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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. I usually make smaller versions of the images and post those, with the image hyperlinked to the bigger version in case anyone wants to see more detail.
  2. So the shareholders vote on June 12th. What's the likelihood that the FCC/FBI/CIA/NSA/KAOS give approval before that date? Would it matter? TS
  3. ^ lol Wow, like Fray said, that presentation (pdf) killed it. I would have to get home to see the video of it. It won't let me here at work Lets just hope this presentation sinks into the shareholders heads. TS
  4. Mystery solved. I have a Sprint site one block north of me which has LTE and due to the forum many moons ago I found out it was Sprints. But there was always this other monopole tower one block in the opposite direction south and I had no idea to whom it belong to. I figured it may be Verizons since across the street is a huge 5 story no windows Verizon center. But according to that link its Cingular (AT&T) Wireless. hmmm, mystery solved. TS
  5. I thought you were happy with the HTC One? Changing so quickly? If i haven't said it before, I'll say it now, I really love your Wall blogs/articles. So detailed and informative. TS
  6. Most threads (if not all) do get the occasional off topic post, which is okay, but when it runs into almost a full page and a half, then I see it as a problem especially for those that want to focus on the topic of the thread (whatever that may be). Plus, FrayDog explained it best. Thank you. TS
  7. People get back on topic with the NYC stuff. We already have numerous threads that deal with the HTC One, 800mhz LTE etc, so please post those comments in the appropriate thread.. Thanks
  8. As I read this thread and numerous news outlets about this deal I can't help but come to compare Charles Ergen to Carl Icahn (with the TWA takeover), or fictional Gordon Gekko (from the movie Wall Street) where they are the ruthless corporate raider out to takeover a company to only sell off its assets to repay the massive amount of debt used to purchase the company in the first place.I believe like so many others that Dish will asset strip Sprint, its name, fire its' main execs and just leave the wireless industry worse off than before. Its going to be a very interesting seeing how this unfolds in the upcoming weeks/months. TS
  9. People, get back on topic. Isaiah, sorry you phone was stolen. Granted the phone was stolen in NYC and this is the NY Thread, but it's about Network Vision. If anything post further discussions in the off topic thread, lets try to keep this thread on track. TS
  10. There is also Swappa but there are none at the moment. TS
  11. Thanks for making me spill my tea over my keyboard. TS
  12. Enough folks. If anyone has an issue over a members post, use the report button and let the staff deal with it. There is no need to reply and start a war of words. Posts removed. Carry on. TS
  13. Funny, I went to Connecticut for my favorite seafood restaurant for Easter, on the way back I went in search of a Fairway to get that Game of Thrones beer (yes there is such a thing) and noticed that there was a Fairway on Boston post Road. Then it dawn on me "what a minute, I'm in 4G country" lol and noticed that my 4G signal was consistent and strong. No matter where I went the signal was very good. (The family thought I was lost as I kept going around and around different areas). TS
  14. Things that make you go hmmmm indeed. Speaking of which, can someone help me here. TS
  15. Nice thread. In my experience, not much except price and service. Best Buy (if you have their rewards program) Radio Shack has in the past given me good deals, Local or Corp sprint store has been the most one I've used to upgrade. Then you get into the part of returning/trade in your older phone (if you decide to go that route) See this for info. (A bit older date wise, but the info should be fine). TS
  16. We are about to go into the 4th month of the year, so maybe we should rename this thread? I personally would like to see more tablets and laptops coming to Sprint. The Asus Padphone would have been nice if they had made a Sprint network compatible one. TS
  17. lol so true. China isn't the only one, even our allies spy on us, UK, Israel, etc etc.As for the decision not to use huawei equipment, I am wondering if it is to punish China or some fear that the equipment would have spying parts in it. Which brings me to this... That sums it up for me too. TS
  18. Considering that we have a few birthday posts in the forum, I figured why not start an official one here in the off-topic section. And as luck would have it, we will start with the thread off with the number one person here in the forums. Happy Birthday Robert, aka Mr. S4GRU himself. Congrats on completing another trip around the sun. Hope you have a great day and thanks once again for creating this awesome forum. TS out
  19. I think that after the deal is approved, Softbank will make marketing a top priority and try to change the perception those have with the Sprint band being bad.
  20. As of now its 6.03 but still, I don't see anything either that would have started the 2PM climb.
  21. Although I have a flip case on my Note 2, I have to be careful where I lay the Note on with the flip case folded back. The felt on the inside can pick up stuff that if i am not careful to brush off can scratch the glass. But it is still better protection than none at all. TS
  22. I saw the event on my pc and even though I love Broadway and the shows on Broadway, I really do not feel it has any place in a tech media event. Give me the facts, features in one clean swoop and leave the musical numbers to the professionals on Broadway. Granted, doing any production is hard work, and its commendable that they tried, but it doesn't belong at any tech unveiling. Speaking of the event, there was a CNN tech reporter that went off about the way women were portrayed in the event. As for the phone itself, I do like a few of the features they showcased, but to me it can only be used among Galaxy phones. Google really needs to make some of this stuff into the OS so all can use. Final thoughts... I don't know what's was more shocking, the musical numbers at the event or that BGR (otherwise known as the Apple Blog) actually liked the S4. TS
  23. Try as I may, you completely lost me in that post? TS
  24. I haven't taken a subway in years, but wouldn't the elevated ones (like the 7 in Queens and the numerous ones in the Bronx and Brooklyn) grab a signal? TS
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