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Network Vision/LTE - New York City Market


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Has Isaiah met mellimel? Something tells me you two are like peas in a pod.






Haha aj clever as usual huh. I did think I knew everything back at 18 till I turned 19 haha


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2



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How do the windows taste, AJ?


I am driving the bus, apparently, so I do not have time to sample the windows.





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Is it bad if I use this third-party program?




Shows GPS locations of where I am, and tower I'm connected to, decibel level, signal technology (it said CDMA of course), and more information on neighboring towers.


It resembles the page on android phones that does similarly in terms of information given.


What app is that?

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It's called Signal 2. You need to have a jailbroken iPhone with access to Cydia.


Times like this make me wish I had a jailbroken iPhone. If I had a computer I'd do it.


It'd be nice if jailbroken iPhones had the ability to map LTE on sensorly.

Edited by Sonic13
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Me too! I just did the ##873283# on my 4S and it changed from 51094 to 4394. Pretty weird..


Were you jailbroken? I took the jailbreak off my 4S and afterwards checked my PRL and it was still 4394.

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Times like this make me wish I had a jailbroken iPhone. If I had a computer I'd do it.


It'd be nice if jailbroken iPhones had the ability to map LTE on sensorly.

You don't have a computer or a friend's to use for like 10 minutes?


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S III using Tapatalk 2



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Something is seriously messed up. I am currently by a confirmed LTE nv Tower that is complete. Within 1000 feet. Have been here before and got 5 bars. Have tried airplane toggle numerous times. Can't get a LTE signal. I'm using signal 2 and it says I'm def connected to the site. Any ideas what's going wrong?

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Something is seriously messed up. I am currently by a confirmed LTE nv Tower that is complete. Within 1000 feet. Have been here before and got 5 bars. Have tried airplane toggle numerous times. Can't get a LTE signal. I'm using signal 2 and it says I'm def connected to the site. Any ideas what's going wrong?


An evil tech is messing with you can shut it off ;)


Sent from my little Note2



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That's like me with my EVO yesterday. I was in an area that was dark purple and wasn't picking up any LTE signal. I think the site had been turned off because when I got by my home I picked up the LTE signal from another tower nearer to my home.

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That's like me with my EVO yesterday. I was in an area that was dark purple and wasn't picking up any LTE signal. I think the site had been turned off because when I got by my home I picked up the LTE signal from another tower nearer to my home.


Ok not a big deal. Just making sure my phone isn't broken. This happened by another site within a few hundred feet as well

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That's usually not the case

I beg to differ. I have seen numerous posts on this site about accepted sites not broadcasting lte. There can be many reasons they haven't turned it on. The only guarantee you have from it being accepted is that it's ready to broadcast.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



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Nobody is questioning your intelligence. However until a significant breakthrough happens again in the wireless Industry I would expect those 20-30mb speeds to dwindle. Sprint has 50 million-ish subscribers & as more of those customers use LTE; speeds will go down. I could see speeds down to 4-12 average in big cities like yours. You have to remember that overall data demand is doubling annually right now and I don't foresee any decline in internet usage...any time soon. Luckily, Sprint is very capable to handle growth with its broad spectrum portfolio.


But we were done with that convo ......

Edited by IsaiahL
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I beg to differ. I have seen numerous posts on this site about accepted sites not broadcasting lte. There can be many reasons they haven't turned it on. The only guarantee you have from it being accepted is that it's ready to broadcast.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


It's been on before for the last few weeks. This isn't an exception

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Has Isaiah met mellimel? Something tells me you two are like peas in a pod.






I don't think i've met that person yet lmao , but why do you think that .

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