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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. I wonder which one this one will replace in the Sprint lineup.
  2. I was hoping for a 32 page write up or a video. TS (running from AJ)
  3. that promotion runs through January 6th 2014 so you have plenty of time. TS
  4. Kris, Did you ever get this working. I see some on Amazon Side note, I took apart my previous Sierra Hotspot dock and attached the antennas connectors to the Zing and the signal got about -10 dBm improvement. So I just ordered the official dock for work, but I can't see myself getting a second one to put it in the car. TS
  5. After reading that I couldn't stop laughing lol call me weird, but I actually like it spinning and being different. So you got the Mega, how you like it. (don't want to throw this too off topic so you can pm the answer. lol TS
  6. Every time I go to the Sprint store I check it out and I always leave undecided. I really like the size of that screen. Being its tri-band is a plus, but I miss the S-pen that the Note 3 had and software. argghh.
  7. Over a week with the Flip and it has exceeded my expectations. I do find the tablet mode is quite useful. I have yet to use the presentation mode though. The only sore note is the fan. To me its quiet enough in normal usage, but when using intensive apps, the fan can get loud. The other is battery life, which I've only gotten up to 5-6 hours on it. Beyond those two cons, its really nice. I've enen installed the newer bluestacks and can use some of the android apps that I really love on it. TS
  8. It depends on the persons needs. (and your budget too) I personally like the multiple window view of the Samsung Note series and the latest one seems to have gotten good reviews. But it is in the over 10 inch category, plus it has Touchwiz which some may not like that overlay. Take away Touchwiz and go down in screen size and the Nexus 7 is the obvious choice. TS
  9. Need maybe not 100 % but it does help when want to be in tablet mode which is about 80%. I went to best buy and tried it and fell in love with it, so I bought it on the spot. I opened it up last night and it seems the Wifi and SSD drive can be upgraded. So far its working pretty well. Doing battery tests on it now. TS
  10. I gave my thoughts on the Samsung ATIV Q a while back and since that device has been hampered (supposedly with patent related issues) I started eyeing other devices in the mean time. With the Q on the backburner and the Asus Trio only available in Australia (no word on US deployment) the idea of a dual OS machine is beyond reach for now. So i will have to fall back on a getting non-dual OS machine. With that decision, I'm now looking at both the Acer R7 and Sony VAIO Flip. With the Sony taking the lead so far. has anyone else seen the R7 or the Flip (either in person or in articles) and felt that it may be worthy. TS
  11. ^This, I never really understood folks that have a need to go into a article, thread etc and bash the carrier when they are no longer with that carrier.
  12. Might as well add to the ebay list of future stolen stuff. hmmm lets see. 4 smartphones (2 Notes 2s, 1 S4, 1 S3) 1 out of 2 desktops connected, other via ethernet 3 laptops (1 dell, 1 HP, 1 Acer) 3 chromebooks (2 Samsung, 1 Acer) 1 Tablet/hybrid (Samsung ATIV) 1 iPad 2 out of 5 tvs are connected via wifi 2 other tv's connected via Chromecast (last tv is too old to connect via wifi) 1 Sony Google TV set-top box 1 Wii 2 multi-function printer (both Epson) 1 NAS 1 B&N Nook 1 Wireless Range extender (love this thing, give me wifi out to the backyard and garage) When family comes over (nieces) 2 iPhones No longer connected to wifi (since I don't use them but can ) with explanations aka Excuses on why I hoard them. 1 Notion Ink Adam tablet --I keep the Adam only to remind me never to jump the gun on upcoming, hyped devices that end up being overhyped crap. 1 Lenovo Thinkpad Android tablet --I kept the Thinkpad (Android) Tablet since it was a very well made tablet but use it to test stuff on it. 4 older laptops not used ( 2 Dell Inspirons, 1 Sony Vaio, 1 HP convertible laptop) --I keep these for emergency back ups. 1 7" tablet (Galaxy Tab) --I have no idea why I kept this TS
  13. I did download that the other day and I kept getting a parsing error when trying to install it.
  14. I should have made a back up of the old sensorly before upgrading my rom. Oh well. Too late now. TS
  15. Didn't check on line. At that point I just want to rush out of there.lol But I'll be back there in 2 weeks for another round of spend all the money in your wallet game. Good to know about West side Canal st area. TS
  16. Or at least upload them to a image site and provide the link to the image. btw, went again to Ikea Brooklyn this morning and once again, no signal in the building aarrgghh its like a dead zone in there. congrats IsaiahL, slowly but surely LTE is coming. (oh wait thats another thread) TS
  17. They are eyeing Brightstar. See article. TS
  18. I sort of like that LG G2 as well as the upcoming HTC One Max, but the killer for me is lack of S-Pen type stylus. TS out
  19. I have this cockamamie theory that since the Note 3 had the tribands radio (as per some of the images in the web) and Samsung for some reason decided to remove them at the last minute before deployment, that due to the lack of the extra radios is what probably causing this snap crackle and pop issue with the Note 3 on Sprint. it would be funny if the only way around this fix is to include them and thus recalling all the current phones for ones that are triband enhanced. I know, i know wishful thinking, but hey one can dream. Speaking of the Note 3, I know s4g have hashed it out on the merits of a triband phone and why it makes sense getting a tri-band phone as oppose to a uni-band phone like the Note 3, but I know that some didn't care about that. So who still has one, or plans on getting one. Fess up folks. I won't lie, I did plan on getting it, but with the latest snap/pop issue, I am holding up. TS
  20. Maybe its a rom issue? When my Note 2 was running Jellybomb rom, I could not get the PRL working at all, but with MacksRom, i was able to install it and get it working.
  21. lmao @ AJ whats even funnier (or sad) is that I actually played and listened to that video for the entire 15 minutes lol TS
  22. No hardware to turn on, regardless if it shows up in menus, but that then leads to the question as to why the hardware removed in the final productions. Things that make you go hmmm TS
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