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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Thanks David and good question scuba. Why get the Zing if the LTE signal is weak but the Wimax signal is better? In a way this is why I asked my question above since I'm the opposite. As I look at the screen on the TRi-Fi (when i use it mostly at work), I see that it has not connected to a 4G wimax signal for quite some time now, either its 4G LTE or 3G. and 3G is only if it is standing alone (without the dock) or in mobile state. If connected to the dock, I get just 4G LTE signal only. Its the reason why I asked about the Zing knowing that the accessory dock isn't out yet and can probably make it get a stronger signal if connected to it. TS
  2. Now there is that emoticon. it came back. I am also one of those that wouldn't mind seeing more laptops with LTE, but I guess a dongle would do to. I'm still using the Dell 11Z/1121 that Sprint offered a few years ago. Although it is on its last leg. Dying to get the Samsung Q but if they don't get that patent issue fix, it may never come out. Anyway back on topic, with 15 LTE devices deployed in 2012 anyone want to guess how many will be deployed for 2013. So far we have 12 with 4 coming in the fall, that still leaves winter/end of year. TS.
  3. With 2 ipads and 1 Galaxy Tab 10.1 currently being offered, I am curious as to what this one would be. Will it be a Note 10.1. a new Tab, or dare I say it The Book Q, naa, thats crazy talk on my part. lol But seriously, they need more tablets, laptops etc on that Sprint page. TS
  4. It took me forever to find and get the dock for the Sierra Wireless Tri-Fi, I wonder if that would be the dame for the Zing dock. TS
  5. Changed made as requested. Also... added N/A to those cells to indicate Not Available and added Unk to those cells to indicate Unknown at this time. TS
  6. Glad it worked, but I may add another column for the footnote numbers
  7. For those that used to have the Sierra Wireless / Sprint 4G LTE Tri-Fi Hotspot and now have the Zing. Is there a noticable difference in signal, use, accessories? In other words is it better in your opinion compared to the Tri-Fi? TS
  8. Seems to be a bit different from the International version. Why, why do they always do this.
  9. That I know of no other site including Sprints own has given the level of accurate information that this site does. So basically I can honestly say, that whatever any other site says, state, or write down on paper really means nothing. As mentioned before, even when an area is announced as having LTE, that does not mean that every single site is turned on or upgraded. One day it can be turned on and due to unforeseen circumstances, it could be turned off the next day. Be it just for testing, waiting for permits, corrections or further upgrades. One may or may not agree with the way Sprint is progressing on the upgrades or on how they are announcing that an area is complete, but I rather have them say (for example) that the Bronx is 95 compete even when the site closest to me does not or got it turned off. It tells me that they are working on it and soon enough it will join the rest of the sites in full functionality and be 100%. Discussing the good, the bad and the ugly can be done in a rational and sensible debate otherwise it can be construed as crossing the line and ending up as a continuous rant. TS
  10. Had full blown LTE this afternoon when I made a stop near Ikea in Hicksville Long Island, more specific on N. Broadway and 17th Street. pretty sweet.
  11. As long as you YouTube it and name the video MS Surface to Surface drop test. lol TS
  12. Well it looks like Root Metrics has already done this project. Source: NYCAviation: Root Metrics measures Cell Service at Airports, Which Carrier Wins? Full List here. TS
  13. I had created a Airport Smoking Area database for the FlyerTalk members a while back (and still maintain it), I guess one can be done for S4GRU too that indicates if an airport had LTE. TS
  14. Ironically i am the opposite, I use my Note 2 more than my tablets and laptops, although in all honesty the Note 10.1 was used alot more when I had it. I replaced that with the Win 8 tablet laptop and don't use it as much. (guess I miss my Android tablet). Now that Samsung has made a (for all intent and purposes) a upgraded Note 10.1 in the form of the ATIV Q that has both Android and Wind 8 it may just satisfy my needs of a Windows productivity machine with Android for all the fun stuff.
  15. ehh, the heck with the Surface, Pro or otherwise, They can price it at $100 and I won't get it. I am setting my sights on the Samsung ATIV Q now. That baby may just replace my dying Dell laptop, my Galaxy Note 10.1 and ATIV 500T all in one shot. I already sold my Note 10.1 and will be selling the ATIV 500T soon. The 500T I really do like (really wanted the 700T, but it was no where to be found back then) so I ended up buying it instead. But the ATIV Q with dual OS (Android and Microsoft), unique design and awesome screen, is really enticing. Only wish the Q had more ram but eh, for the stuff that I do, it will do nicely. TS
  16. I do believe the State Attorney General case is still ongoing. It's two different things if i am not mistaken.
  17. 200 pages -77 pages of complaints -54 pages of off topic -34 pages of speedtests -15 pages of trolls, misfits and banned posts ----------------------------------- 20 pages actual on-topic discussion yeah that sounds about right. TS
  18. I moved the Nexus/LTE posts into the Off Topic thread.
  19. Within that same announcement they mention getting all 277 underground subway stations to receive Sprint wireless voice and data. pretty cool although it will take up to a year (or more) for all to get it.
  20. I've experienced this so called delayed text message syndrome once in a while, which in a way is a good thing because I have an excuse when the other party says "you didn't get my text" and I say "ummm nope" lol TS
  21. I did a quick side by side (old and new) compare of the plans and I would save about $10US if I only calculate the two devices I currently have and adding the hotspot add on. I also have a TriFi hotspot that doesn't expire until next year,so I won't do the add on until then. TS
  22. I thought I read that somewhere also although I can't for the life of me find the article that mentioned it. What does Obama have to do with this? Please don't bring politics into the discussion, it just won't turn well. Thanks, I too was looking around for it and the article just showed an image only. TS
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