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New Sprint Plans...Unlimited, My Way, My All-In


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I will do that. Might be a week to a month before they sign up..

I thought about going to Walmart wireless store or radio shack and see what they say. Out of curiosity..




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I have some errands to run later this evening, I think I'm going to stop into the Sprint store and see what they try to sell me for 3 smartphones.  I'm going to play the average Joe that is shopping around.

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I've actually had amazing experiences while dealing with the Radio Shacks in my area, it's actually where I originally signed up for Sprint. They most of the time have been more educated than Sprint stores, and from my experience for some reason it took Radio Shack a lot less time and hassle to port in my # than it did Sprint.


As for people worried about being forced to switch when they upgrade, I don't think it's time to start worrying about that just yet.


I will do that. Might be a week to a month before they sign up..
I thought about going to Walmart wireless store or radio shack and see what they say. Out of curiosity..

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I have some errands to run later this evening, I think I'm going to stop into the Sprint store and see what they try to sell me for 3 smartphones. I'm going to play the average Joe that is shopping around.

Sounds like a great plan!

I'm thinking about doing the same..


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I've actually had amazing experiences while dealing with the Radio Shacks in my area, it's actually where I originally signed up for Sprint. They most of the time have been more educated than Sprint stores, and from my experience for some reason it took Radio Shack a lot less time and hassle to port in my # than it did Sprint.


As for people worried about being forced to switch when they upgrade, I don't think it's time to start worrying about that just yet.

On top of the more educated, quicker and less hassle aspects, they offered my brother a better insurance coverage for his SGS3 and it's a buck cheaper...



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Awesome! So it's Radio Shacks own type of insurance? How is it billed?


On top of the more educated, quicker and less hassle aspects, they offered my brother a better insurance coverage for his SGS3 and it's a buck cheaper...

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I'm also seeing that these new plans are non-discountable :o and streaming video may be limited to 1 Mbps. A lot of fine print and caveats to sort out.

That's not true. However, Sprint will only be discounting the ($30/$10) data fee applicable to each line.

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I did a quick side by side (old and new) compare of the plans and I would save about $10US if I only calculate the two devices I currently have and adding the hotspot add on. I also have a TriFi hotspot that doesn't expire until next year,so I won't do the add on until then.



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I believe this is what is going on.  Sprint has realized they do not make money on the additional lines (3+ lines) for the Everything plans.  They may even lose money.  Every additional line I add to my account is only $30 per month, and they give me a subsidized phone too for these additional lines.  So they get a 2 year contract on that line, but they also give me $400 on a smartphone.  So there is not much left over to make money after you pay for the phone.


Sprint has decided to stop the gravy train for additional lines.  Did it make Sprint a very attractive bargain for us folks who wanted to keep adding accounts?  Yes indeed.  It was almost crazy for me to not add additional lines, they were virtually free after two devices.  After subsidies, I was paying $15 per month roughly for an unlimited data smartphone plan on additional lines.  And often, these additional users are the biggest data users on the network.  I know my kids use far more data than I do.


So Sprint is saying, we want these additional lines to pay their fair share.  This is not greed.  And each one of us who have a lot of lines (me included) are going to have to decide if this is the best deal for us.  However, Sprint is stopping the welfare roll for additional lines.  It may hurt them with business lost, however, when the balance sheet comes down to the end, I bet they make more money even losing customers.  Because these customers are probably costing them money.  SoftBank is not stupid.  This is a well calculated event.


We need to pay our fair share for large accounts, or go somewhere else.  It's just that simple.  However, I don't plan to do a darn thing until they force me to migrate.  And currently they are not forcing migrations.  And we have store employees in this thread who have said you can still come into their stores and get the Everything plans.  But I bet you can expect to try to be sold the new plans, and may even be mistakenly told you have to.  Count on that.



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I can understand that but it just seems odd that now Sprint is more expensive than ATT on your standard mom, dad, and one kid plan. I would expect to pay Hyundai prices at the Hyundai dealership not Mercedes prices for a Hyundai.

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I can understand that but it just seems odd that now Sprint is more expensive than ATT on your standard mom, dad, and one kid plan. I would expect to pay Hyundai prices at the Hyundai dealership not Mercedes prices for a Hyundai.


But I think they're banking on that with AT&T and Verizon, you have to share that data for the same price.  And if you're coming from AT&T and the reason you're leaving is because you are tired of little Johnny taking all your data, it may be quite attractive.


