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The RootMetrics 2nd Half 2014 US Mobile Network Performance Review


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Yea I know I've been seeing it all day but I'm sure if it was the other way around and T-Mobile came out ahead of Sprint OVERALL then it would call for a celebration. But I'm really shocked at how the tech sites have gave sprint their credit. T-Mobile just got caught slipping simple as that and shocked everyone else.



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Yeah I know I was surprised and proud of Sprint. I have never had an issue with them since I've been with them. I will be a Sprint customer for Life.

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And most EDGE users can't even complete a speedtest!


To be fair, when I'm on 1x (more frequent than I'd like), I can't complete a speedtest either. 

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SlashGear presenting a very bias article. It even got a shoutout from Legere on twitter. http://www.slashgear.com/sprint-just-beat-t-mobile-everywhere-it-doesnt-matter-10368351/


Apparently actually being able to use your phone doesn't matter as long as you have fast data speeds

1. I see when Sprint wins or anything positive surfaces it ruffles feathers and people can't handle it.


2. For Legere to shout out this article that is 100% in his favor shows how he wants things on his terms and because he places 4th nationwide he deemed the results are not relevant. There's clearly a pride thing going on here. Gotta have that ego boost to make him feel that the network needs no work.


I understand and applaud T-Mobile for what they have done but come on I see the results as a template for each carrier to see the areas in which they need to improve on. But that goes to say even though they have gained a crap load of customers in such a sort time I wonder how many want out do to coverage issues but can't due to the installment billing being so high? Even though Sprint has a bad name so does T-Moblile and are more fragile because they have the rep of not working outside of cities so people are willing to take that chance and are more easily ticked off if something is not working and then want out but the EIP keeps people locked in owing hundreds.



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On T-Mo here I'm usually at .12 Mbps. Usable for talk and text and some Twitter. Anything more data intensive and you're sitting and staring at the screen for a while.


The bigger issue is the topography of my town which you probably know is hilly as can be, that screws with mid band signal. Big reason why most here have Verizon. They were really the only carrier with low band here for a long time.

My cousin has tmobile, in omaha, he looses signal several times driving thru omaha. I nvr loose signal anywhere i go in omaha and council bluffs

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My cousin has tmobile, in omaha, he looses signal several times driving thru omaha. I nvr loose signal anywhere i go in omaha and council bluffs

T-mobile only runs a protection network here. Others will argue bs about not having access to local numbers as a reason for not fully building out Omaha. But yes, Omaha is literally their worst market in the cities root metrics tests. http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/blog/special-reports/where-does-your-carrier-have-the-best-mobile-performance-us

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Over here stockton sprint is the bomb. All 3 LTE bands cover the whole city and blazing fast lte speeds. Bad part is everyone is getting sprint now so the speeds have reduced a bit since B41 broke lose.

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SlashGear presenting a very bias article. It even got a shoutout from Legere on twitter. http://www.slashgear.com/sprint-just-beat-t-mobile-everywhere-it-doesnt-matter-10368351/


Apparently actually being able to use your phone doesn't matter as long as you have fast data speeds


At least the author isn't biased... :rolleyes:





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everyone is getting sprint now so the speeds have reduced a bit since B41 broke lose.


Reading this is the catalyst for a sudden brainstorm for a new Sprint 80's nostalgia/pop culture national ad campaign involving Kevin Costner that could be pretty effective sometime within the next year or so:



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Reading this is the catalyst for a sudden brainstorm for a new Sprint 80's nostalgia/pop culture national ad campaign involving Kevin Costner that could be pretty effective sometime within the next year or so:



This! 1000 times this!! Excellent idea! How do we get in contact with Sprint's advertising agency?



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People have already started discrediting them by saying that Call and Texting are the thing of the past and they they dont matter.

If I can't make a phone call or texts cant go out then i would be mad. I love my data but overall I want a network that will work for me in every way. Nobody lets Sprint have their time to shine. They are just hurt that T-Mobile lost to Sprint. Imagine how Johns' ego feels now. LOL


I have 3 lines on AT&T and 1 on Sprint. Although AT&T coverage is very good, their call reliability leaves a lot to be desired. Sprint's on the other hand has been exemplary.

