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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Duh on me, I should have checked there first. lol TS
  2. Where exactly in Queens Village, I'll do it in the morning since I have to drop off folks in the area. TS
  3. That may be true, but it's not lit up is it? I don't see any in the sensorly maps. Off-topic: Speaking of which, if I zoom out in the sensorly map of NYC, I can't help but to think it looks like a Contagion type virus that erupted in the Bronx and just now started in the middle of Brooklyn. lol TS
  4. Dan (the man) Hesse writes out a donation check to S4GRU predated Dec 22, 2012, check bounces due to Mayan apocalypse LTE Must be Coming
  5. As an ex-advocate in the Sprint forums, (i say ex since the group was basically disbanded) I can say that I was one of those that would send folks over here from there on numerous occasions, knowing full well that in the eyes of Sprint they really do not condone s4gru. Sprint has done a fairly poor job of informing their customers of the network vision deployment and what little they do have or give out, usually is not up to date or accurate. Regardless, any member joining this one will have to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the owner and the staff. Not doing so will result in the person going on a nice fully paid trip to Banlandia. TS
  6. The following message is from the CEO of Sprint/Softbank/Clearwire/Dish all in one network. aka SpankClish From Santa Sprint
  7. <post your saying here> LTE must be coming (but as per the Mayans no one will be around to use it)
  8. I do not see that on Sensorly, what app is that? Edit: nevermind, it just showed up. TS
  9. Its really sad and truly sick if the reports are true that he killed his mom first at home and then went to the school and ended up killing all those kids. Heart goes out to all those parents, friends, love ones. TS
  10. Since having the Note 2, I have yet to download the Sensorly app until today and noticed the purple dots all over the Bronx. WOW. a few in Manhattan, none in Queens and only one in Bushwick Brooklyn lol I swear the day that the panels that are one block away from my house here in Queens get lit up, I am going to give out such a happy yell that I think Robert will hear me from out west. TS
  11. Robert, I'm curious. Does that 60-90 day rule also apply with other markets? TS
  12. its the terminology of acquiring multiple rollout sources docs and only being able to view them in multiple windows on a big screen that the Note II can provide. TS
  13. there are two types.1-the directory binding method from xda. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1410262 2-the app2sd mod from galaxynote2root.com (the one I used). http://galaxynote2root.com/galaxy-note-2-tutorials/how-to-store-apps-on-sd-card-with-rooted-galaxy-note-2-app2sd-mod/ TS
  14. Well its been one hell of a ride with my old phone and waiting for the Note 2. I bought 2 Notes at the end of Oct and was hoping they would arrive before my vacation, but due to the storm they didn't. On vacation i get a call from Sprint that they got in and I felt like a lost puppy. So I made believe I didn't get the call and carried on with my vacation. Still having to deal with the Motorola Photon I had on me 5000 miles away from my new Notes. But as I drive around the islands and see towers covered in intimation palm tree coverings and I immediately think back of the tower discussions here in S4GRU and remember my Notes are waiting for me. I finally get back to NY on Thanksgiving day only to find the corporate store is closed that day (while some other Sprint stores are open) So close and yet so far.... Damn you dark side. I had to work that Friday after Thanksgiving, so I couldn't get to the store until after 5PM to get my Notes. One Grey and One white. The white one was supposed to be mine and the Grey one my spouse. But due to the reps error, she logged the grey one to my line. And since they were ordered directly she claim the color had to be applied to what was ordered. No matter what I did or pleaded she would not put the white one on my line. So I ended up with the grey one. After a day with it we both decided to stay with the colors we got. And to be honest, I wanted the white one to match my Note 10.1 that is also white, but the grey one is really really nice looking. anyway, as most know from my ongoing obsession with this phone both here and in androidforums, I haven't been so excited to get a device like this since the time i was nuts for the original EVO 4G. That device laid the groundwork for my android fanaticism. but this device, wow. It blows everything else I've had since. I joke around that Apple better watch out for the likes of Samsung, but this device actually puts some teeth in that statement. This phone, tablet, whatever you want to call it (but please don't call it a phablet) is a beast