I too think like most people this was not the best time.  But I don't think it is going to be a catastrophic move for Sprint.  And it now allows a straight apples to apples comparison of plans with the duopoly.  So Sprint cannot hide, it must directly compete.  But for you on SERO-P and me on Everything plans, these plans are more expensive for us.  And if I'm forced to migrate, I'll consider my options then.  Hopefully your wife will allow you stick around to that point too.   :)



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I must have misread the AT&T plans as I thought they had their own bucket of data per line.


I don't see it as a huge catastrophic thing either but I can say it will stop several new accounts as it has already stopped two new accounts of 3 lines a piece in my case. Sprint's loss and AT&T's gain. It does make it easier for me though as I won't have to listen to them complain about the coverage issues.

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Went to a Sprint corporate store, and the manager said I still could sign up with the old everything data plans if I wanted. He doesn't know what's going on with the EPRP plans though.

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I must have misread the AT&T plans as I thought they had their own bucket of data per line.


I don't see it as a huge catastrophic thing either but I can say it will stop several new accounts as it has already stopped two new accounts of 3 lines a piece in my case. Sprint's loss and AT&T's gain. It does make it easier for me though as I won't have to listen to them complain about the coverage issues.


I too was looking to add another line when the triband phones come out.  However, if I was not allowed to add a line to my Everything plan, I would not add the line.  But Sprint probably won't even care, because they don't want to host that line if they break even or lose money on it.



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I believe this is what is going on. Sprint has realized they do not make money on the additional lines (3+ lines) for the Everything plans. They may even lose money. Every additional line I add to my account is only $30 per month, and they give me a subsidized phone too for these additional lines. So they get a 2 year contract on that line, but they also give me $400 on a smartphone. So there is not much left over to make money after you pay for the phone.


Sprint has decided to stop the gravy train for additional lines. Did it make Sprint a very attractive bargain for us folks who wanted to keep adding accounts? Yes indeed. It was almost crazy for me to not add additional lines, they were virtually free after two devices. After subsidies, I was paying $15 per month roughly for an unlimited data smartphone plan on additional lines. And often, these additional users are the biggest data users on the network. I know my kids use far more data than I do.


So Sprint is saying, we want these additional lines to pay their fair share. This is not greed. And each one of us who have a lot of lines (me included) are going to have to decide if this is the best deal for us. However, Sprint is stopping the welfare roll for additional lines. It may hurt them with business lost, however, when the balance sheet comes down to the end, I bet they make more money even losing customers. Because these customers are probably costing them money. SoftBank is not stupid. This is a well calculated event.


We need to pay our fair share for large accounts, or go somewhere else. It's just that simple. However, I don't plan to do a darn thing until they force me to migrate. And currently they are not forcing migrations. And we have store employees in this thread who have said you can still come into their stores and get the Everything plans. But I bet you can expect to try to be sold the new plans, and may even be mistakenly told you have to. Count on that.



For wireless companies it is all about arpu (average revenue per user). It doesn't matter to them is one line is ten bucks and another is 200 what matters is the average. They want to increase that average like all carriers do. The problem is that they also need to grow market share and to try to increase arpu through a price rise is counter productive to that goal (especially when they don't have the value proposition of a quality network). Besides they already have one of the highest post paid ARPUs of any of the carriers at 61 and some change (I pretty sure only AT&T is higher, could be wrong through). So I don't think this move makes any sense, but they have people looking at forecasts and projections with a lot more data thean me so I sure they think they see something I don't. It doesn't mean it's there, but it could be. The really depressing thing was that the hope was the SoftBank purchase brought with it the hope of increase price competition and shortly after it was finalized it turn out to be the opposite case.

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But I think they're banking on that with AT&T and Verizon, you have to share that data for the same price.  And if you're coming from AT&T and the reason you're leaving is because you are tired of little Johnny taking all your data, it may be quite attractive.



I think this is a very important point to all of this. If you compare a one or two line plan at ATT\VZW to Sprint, Sprint comes out ahead as far as value (unless you happen to be on the lower end of data usage).


When you start talking 3 - 5+ lines is where it gets murkier. For a family with a fair number of data users, where each user is consistently hitting 2gb+ data, Sprint still offers value - a 10gb shared plan at ATT\VZW is similar to the 5 line Sprint price - and with Sprint, you don't have to worry about overages, what each person is using, etc.