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Bad part is everyone is getting sprint now so the speeds have reduced a bit since B41 broke lose.


Oh my god, the "loose" virus is evolving, changing shape, inversely affecting people now.  World War L may be upon us...



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Reading this is the catalyst for a sudden brainstorm for a new Sprint 80's nostalgia/pop culture national ad campaign involving Kevin Costner that could be pretty effective sometime within the next year or so:




E-penis network fanboys on all sides get so worked up, if you build it, they will come -- but "come" may need to be spelled differently.



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SlashGear presenting a very bias article. It even got a shoutout from Legere on twitter. http://www.slashgear.com/sprint-just-beat-t-mobile-everywhere-it-doesnt-matter-10368351/


Apparently actually being able to use your phone doesn't matter as long as you have fast data speeds

The headline alone is bad. "Sprint beat T-Mobile Everywhere It Didn't Matter." They must think all their readership is in the Valley. Jeez. Not all of Middle America is hilljacks and dust bowls. *shakes head*


Chicago is in Middle America and Sprint does very well there. Guess who beat T-Mobile in Chicago?

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Chicago is in Middle America and Sprint does very well there. Guess who beat T-Mobile in Chicago?

Speaking of Chicago. Here's a pro sprint non tech article on the root metrics score from the Tribune.



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Well, seems Marcelo isn't backing down.. Time for him give the 2.5 rollout some more gas!!

Ask son for some cash and let's get all heavily trafficked areas some Lil cells..

Malls, plazas, stores, sports stadiums etc..


All Tmo did was hit populated areas hard and fast. There is no reason sprint can't move faster in deploying small cells to areas they already know will need them.


However, I am glad Marcelo threw some shots!!! I think we are starting to see his personality come out... He isn't just a quiet guy like the previous boss!!

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I need little help to understand something here. I test with Rootmetrics with my tri-band phone.  When I go to see the results, it show black (or bad/no signal), because its a signal band sitting on LTE. Would this not effect the results with Rootmetrics, making it look like Sprint coverage is bad, when in fact its good? Or is the testing done differently? 

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Must just be your location. I haven't seen 1x only in a long time.


There are definitely places where 1X is the only option, particularly areas where 1X 800 is the only thing that works (rural areas, train tunnels, etc).  If I see 1X only I don't even bother trying for data.  In any event, I imagine it would be hard to find your way onto 1X-only on Sprint and shouldn't be a factor in these tests.


- Trip

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However, I am glad Marcelo threw some shots!!! I think we are starting to see his personality come out... He isn't just a quiet guy like the previous boss!!

He called him a "Tasmanian Devil" LMAO

I can see a meme of that eventually.


I feel that Hesse really didn't want to ruffle any feathers, but Marcelo seems like he will throw a punch if need be (or at least his twitter staff).


All Legere has done is awoken a sleeping giant and that giant will stop at nothing to stomp out that pesky little ant.



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    • S23 and S24 (at least ultra versions) have 4xCA NR. I currently have n41+n41+n25+n71 most places I go.  I think select devices have 2xCA upload but I do not think it is in widespread use yet. CA is still mostly download focused.
    • If they use n41 + n41 2CA, people that are somewhat distant from the cell site will have an OK download but the upload will be a disaster.  Upload capability on b-41 was always a disaster on the old Sprint Network.   Now, with n25 + n41 combination, even the more distant users have a more decent upload.  I see n41 + n41 + n25 now with my S22 and I understand that we will see 4xCA with newer phones in the future.     I also see n41 + n41 + n71 sometimes too. Also some other combinations of 25, 41, 71.  I would think that eventually we will see AWS paired with n41 too.  What I am not sure of is ----  when I see 3xCA on my S22, I can see the 3 channels involved in the download but I am never sure just what I have on the upload. I do not think I have 3xCA on the upload.
    • I don't know enough about the nuts and bolts of NR to know the answer, but is there a reason they're not doing two overlapping 100 MHz n41 carriers and using selective resource shutoff to make each one 97 MHz?  Thus making use of the full 194 MHz instead of leaving 4 MHz unused as implied by the current standard 100+90 configuration? - Trip
    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
    • https://www.lightreading.com/wireless/tds-telecom-to-launch-mobile-service-via-nctc-s-mvno Surprising given merger.
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