeeeGERREEEEE...braiinnsssssssss...uncarrierrr...euhghhhhhhh"

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I certainly think Son has the confidence and report to believe Sprint with clearwire spectrum can succeed without further mega merger, while he decided to buy Sprint.


As a guy built his success through merger, he knows the risk that a deal can fall apart. When he decided to pay billions for Sprint, he must not bet the future success on further merger with Tmo only.


I think the price war is sustainable for at least a year or two for Sprint. And will bring Sprint back to profit and user growth.


And I think Son and Claure are moving toward right direction. Compared to Tmo, Sprint is moving too late and too little. Or it is waiting to the point that its network is getting ready to provide same or better experience to users. It's not about if profit and user growth are achievable. It's about if Son and Claure are willing to commit to achieve it. Now they don't have to pay billions for Tmo so they have addtional resource freed up for price war and grabbing users.


In the corporation like Sprint, there must be so much waste and unnecessary cost to be removed out of the structure. I think Marcelo will do a good job to make Sprint moving faster and costing much less while deliver a better job. And I feel Marcelo is the one they need at Sprint to make the slow pace high management work faster or tell them to walk out of the door.

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I just hope this upcoming winter is not the same like last. Hopefully it's a mild winter but good weather so they can still deploy at a good and fast rate like they are now.



* Can't say much since it's premier sponsor info but I can say 8t8r antennas (spark spectrum) has been spotted in many areas that Sprint hasn't launched so I expect a pretty big spark announcement in the next upcoming months.


I'm really excited for this new era. I just want the network to be the focus point. New plans should be announced right before the iPhone 6 launch (which I see happening)

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I am not sure about the new CEO. It is way to early to judge but I don't like the noises he is making. Costs cutting is always important but if he takes Sprint down the rabbit whole of starving the network of capital Sprint is done. I hope to hear him speak of a world class network soon.

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I am not sure about the new CEO. It is way to early to judge but I don't like the noises he is making. Costs cutting is always important but if he takes Sprint down the rabbit whole of starving the network of capital Sprint is done. I hope to hear him speak of a world class network soon.

I fully agree with you. Sprint starved their network of upgrades for far too long after the Nextel merger. I am hoping they don't go down the same path.

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I fully agree with you. Sprint starved their network of upgrades for far too long after the Nextel merger. I am hoping they don't go down the same path.

Wouldn't that road equate to a loser mentality? Son doesn't like losers...


But yeah that would suck.

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I certainly think Son has the confidence and report to believe Sprint with clearwire spectrum can succeed without further mega merger, while he decided to buy Sprint.


As a guy built his success through merger, he knows the risk that a deal can fall apart. When he decided to pay billions for Sprint, he must not bet the future success on further merger with Tmo only.


I think the price war is sustainable for at least a year or two for Sprint. And will bring Sprint back to profit and user growth.


And I think Son and Claure are moving toward right direction. Compared to Tmo, Sprint is moving too late and too little. Or it is waiting to the point that its network is getting ready to provide same or better experience to users. It's not about if profit and user growth are achievable. It's about if Son and Claure are willing to commit to achieve it. Now they don't have to pay billions for Tmo so they have addtional resource freed up for price war and grabbing users.


In the corporation like Sprint, there must be so much waste and unnecessary cost to be removed out of the structure. I think Marcelo will do a good job to make Sprint moving faster and costing much less while deliver a better job. And I feel Marcelo is the one they need at Sprint to make the slow pace high management work faster or tell them to walk out of the door.

Actually Sprint is pretty lean as it is at 38,000 employees, about the same as T-Mobile. Now, that does not mean they can't streamline things so that decisions are made quickly and implemented just as quickly? No, I am sure they can find things to improve.

Edited by bigsnake49
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I don't think I saw this story posted yet.





Painting an honest picture, from the start it seems.