of a device. No wonder Apple is including it in their suits. It makes any iPhone look like a joke. So I dropped AT&T and buy backed the first Note to Sprint. Granted, in my area of NYC I do not get a LTE signal but with the Tri-Fi device at least I can stay at wimax speeds until Sprint flicks the switch for LTE here in the city. Speaking of AT&T, yeah, the fast LTE speeds were nice and I did love my first Note I, but they were more expensive and I felt unclean (lol) that I had one of my lines with them and the others with Sprint. Now the cycle is complete. Anyway, As I use the Note II, I am getting more and more impressed with the little things that I can do with it. Some I know and some through members posts I find. True, its not for everyone and it can be improved upon (more on that later), but it has to be the first device in a long time that I didn't feel I need to root the moment I got it. Touchwiz is actually decent and nice. Way better than HTC's Sense or Motorola's Blur. Screen, feel, size, colors are more than I expected. I haven't even used my Note 10.1 in days. With multi-view, my dreams of a multi-windows android phone is finally coming to life. Battery life is no joke, although I haven't really tested it to see how far i can go without a charge. I'm still used to that bad habit of plugging in my devices everytime I see a wall plug. lol Especially since I'm a heavy user being on it all day tweeting, webbing, looking at videos and email. Like i said i wasn't planning to root but eventually I did root it (yesterday) only because I wanted to try out that apps2sd mod on xda to swap the internal scdard memory with the 64gb sdcard and also to installed Nova launcher (my favorite). Have to say, that the mod works great and I now have a 64 GB device. (even if it does involve a bit of cheating) Don't miss SVDO, since I never had it before. Even with the Note I on AT&T, I didn't call and data surf at the same time. I've also gone naked (the device not me). haven't put on a folio cover or any cover on it. it feels so thin and nice being naked. As for wishes and possible fixes of what may be in a future Note III, just 3 minor things -Dual speakers -put in that 12 mp rear camera like it was suppose to have and make the front one a 2 or 2.5 -Either make the menu, home and back buttons be able to use the S-Pen or incorporate more user controllable gestures much like what the GMD Spen Control * root app does. Anyway, I haven't stop using this thing and probably haven't even touch a third of what it does. TS reporting from NYC lol
  15. Rooted, and installed numerous apps that required root on the Galaxy Note 2. But the points (4-8) mentioned above by A454nova are spot on. Edit: Poll added just for the heck of it. TS
  16. I'm a bit late, but I have an excuse I was on vacation. Robertus of Borg in 3..2..1... TS out
  17. For those that got the Note 2 today, do you have the multi-view features? I hear it didn't make it, but I'm just checking. TS
  18. LMAO, thanks for making me spill the coffee guys. Great just great. TS
  19. yeah there is a mod issue over there, At times you get more beef from a mod than a dev. There is this one mod that is really really mean, you think he was in the army drilling members or something. Goes by the name sgt something. actually honestly, the Note section is quite tame unlike some areas that are a bit rough. And the device will get plenty of devs working on it both on xda and elsewhere. Just today, qbking got his and I love his work and videos. TS
  20. They should stick a antenna on each damn taxi. That should take care of the issue of Manhattan since there are more taxis in any one block radius than there are cars and trucks. All joking aside, its good seeing these reports of LTE popping up. TS
  21. There is no SIM card as I mentioned a while back on numerous forums. The Multiview-feature is missing as well as the screen recorder. The multiview will be an update later on, when who knows, the screen recorder is a goner due to copyright problems but I figure the xda guys may find a way to bring it back. As for the embedded sim card, I am trying to get a response from the makers of tweakker to see if the app works with embedded non-sim card phones like the Note 2. TS
  22. i didn't since I am more informed here, but for those that don't know the difference won't know if that title is misleading or not. TS
  23. When i read that this morning, I was like wow, that is one long detailed review. I liked it. then I saw the one from androidpolice and its even longer. Mind you I was expecting a stupid review since the writer was the one that wrote the review on the Note 10.1 and said it would give him cancer among other stupid remarks, but this time around he actually gave a very good review of the Note 2. TS
  24. yeah I read that earlier today and was quite pissed at the title too. TS
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