The struggle is going to be for families with a big mix of data users. I have a five line family plan, and while I might use 3gb - 10gb each month, right now the four other lines use less than 500mb on average! I can basically assume 2gb top usage for the other 4 lines, plus mine. If I went with an VZW\ATT shared plan, I'd only have to worry about my overages. But of course as Sprints LTE network spreads, a lot of those "low data" users may likely increase data usage as streaming music and video becomes a more realistic possibility. And again, these new plans start to show value for 3+ lines of service, if everyone is really utilizing the new network. It's just too bad the new network isn't actually here yet for most of us.

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If indeed that's the reason then it's flawed. It makes no sense at all if paying that supposed fair share brings Sprint's prices up to the level of AT&T and Verizon in which the current network doesn't even compare.


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If indeed that's the reason then it's flawed. It makes no sense at all if paying that supposed fair share brings Sprint's prices up to the level of AT&T and Verizon in which the current network doesn't even compare.


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Bingo. Someone in a cubicle thinks all the money spent in the last year that they now have an AT&T or VZW size network. I value my dollar and want to get what I pay for.

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If indeed that's the reason then it's flawed. It makes no sense at all if paying that supposed fair share brings Sprint's prices up to the level of AT&T and Verizon in which the current network doesn't even compare.


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Sprint is saying they don't want you if you have a lot of lines, unless you're willing to pay a fair rate for all those lines.  If you're not, then they are saying they can live with you leaving.  That's the bottom line.  


I bet their research is showing that people come to Sprint from AT&T and Verizon because of unlimited, not because of price.  This is about the new people coming, not the people who already here.  There is still no forced migration.  Not even for new customers, let alone existing customers.



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Bingo. Someone in a cubicle thinks all the money spent in the last year that they now have an AT&T or VZW size network. I value my dollar and want to get what I pay for.


I value my dollar too.  No one gets rich being a bureaucrat, unless they're corrupt.  And if forced to migrate, I will have to consider my options.



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I believe this is what is going on.  Sprint has realized they do not make money on the additional lines (3+ lines) for the Everything plans. 

I think you are right PARTICULARLY on plans with more than 2 smart-phones, because the new plans are a better (or at least no worse) deal for those with 1-2 lines. For the same cost as Everything Data 450 or Everything Data Family 1500, you are now getting unlimited minutes too. They get you in two places, adding a third line is now $30 instead of $20, And they now charge each smart phone a $20 (1GB) or $30 (unlimited data) fee instead of a $10 Premium data fee. 


If only two of your phones were smart-phones, that's a $10 increase from the 1500 minute plan, but it's much cheeper than the 3000 minute plan that it also replaces, so that part of the price increase is kinda a wash, IMHO. What really gets you is the additional $10-20 for smart-phones number 3-10, since they all need to pick a 1gb/$20 or unlimited/$30 data plan instead of just a $10 premium data fee. 

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For wireless companies it is all about arpu (average revenue per user). It doesn't matter to them is one line is ten bucks and another is 200 what matters is the average. They want to increase that average like all carriers do. The problem is that they also need to grow market share and to try to increase arpu through a price rise is counter productive to that goal .

I'd say their goal isn't just revenue, it's profit from each customer (or at least not losing money on them). If people having 3,4, and 5 smart phones on these everything plans takes them from being profitable at 2 lines, to money losers at 4-5 lines, then I expect Sprint to raise it's prices on the additional smart-phone lines accordingly. That sucks for those of us with 3-5 smart-phones on a plan, but I understand why they would do it.

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Robert all the stuff I've seen and been told is you can add lines to your account on the old plan. I've upgraded several lines and they stayed on the data share 1500. There is no forcing to change. I have changed over some two line accounts that it made sense to get more with no added cost.


As of right now all the plans still show for us in accounts.



Also got cussed out because a guy didn't understand that WSJ article. He couldn't wrap his head around the the 30 dollar savings is going from the 110 every thing plan to the 80 my way plan. He thought it was too complicated and wanted a 30 savings from his 450 data plan to the my way.

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Some how I think to many people are over thinking on this thread. Which is making things more cloudy instead of seeing things clearly. Myself, I changed over from the the everything data plan into the new unlimited plan and I'm not seeing a dollars difference. No one has a gun being held to the head saying you have to switch or else. The same thing is happening now as back then when Sprint brought out the plans I just switched from. To replace the Free and Clear plans.


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I value my dollar too.  No one gets rich being a bureaucrat, unless they're corrupt.  And if forced to migrate, I will have to consider my options.





I suggest you go for the Golf Manager for the City of Los Angeles.  160k a year, a nice pension, great benefits.  Big money is beign a tugboat captain at about 400k a year, with pension/benefits.




Some municipal workers get hosed, others seem to land on a golden goose, others in the middle.  I could never seem to figure it out.

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