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I have done some research on Mobile Beacon and Mobile Citizen.  One tidbit I found is why libraries oddly are using WiMAX for Internet provision.  They are not using WiMAX for their own Internet connections -- that would be too slow for entire buildings.  Instead, they are checking out mobile hotspots to patrons.





I question the utility of this service.  If people can afford Wi-Fi connected devices at home, then they also can afford basic home broadband -- which they might even qualify to receive via a government subsidized program.  If not, then they still can go to the library proper for Internet access.  And are "disadvantaged" people the ones who actually are checking out the mobile hotspots?  Or is it largely patrons who just want to take advantage of free Internet on the go?




I don't think MB/MC are going to get anything out of suing Sprint.  All of this will be brought up in court I'm sure and chances are the WiMAX network will be shut down long before anything actually happens.

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I have done some research on Mobile Beacon and Mobile Citizen.  One tidbit I found is why libraries oddly are using WiMAX for Internet provision.  They are not using WiMAX for their own Internet connections -- that would be too slow for entire buildings.  Instead, they are checking out mobile hotspots to patrons.





I question the utility of this service.  If people can afford Wi-Fi connected devices at home, then they also can afford basic home broadband -- which they might even qualify to receive via a government subsidized program.  If not, then they still can go to the library proper for Internet access.  And are "disadvantaged" people the ones who actually are checking out the mobile hotspots?  Or is it largely patrons who just want to take advantage of free Internet on the go?




DSL is like what 20 Bucks? I'm sure they can shell in the extra ten

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DSL is like what 20 Bucks? I'm sure they can shell in the extra ten


I'm going to play devil's advocate for a second here... Now in no way am I saying I don't agree with you or most of the comments made in this thread for that matter. Sprint has given more than enough of a notice to ANY subscriber that uses WiMax. I even got a notice at least a year in advance from this shut down date.


But for some - especially the target market of this service - $10 is a lot. My mom works in public housing. The people make very little money to the point where their rent is based on what they make (which is a lot less than one may think). Now thankfully they have good Wi-Fi for them to use, I've even helped tweak it so they get better speeds. Nice being the one who gets called in for the "tech" stuff everywhere... But not all are so lucky.


Back to my point though... Where most of us see $10 as nothing, others see it (like those in that situation) as their whole week to live on. Some also don't have access to good quality DSL and cable is too expensive in this situation.   

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Has any ruling come from the emergency injunction that was set in Massachusetts for Tuesday?  thought I had read that it was on the docket...


I would like to know what is going on with the injunction because I really want to see Wimax dead forever on Nov 6th.  Sprint needs to launch that 2nd B41 carrier in all markets and NV sites that carried Wimax.

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I'm going to play devil's advocate for a second here... Now in no way am I saying I don't agree with you or most of the comments made in this thread for that matter. Sprint has given more than enough of a notice to ANY subscriber that uses WiMax. I even got a notice at least a year in advance from this shut down date.


But for some - especially the target market of this service - $10 is a lot. My mom works in public housing. The people make very little money to the point where their rent is based on what they make (which is a lot less than one may think).


I am not indicting people for being poor.  But I do have a few follow up questions/concerns.  How many of these people in public housing have flagship level Android or iOS smartphones?  How many of them have large flat panel TVs and gaming systems?  How many of them drink or smoke?  The list could go on.  Many of these people are terrible at managing their paycheck to paycheck living.  Yet, they spend on luxury items that -- if being realistic -- are outside of their budgets.  So, with a tiny bit of financial planning, many could come up with that extra $10/mo.



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I am not indicting people for being poor.  But I do have a few follow up questions/concerns.  How many of these people in public housing have flagship level Android or iOS smartphones?  How many of them have large flat panel TVs and gaming systems?  How many of them drink or smoke?  The list could go on.  Many of these people are terrible at managing their paycheck to paycheck living.  Yet, they spend on luxury items that -- if being realistic -- are outside of their budgets.  So, with a tiny bit of financial planning, many could come up with that extra $10/mo.



Couldn't agree more here with this assessment by AJ; in a credit driven society such as ours nowdays the whole concept of budgeting to fit your life style into your income source is non-existant or poorly disciplined; people at almost any cost will

find money for expensive phones & cellular plans, cable tv packages and expensive leased cars at the expense of

eating good food, paying their mortgage (or rent),and maintaining their health (obesity, diabetes,lack of exercise); I call it the Facebook Syndrome Society fueled in part my massive credit card abuse..so back to being on topic: for the greater

good of society the Wimax network needs to be shuttered now..socialists among us want to protect the few that will become disinfranchised or become "un-connected" at the expense of everyone else.

