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Google Nexus 5 by LG Users Thread!


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It works like that. The thing is I could have any number of voicemail and not be aware of it. That's the problem. No notification.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

I just set up Google voice, but yesterday I left myself a voicemail. It took 5 hours for a notification to pop up. Then after checking it by long pressing 1 in the dialer, the notification never left until a reboot


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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It works like that. The thing is I could have any number of voicemail and not be aware of it. That's the problem. No notification.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


 If you're not getting notifications its possible you didn't even set up your voicemail in the first place?

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Great info and good to know~! I'm currently enjoying my N5 on a prepaid T-Mobile Kim card and the speeds & experience have been great. :)


Quick question: when you activated the N5 on Sprint after putting in a Sprint card, what were the subsequent steps? Were you able to activate the N5 on Sprint via website or did you have to call in to Sprint?


Also, were you made to pay an activation charge? I thought one didn't have to pay an activation charge but I was charged the fee earlier this year when I switched from the E4GT to the GS4.

I actually did the initial switch in a Sprint store. There was no charge and all they did was enter the MEID number in their database. Turned the phone off and back on and it had switched over to Sprint. When I switched back to my iPhone I had to call in - I had tried online but it required a chat session and no chat operators were available - but the lady was great and she did say that future swaps would be easy online. Probably took 3 or 4 minutes max.

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Still having the voicemail/text message problem.


"//Android:${from} has sent you a sprint voice message. Call${callbackno} to listen..."


I tried everything that halcyoncmdr suggested and still having the message sent every 30 minutes or so.


After I cleared data, i went to unsubscribe from visual voicemail and I again got "Voicemail error".


"Communication with the voicemail-to-text server has timed out. We will continue retrying in the background and notify you upon completion of the check."


It's been trying to unsubscribe for over 48 hours.  

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Is there a way to have the notification light on when it is charging? Not a huge deal but used to seeing it come on when you plug it in to charge. I tried dogging through the menu and display options and couldn't find it.


Sent from my Nexus 5



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Still having the voicemail/text message problem.


"//Android:${from} has sent you a sprint voice message. Call${callbackno} to listen..."


I tried everything that halcyoncmdr suggested and still having the message sent every 30 minutes or so.


After I cleared data, i went to unsubscribe from visual voicemail and I again got "Voicemail error".


"Communication with the voicemail-to-text server has timed out. We will continue retrying in the background and notify you upon completion of the check."


It's been trying to unsubscribe for over 48 hours.  


Update your profile.

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Update your profile.

Did that a couple of times. No luck. Factory reset my old phone and updated the profile on that one. Issue remains.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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You do get missed call notifications, right? I'd base calling voicemail just in case I missed anyone's call.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

I do get missed calls notifications, but I could ignore a call. That's a good point but even flip phones get a visual notification of an unheard voicemail. My point is that it should work.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


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What are you using for voicemail?

Ive been using google voice for mote than 2 years. Never had this problem on any past phone. Htc Evo, galaxy nexus.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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Ive been using google voice for mote than 2 years. Never had this problem on any past phone. Htc Evo, galaxy nexus.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


Two things to try:


Clear all data and the cache from the Google Voice app, then open it and run through the setup and integration again.


If that doesn't work, reactivate you old phone, make sure voicemail is configured properly, then switch back to your new one.


I got a very similar message earlier, but a profile update and re-doing Google Voice seemed to take care of it.

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Will stop a the Sprint Store during the week to see if they can help me out. I'll say this, would love to see in future Android versions Google Voice features integrated into the phone and messaging apps. OEM's have done that through their skins. Don't know why Google Voice it's still just available to the US market, but an OS integration of its features would solve that and make Android a more finished OS in my opinion. 


Thanks for the input. Love the Nexus 5 though.

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Also, Ericsson has really been pushing on 3G acceptances too the past few months. And at least a lot of Ericsson NV markets have Ericsson (Nortel) legacy equipment.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


Haven't seen that here... take note of October 2013 missing in the one graphic since there was none that month.









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Haven't seen that here... take note of October 2013 missing in the one graphic since there was none that month.










Over the last month or two, Ericsson has taken KC from almost all 4G only to 3G/4G, Dalla, Houston, San Antonio as well. Guess they really just don't like you. Or Louisiana. Not sure which. :P

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Over the last month or two, Ericsson has taken KC from almost all 4G only to 3G/4G, Dalla, Houston, San Antonio as well. Guess they really just don't like you. Or Louisiana. Not sure which. :P

It's me. Same reason why certain legacy sites are still legacy ;)

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