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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Very odd commercials but if it works hey keep doing them. Maybe have Dan Hesse walking their mascot dog and he sees both AT&Ts Ralph de la Vega and Verizons' Lowell McAdam a few feet away and he tells the dog "Get Em" when he releases it, all while laughing. btw, Spank sounds good. TS
  2. I like that. Now Mobile, but it will probably will be Softbank USA. Sprint, SoftBank & Clearwire = Today T-Mobile, MetroPCS = Tomorrow Next = the world Seeing how so many benefits going the way of the DoDo, there isn't much difference between a new customer and a 10 -15 year customer. TS
  3. I may be in the minority, but I kinda like the new Touchwiz on the Note 10.1 tablet and in the videos of the Note 2, it looks even better. TS
  4. The xda thread is linking to the same article, to which I state again, other than the title, there is nothing in the article itself that indicates a Oct 28 deployment. @ AJ, thanks TS
  5. Nowhere in that article does it state anything about Oct 28 except for the title. And where on xda does it state the date? TS
  6. The one thing crossing my mind after hearing the news that Sprint is counter offering, is why? What has changed between back then when the Sprint board denied Hesse's wish of buying MetroPCS and today that they are doing a counter offer? Oh and can anyone do a map/graph of what it would look like if Sprint did take in MetroPCS or part of its PCS spectrum as Aj pointed out. TS
  7. Question, would that OET article be posted here or on the wall? TS
  8. Once he posts it, I'll spread the link throughout forum lands back here. lol TS
  9. hey, don't shoot the messenger. TS
  10. hmmm doesn't look like it. Not supported by hardware. TS Source: FCC SAR Report
  11. FCC docs for the Sprint Galaxy Note 2 are up on their site. FCC Docs TS
  12. Yeah, it looks like it will the embedded type. On test models the area where the sim card would be is missing. (See my post in xda) Still, even with that minor setback, I will get the Note 2. Every day i see more videos coming out of korea and just when I thought the device couldn't surprise me, it does. Case in point,.. slow and fast motion video. btw, the site sxtp has a image of the leaked FCC document for the Sprint Note 2. So that means it will be on the FCC site very soon. TS
  13. Hopefully you are joking, otherwise i concur with what boomerbudda said. TS
  14. Three lashes and time in the back penalty room with AJ. Be afraid, be very afraid. TS
  15. Its actually on his chest and on his back the S4GRU logos, besides don't you see the signature yellow lights up above? lol TS out
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