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I'm going to play devil's advocate for a second here... Now in no way am I saying I don't agree with you or most of the comments made in this thread for that matter. Sprint has given more than enough of a notice to ANY subscriber that uses WiMax. I even got a notice at least a year in advance from this shut down date.


But for some - especially the target market of this service - $10 is a lot. My mom works in public housing. The people make very little money to the point where their rent is based on what they make (which is a lot less than one may think). Now thankfully they have good Wi-Fi for them to use, I've even helped tweak it so they get better speeds. Nice being the one who gets called in for the "tech" stuff everywhere... But not all are so lucky.


Back to my point though... Where most of us see $10 as nothing, others see it (like those in that situation) as their whole week to live on. Some also don't have access to good quality DSL and cable is too expensive in this situation.

But the main point is that most of these customers were added after the announcement of WiMax in Fall 2011 that the network was going to be decommissioned. So they were essentially bring sold a temporary $10 per month service. No guarantee that they would have service indefinitely.


And for that matter, none of us are guaranteed any service, rate or features indefinitely. Even though we may pay more. The government is more than welcome to set up a welfare hotspot internet service, if it wants. But it shouldn't force a company to have to keep an antiquated and expensive technology running, nor make it offer a greater service on the new technology than what it previously agreed to offer.


Sent using Nexus 6P on Tapatalk

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so back to being on topic: for the greater

good of society the Wimax network needs to be shuttered now..socialists among us want to protect the few that will become disinfranchised or become "un-connected" at the expense of everyone else.


Let us try not to turn this into a political polemic.  Honestly, socialism is the right approach to telecom network construction, the same as it is for road construction.  However, it is not the right approach for telecom network sales.  Internet connectivity is becoming a practical necessity.  If so, it should be delivered to the "disadvantaged" not via business charity but via social welfare program.



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Let us try not to turn this into a political polemic. Honestly, socialism is the right approach to telecom network construction, the same as it is for road construction. However, it is not the right approach for telecom network sales. Internet connectivity is becoming a practical necessity. If so, it should be delivered to the "disadvantaged" not via business charity but via social welfare program.



I completely agree! ☺

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E-Bay Auction Link:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/301786208301?


Place a bid now for the naming rights for November 5th, the final day of the countdown.  The winner of the auction will be named as the Sponsor of the WiMax clock on the final day.  Bid early and bid often.  Bidding starts at $20.


Just imagine, when all of S4GRUdom will envy you as you are honored as the member who wants to see WiMax's death and demise most of all.  And support S4GRU in the process.  Show your support for Sprint's network advancement and S4GRU at the same time.  Increase the bid today!


Thanks for supporting S4GRU.




EDIT:  Oh, yeah.  You can also get my old Motorola Photon, if you want it.  But it was just added so E-Bay doesn't flip out about an auction over the countdown clock.  Like they did when we did this back in 2013 with the expiration of iDEN.

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Also note that incremental bids for the auction do not have to be in $20 amounts. You can bid in $1 increments in the final auction. Bid early and often. It's for a good cause!


We raised $180 in the iDEN countdown auction. Surely we can beat that with WiMax sunsetting? :fingers:


The winner will get credit toward their S4GRU membership for upgrades. Remember, only the winner pays. Thanks for supporting S4GRU!


Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0

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I'm going to stay up late and record the last moments on Wimax on my U770 USB modem (if I stay awake)

You should record it for historical purposes  ;). I would do the same thing but I don't have a Wimax device.

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They even have a petition going on. As of right now they need 838 more signatures; I wonder what that would accomplish?

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As I said earlier on this topic, I can see this going either way. Sprint gave plenty of warning of this happening and MB/MC are playing the sorrow card and if you take this away you will hurt people. I really hope this doesn't stop Sprint because as we know it needs to be shutdown. Maybe have a counter hashtag of what MB/MC are saying which is #StopSprint.

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As I said earlier on this topic, I can see this going either way. Sprint gave plenty of warning of this happening and MB/MC are playing the sorrow card and if you take this away you will hurt people. I really hope this doesn't stop Sprint because as we know it needs to be shutdown. Maybe have a counter hashtag of what MB/MC are saying which is #StopSprint.


I read some others were commenting on some of the MC tweets that are out there with #GoSprint or #WiMaxisdead. 


It is funny, in some earlier threads on WiMax, I believe Robert said that the FCC knew and agreed with Sprint that in order to service to improve, WiMax had to be shut down.  MB and MC both knew this was coming for almost two years.  Now, at the end, they are grasping at any straw they can to save themselves.  It is too little too late.


