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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Okay folks. The thread is re-opened, and will start removing any posts deemed unnecessary to the discussion at hand. But let me state the following guidelines... 1-Keep the thread on topic. 2-any deviation from said topic will result in post removed. 3-Complaining, or arguing among yourselves will result in post deleted, and a 1 day ban. 4-If you have an issue with a fellow member or their post, REPORT it. Let the staff take care of it. Do not take it upon yourself to make matters worse by adding to the argument or derail the thread further. 5-If it comes to pass that the thread is closed for some reason, and re-opened later on, do not ask or question as to why the thread was closed in the first place. TS
  2. twospirits

    Married to it

    The article is awesome and what really struck a cord is that first image. lol My better half says the same thing. Although I do not do it so much for cell tower/LTE stakeouts like Robert does. I once planned a trip to Chicago solely on the basis of visiting United headquarters. I plan on doing one for Kansas City to visit Sprint and he tells me "Why" and I reply "because Sprint is there", I get instant roll of the eyes. lol
  3. Please keep within the guidelines. Otherwise, post will be removed. TS
  4. SI is really a New Jersey boro. I kid I kid. TS (hides from the SI crowd)
  5. On that first day I reported LTE near Queens Hospital the speeds were quite nice, but for the last two days, even though it shows LTE on my Note 2 the speedtest were not impressive at all. Seems they are testing it still. At my house, I only get 3g so far but I like the progress being reported. Go Sprint. TS
  6. Odd. I mapped my findings and it does not show up on sensorly.
  7. I also saw the 4G indicator on my Note 2 as well as my Tri-Fi Hotspot at lunch and took pics of it connecting. I ran sensorly and had it mapping for about an hour. Its interesting to note that todays sightings by Andy pslee and myself were all over the map. I'm curious myselft to see what site was sending the signal out. Probably was a few sites being tested since the range is far from pslee and andy. (See image) Also note, that the signal must have been coming from the north side of Queens Hospital (where I work), since everytime I went to the south side of my work area (on 8th floor), it reverted back to 3G. Walk across to the north side of the office and 4G again. Outside I was getting a good signal. TS
  8. I took Route 1/9 north then the GW. Then 87 south all around (avoiding the cross bronx xpressway) to the Whitestone Bridge. It gets worse when one is an Aries. TS
  9. I concur. Folks complain about Dan and his methods/decisions, but I for one think the man knows what he is doing and actually saved Sprint. And to keep this topic on track, I have to confess that I am so damn pissed. I went to New Jersey (Newark actually) to pick up a router that a buddy left last month while traveling from the UK. I go, pick it up and drive north to avoid the tunnel and Manhattan, I drive right into the Bronx (LTE Heaven) and then back home in Queens. i took the long way. Once home I noticed that I forgot to even look at my phone to see if I got a 4G LTE signal. aarrgghhh so close and blew my chance. TS
  10. You know speaking of the TriFi Hotspot (which I have and works fine) I've been meaning to get the desktop cradle for it and just keep forgetting to buy it. Now I see that they have a vehicle MIMO antenna that connects to the TriFi hotspot. I'm tempted to get it but the 100 USD for it is actually holding me back. Would love to put that in the car. TS
  11. I love my Note 2. Features unlike any other. And if you root it, the mods are simply awesome. TS
  12. Wow, that took me a long time to watch those videos. Looks promising. Although I am not fond of the iPhone like apps icons. TS
  13. Its funny but Russ is still having a link to the SERO (somewhat newer version) plans on that website. And no, I do not believe it was abused as much as folks think it is. If it was it wouldn't have been kept up for so long and working (and still is for some folks). On that same note, I do agree with Robert that Softbank will be evaluating all the plans this year and will probably introduce new or revised plans that will cut the competition. he wants to shake up the industry and has a boatload of grand ideas/plans up his sleeve. Only time will tell if they will be successful. His track records shows that he will. Hopefully non-embedded, unlockable SIM cards would be part of that grand idea/plan. (at least it keeps the topic on topic) TS
  14. Its interesting reading the subplot of this thread, I first got wind of Sero with HowardForums and even created their wiki on the steps to aquiring it. It was well known that Russ McGuire officially gave the go ahead for anyone to use the plan. I would have stayed with it but just had to get the EVO 4G and I couldn't stay with Sero with that phone at the time. anyway, as for the topic at hand, I gave up my EVO 4G for the Photon 4G specifically for the SIM and world capability of the device. I thought at the time that Sprint is finally using SIMs for world access and thought all future devices would be like this. But when the update for the Photon came out with an embedded SIM I was disappointed. With the Note II I also was excited but alas it was short lived since the Sprint version is also embedded. Hopefully in the future Sprint allow manufacturers to make a SIM removable and be a true world phone (at least in the higher end models) that I can use both domestically as well as internationally without having to pay the huge charges. Hopefully it will be in the Note series). Removing the sim and putting in another country's sim card (and using an app like tweakker to set up the global APNs) would be awesome when I'm traveling overseas without having to get a temp phone. TS out
  15. For all those that are losing patience, I hear that Google has a very good search engine that will find it for you. People, Rome wasn't built in a Day, these things take time. I too am anxious for LTE but in time all would be fine. TS out (using that Google search )
  16. Correct. Everyone seems to be pussyfooting around the subject, and skirting the line, let me make it crystal clear. Its against Sprints TOS and against the rules of this forum. This thread should not be a tethering thread. Lets get back to the OP's original question, otherwise this thread will have outlived its usefulness and be closed. Choose, but choose wisely. With that said, lets get back to the topic from the first post of this thread... TS out
  17. Maybe he means like it saying LTE instead of 4G TS
  18. You mean like a cease and desist order lol In that case it wouldn't be from Santa Sprint, but Santa Grinch. TS
  19. ^ Lol I went to Queens Village and saw the panels and ran Sensorly to map it, but no LTE signal encountered on my Note 2 or in Sensorly. Guess they didn't flick the switch. TS
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