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Network Vision/LTE - Milwaukee Market (including Madison)


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sometimes the squeaky wheel gets oiled.


Can we refrain from talking about your private life here?


On a serious note though, which towers are people seeing 1x800 on in Madison (or maybe, which towers AREN'T people seeing it on)? I've seen a few posts here and there. Are any towers on 1x800 that aren't accepted for 3g or 4g?

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On a serious note though, which towers are people seeing 1x800 on in Madison (or maybe, which towers AREN'T people seeing it on)? I've seen a few posts here and there. Are any towers on 1x800 that aren't accepted for 3g or 4g?

The only few I've run into on my journies are West Wash Ave, Segoe, and North Madison near Mallards Park that do 1xRTT. The rest (and I've gone by many) are 1x800.


I'd bet they'll be on soon though.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk


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CSFB on Park Bank tower must've been updated or turned on this afternoon. Got out of my meeting and my N5 is suddenly sucking down the sweet LTE. Must be a pretty quick fix as I only noticed about a 5 minute window of bad service today. So happy my new device is working now!!!

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I assume work is being done still on UW-Madison's campus. I have LTE in my apartment on the 10th floor (500 block of University Ave) but not when I'm walking around campus. I had no signal near the hospital and where I used to get a few bars. Maybe I oughta get a signal check app.

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I assume work is being done still on UW-Madison's campus. I have LTE in my apartment on the 10th floor (500 block of University Ave) but not when I'm walking around campus. I had no signal near the hospital and where I used to get a few bars. Maybe I oughta get a signal check app.

Oh yeah, they've only upgraded the University Ave (Old University) tower near Camp Randall. There's several more that need to be done downtown.


So 4 of the 5 LTE acceptances were in Madison for today, I've updated my .gif over in the sponsor forum.  I really should have done this from the beginning, but oh well, its nice to see the wave of red and yellow.....


There are only 5 towers left in Madison proper that need acceptance of any sort, all of them downtown.  The West Washington Ave tower is putting off lots of 3G eHRPD, but NO 1xRTT for voice, it's being trumped by the Rimrock tower with 1x800.  I'm hoping that one gets accepted soon, as that should help on my commute home.  


That leaves the one nearest the Capitol on the West and East, State Street, then the one down by Madison Metro depot.  Can't confirm equipment on the East and West of Capitol, but the others have equipment.

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Minor disappointment that of the 3 towers in the Madison area that aren't on yet, one of them is my home tower, but given the pace of the last few weeks, hard to stay disappointed for long. Not surprised to hear launch day is coming soon for us. 


Stay strong Milwaukee people! Your day will come!

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First photo taken Saturday on Odana Rd near Russ Darrow. Hoping for a bit more speed, but it's early yet. Nice to see the Madison progress. Second taken from my home tower near Edgerton. Still sitting with 3G, but hopefully will be changing soon.



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First photo taken Saturday on Odana Rd near Russ Darrow. Hoping for a bit more speed, but it's early yet. Nice to see the Madison progress. Second taken from my home tower near Edgerton. Still sitting with 3G, but hopefully will be changing soon.

Sprint is going to deploy for coverage, then capacity, then speed. Be patient with the process.

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I was driving around the east side mapping with Sensorly this afternoon. Overall it's a huge improvement. The only problem was that there were gaps in the coverage that kept forcing my G3 to 3G.


Something seems to be wrong with the east side Milwaukee st tower. It's broadcasting 4G but the speeds are old school Sprint 3G speeds (less than .1 mbps).


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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Funny that the network.sprint.com map for Madison looks an awful like the maps over in the Sponsor section finally :lol: ......I haven't looked at this page in a very long time since the upgrades were going on in our area.  They're missing a few towers on there, not many though. 



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Guess who walked through my doors yesterday.... My Samsung test driver! Madison will supposedly have another cluster of 23 sites approved today so be on the lookout for some more changes. And he did say Lake Geneva had a couple sites tested and approved as well.

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Guess who walked through my doors yesterday.... My Samsung test driver! Madison will supposedly have another cluster of 23 sites approved today so be on the lookout for some more changes. And he did say Lake Geneva had a couple sites tested and approved as well.


Perhaps the 1x800SMR approvals? 23 is like our whole city....

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Guess who walked through my doors yesterday.... My Samsung test driver! Madison will supposedly have another cluster of 23 sites approved today so be on the lookout for some more changes. And he did say Lake Geneva had a couple sites tested and approved as well.



You gotta ask him about the Milwaukee area next time you see him! We gots ta know what going on around here!

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Perhaps the 1x800SMR approvals? 23 is like our whole city....

Lemme rephrase. The Madison area. Not Madison proper. Sorry about that.

I will remember to ask about it next time I see him. He doesn't really give out much info on whats coming up but I'll see what he says.

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Well, if these new 23 updates include the towers downtown Madison proper, they certainly aren't broadcasting anything yet to clue us in.  Data on State Street is awful right now. The 1xRTT is still listing a triangulated address and not exact tower addresses (which is not the case if you get 1xRTT from a 1x800 tower).  I was picking up 1x800 from the Waunakee Tower off 113.  There did appear to be ladders and such on the roof where the Sprint hardware is on State Street, but obviously could be for many other reasons, unless they were testing and tuning.  Those towers are going to really be taxed immediately since the density is higher there.  Hopefully they're included in the next round. LTE is neat and all around where I live, but I'm "out" more downtown and commute through those areas.

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Would the Samsung test driver know of the problems with the Tri-band devices and when the towers are going to updated to the point of Triband devices not having lte connection problems?  Is anybody getting lte from these devices?  If so, at what location?

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I haven't received my g2 yet but my coworker has his and it doesn't get lte in Oak Creek. When he was working in West bend he got lte on his g2 though.

As far as the tri band issues and him knowing he didn't say anything. I can ask next time I see him about that as well.

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