MC is playing the sorrow card.  Just read where the founder and managing director is reaching out to Marcelo on his "CEO Line" and he is not answering.  Good for Marcelo.  They should have listened in the first place and worked on a solution instead of waiting to the last minute hoping that it would not happen.

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Is there any indication of Sprint shutting down wimax in phases leading up to November 6? I ask this as I'm now seeing 2nd B41 carriers being turned on where there wasn't any before this weekend. Its my understanding that the equipment in Southeast/South Texas was only able to do 2 LTE carriers only if wimax was turned off.

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I'm in the process of flagging their petition under Abusive or hateful, then for reasons of Bullying or harassment. I submitted this to change.org in my flag of the petition :


Sprint gave this petitioner, along with all of Sprint's WiMax customers plenty of notice to upgrade their equipment and services to Sprint's LTE network, as Sprint has been planning to shut down their older WiMax network for quite some time.


The petitioner is under a contractual agreement with Sprint, and already has filed a lawsuit against Sprint, in trying to prevent Sprint from shutting down the WiMax network, despite the fact Sprint has been working with the petitioner on upgrading them to Sprint's LTE network in doing what is obligated under the terms of their contract by maintaining the contractually agreed upon level of service.


Meanwhile, the petitioner has chosen to escalate these matters legally, the petitioner also appears insistent on creating as much public and media backlash against Sprint potentially under false pretenses. By creating this petition after having begun legal action against Sprint, is abusive and harmful to the company, and should be left to the courts, not on change.org.

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Is there any indication of Sprint shutting down wimax in phases leading up to November 6? I ask this as I'm now seeing 2nd B41 carriers being turned on where there wasn't any before this weekend. Its my understanding that the equipment in Southeast/South Texas was only able to do 2 LTE carriers only if wimax was turned off.

They've been doing that for a while. Lowest usage sites first. They've been upgrading backhaul on many Clearwire sites for second band 41 carrier or eventual conversion to sprint 2.5 or full build sites.
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They've been doing that for a while. Lowest usage sites first. They've been upgrading backhaul on many Clearwire sites for second band 41 carrier or eventual conversion to sprint 2.5 or full build sites.


Every Clear B41 site I encountered in Kansas City last week had two carriers live. So at least in KC, every Clear site that had been upgraded to support B41 has had WiMax shut off.

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I am not indicting people for being poor.  But I do have a few follow up questions/concerns.  How many of these people in public housing have flagship level Android or iOS smartphones?  How many of them have large flat panel TVs and gaming systems?  How many of them drink or smoke?  The list could go on.  Many of these people are terrible at managing their paycheck to paycheck living.  Yet, they spend on luxury items that -- if being realistic -- are outside of their budget.  So, with a tiny bit of financial planning, many could come up with that extra $10/mo.




I know you weren't AJ. To answer your question, it depends on the person. I'd say all would apply, some would apply and little to none would apply. Overall I see that majority of the tenants have a smaller >32" flat screen, but most only have a basic flip phone or very limited smartphone (Tracfone). I know that the few who do have "nicer" smartphones are usually given to them by family. There are tenants who spend frivolously on not mandatory items where yes, all it takes is some budgeting. However there are the few people who truly are living with no luxury items and have or just barely meet their everyday needs.


But the main point is that most of these customers were added after the announcement of WiMax in Fall 2011 that the network was going to be decommissioned. So they were essentially bring sold a temporary $10 per month service. No guarantee that they would have service indefinitely.


And for that matter, none of us are guaranteed any service, rate or features indefinitely. Even though we may pay more. The government is more than welcome to set up a welfare hotspot internet service, if it wants. But it shouldn't force a company to have to keep an antiquated and expensive technology running, nor make it offer a greater service on the new technology than what it previously agreed to offer.


Sent using Nexus 6P on Tapatalk


I fully understand that Robert, all I was pointing out was markjcc's statement of "DSL is like what 20 Bucks? I'm sure they can shell in the extra ten." Some people truly cannot shell out $10 for certain items or services.


I knew that this was never going to last and it was entirely a "get the last use of it, while it last" type of service.



I'm not disagreeing with any of you really, I just thought that the DSL statement was kind of broad and an assumption. DSL isn't as nice as it is everywhere else and for the most basic of services, it's deathly expensive for a very sub par service here. Cable is even worse because you only get one provider in most areas around here.


WiMax is dead, it needs to go and Sprint can start working magic again with what it is useful: Band 41.

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