More of the same. Handing the keys over to Marcelo better be worth it. Whatever he is good at, he better be better at it than Tmobile. Sprint needs proper marketing, newer plans, and the network must be put in warp drive mode (not turbo) before the launch of the iPhone. 1 month. Can they do it?

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More of the same. Handing the keys over to Marcelo better be worth it. Whatever he is good at, he better be better at it than Tmobile. Sprint needs proper marketing, newer plans, and the network must be put in warp drive mode (not turbo) before the launch of the iPhone. 1 month. Can they do it?

on the iPhone, do we know if sprint convinced Apple to include band 41?

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on the iPhone, do we know if sprint convinced Apple to include band 41?

Nope. We have no idea. The only thing that has been "leaked" to the public is design and size. I've looked all over the interwebs and haven't found a single piece of information mentioning b41. My assumption, which is probably right, is that it will have spark. It would be a big loss for them not to have spark especially if sprint really gets into pushing the new "spark" network. 


edit: that and I'll be livid. I would switch to android because of that. 

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Nope. We have no idea. The only thing that has been "leaked" to the public is design and size. I've looked all over the interwebs and haven't found a single piece of information mentioning b41. My assumption, which is probably right, is that it will have spark. It would be a big loss for them not to have spark especially if sprint really gets into pushing the new "spark" network.


edit: that and I'll be livid. I would switch to android because of that.


I think the limited roll out and 3 year date might be the issue. But maybe I'm wrong :-/

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Two things would excite me.

1) Usage based billing. Pay for what you use by GB , with buckets becoming cheaper as you go. If we are financing our devices now, why not? If usage based billing isnt attractive, then sell me data buckets that ROLLOVER from month to month. Some months im a 4GB guy, others a 1. The advertising could be quirky and very disruptive to the other 3.


2) Announce network expansion. Say its strategic... get the public believing again that the size as well as the quality is growing. I believe many users could be told "the network is growing" and believe smr is in fact a new site... capitalize on the perception


Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

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Two things would excite me.

1) Usage based billing. Pay for what you use by GB , with buckets becoming cheaper as you go. If we are financing our devices now, why not? If usage based billing isnt attractive, then sell me data buckets that ROLLOVER from month to month. Some months im a 4GB guy, others a 1. The advertising could be quirky and very disruptive to the other 3.


2) Announce network expansion. Say its strategic... get the public believing again that the size as well as the quality is growing. I believe many users could be told "the network is growing" and believe smr is in fact a new site... capitalize on the perception


Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

I like the roll over data bucket idea. However there's a few issues with your "capitalize on the perception" idea. First that's essentially lying, and when customers start to question what they're being told and word starts spreading that'll hurt Sprint's reputation even more. They need to market it as what it is, vastly superior in building coverage and obstacle penetration. Fudging things to exploit average customer stupidity/lack of knowledge will only come to bite them in the ass.
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Nope. We have no idea. The only thing that has been "leaked" to the public is design and size. I've looked all over the interwebs and haven't found a single piece of information mentioning b41. My assumption, which is probably right, is that it will have spark. It would be a big loss for them not to have spark especially if sprint really gets into pushing the new "spark" network. 


edit: that and I'll be livid. I would switch to android because of that. 


Isnt 41 a big deal in other countries? Even if Sprint alone isnt enough to convnince Apple, surely the global market is

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The iPhone 6 will have B41. The question is will it have CA? If it based on the MDM 9635, it will!

Apple could have supported B41 in the last iPhone. The chipset supported it. But didn't want to go through the trouble. So even if the MDM 9635 supports CA and is in the next iPhone, it is not an automatic thing CA will be included. Or Sprint CA.


Also, Apple would then get to decide which bands do CA as well, and mixes of bands. We have already seen several AT&T devices where not all bands will or mixes of bands will do CA, even though the device itself supports LTE on all AT&T bands.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
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    • Saw that for a while. Now back to n25 + n71 + n41-100Mhz + n41-90Mhz.
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