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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Yep, and a few wireless carriers with tons of spectrum capacity on a publicly run network with macro and small cells everywhere, giving people over 100 mbps in times of congestion.

I'm sorry but when you say "publicly run network" I refer that to a government ran wireless network, not going to happen.  AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon are in the game of making money and we the consumer are free to choose who we give our money to based on value, performance, and consistency.  Consumers have the right to leave and go to a different wireless operator once they feel they are not getting what they pay for, its capitalism, its America, its what we do. 

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Here's Sprint's take on it from this Wireless Week article:


Though other carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile have also announced plans to roll out Gigabit LTE in 2017, Saw argued Sprint’s nationwide spectrum depth would be a differentiating factor.


“You need to ask them, one, are you using your actual licensed spectrum or are you also adding in unlicensed spectrum as well. Some of them would have to use License Assisted Access, which is using unlicensed spectrum as well. There’s nothing wrong with that except you have less control with the use of unlicensed spectrum,” Saw said.


“The other thing you need to be asking is the ubiquity of what they’re trying to do. Can you demonstrate gigabit class devices only in the lab … or are you able to demonstrate gigabit class devices only in certain markets in Arizona and not nationwide?” he continued. “For Sprint we have always been clear that we have a lot of 2.5 (GHz spectrum) nationwide and we have the right technology that is optimized for data, which is TDD. So when we say we’re going to roll out gigabit class devices, I mean all our phones once they can support 4x4 MIMO and 256-QAM will be usable nationwide.”


Saw, just shut up about spectrum and fix your goddamn network! 

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Saw, just shut up about spectrum and fix your goddamn network!

And I like to ask you what the hell do you know about frequency and spectrum engineering, and if your so smart about things instead of being some armchair CEO, why aren't working that field.


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And I like to ask you what the hell do you know about frequency and spectrum engineering, and if your so smart about things instead of being some armchair CEO, why aren't working that field.


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I don't see his comment as an attack against Saw's intelligence, why lash out against his?  Things not happening is certainly an understandable frustration.  

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And I like to ask you what the hell do you know about frequency and spectrum engineering, and if your so smart about things instead of being some armchair CEO, why aren't working that field.


Sent from my 2PYB2 using Tapatalk


Actually since you asked, I am an electrical engineer and I have experience in wireless both as an engineer and a program manager although my experience is kinda of old. Sprint's problem is not spectrum but money and management. I would think that Softbank would pitch in and help them with the financial part but they do not seem to be interested in that, they seem to be interested in getting rid of Sprint. For Sprint's sake, since I have had them in some way or another since 1999, is that they merge with T-Mobile. it is my belief that the industry cannot support 4 players, 2 of which are not the same size as the other 2. 

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And I like to ask you what the hell do you know about frequency and spectrum engineering, and if your so smart about things instead of being some armchair CEO, why aren't working that field.


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No ill will towards his frustration....


I've been told for years these gmo's in Granville, Oh would be upgraded!!!


Finally some movement, hopefully!!!!b9e14935d61ffc36a6c48c210a8cffae.jpg






MN = Mark Nachman (Region President)




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Seems Sprint is pitching their spectrum assets into overdrive because they want someone to buy them. The Massa Guy doesn't like competition, and wants things to go his way. 


The words in those Softbank board meetings, is that if they would dump billions into the Sprint network they don't believe that organic growth is possible.

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Saw, just shut up about spectrum and fix your goddamn network! 

Sprint's problem is not spectrum but money and management. I would think that Softbank would pitch in and help them with the financial part but they do not seem to be interested in that, they seem to be interested in getting rid of Sprint.


Should I tell you to fix your "goddamn" cognitive dissonance?  You know "goddamn" well that Saw cannot print money.  And you acknowledge that the "goddamn" problem is not spectrum, which is Saw's purview.  So, why in the "goddamn" hell are you harping at Saw?



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I'm sorry but when you say "publicly run network" I refer that to a government ran wireless network, not going to happen. AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon are in the game of making money and we the consumer are free to choose who we give our money to based on value, performance, and consistency. Consumers have the right to leave and go to a different wireless operator once they feel they are not getting what they pay for, its capitalism, its America, its what we do.

I wasn't stating this as a liklihood, but as a response to something else being sarcastically assumed of me. I didn't mean to associate this with real-life right now, but more of a possible goal in the future if society ever decided to make wireless a utility.

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Saw, just shut up about spectrum and fix your goddamn network! 


Dammit, Jim!  I'm a Dr., not a miracle worker!



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John Saw can't make Masa increase cap ex. And to be fair, Sprint has had to pull back from Cap Ex because of the debt obligations of the past, debt obligations that came because of the past errors of Forsee and Hesse. 


I realize people are frustrated with the lack of spending and the issues that Trip pointed out which Sprint can fix without cap ex. I just  hope people realize frustration can cause cognitive dissonance and see the root of the problem rather than merely mocking it. 


That said, I think that the engineering people can and should lay low talking about the spectrum haul until much more of it is paired with infrastructure capability. I certainly think that is a fair complaint. Likewise, complaining about spending on RadioShack/Tidal/Pokemon is also fair when that capital could have and should have went into network infrastructure. 


I hope Marcelo reverses course and pulls back on RadioShack. If the real estate is good for Sprint corporate locations, do that. If the real estate is not, let it be someone else's problem. 

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John Saw can't make Masa increase cap ex. And to be fair, Sprint has had to pull back from Cap Ex because of the debt obligations of the past, debt obligations that came because of the past errors of Forsee and Hesse.


I realize people are frustrated with the lack of spending and the issues that Trip pointed out which Sprint can fix without cap ex. I just hope people realize frustration can cause cognitive dissonance and see the root of the problem rather than merely mocking it.


That said, I think that the engineering people can and should lay low talking about the spectrum haul until much more of it is paired with infrastructure capability. I certainly think that is a fair complaint. Likewise, complaining about spending on RadioShack/Tidal/Pokemon is also fair when that capital could have and should have went into network infrastructure.


I hope Marcelo reverses course and pulls back on RadioShack. If the real estate is good for Sprint corporate locations, do that. If the real estate is not, let it be someone else's problem.

The Radio Shack deal seems to have been a big mistake. I say this despite thinking the Radio Shack employees are much nicer to deal with than those I've dealt with at Sprint stores. I'm not even much of a fan for the retail model as it is. Seems to me much money could be saved by cutting way back on retail, rather focusing strongly on a strong online presence that doesn't cost nearly as much.

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Should I tell you to fix your "goddamn" cognitive dissonance?  You know "goddamn" well that Saw cannot print money.  And you acknowledge that the "goddamn" problem is not spectrum, which is Saw's purview.  So, why in the "goddamn" hell are you harping at Saw?




Because he keeps on harping about spectrum. We know all about Sprint's spectrum and potential, they're harping about it for 5 years now. Tell us what you're doing about your network, tell us what concrete steps you're taking to take advantage of the spectrum.

Edited by bigsnake49
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That said, I think that the engineering people can and should lay low talking about the spectrum haul until much more of it is paired with infrastructure capability. I certainly think that is a fair complaint. Likewise, complaining about spending on RadioShack/Tidal/Pokemon is also fair when that capital could have and should have went into network infrastructure. 


I hope Marcelo reverses course and pulls back on RadioShack. If the real estate is good for Sprint corporate locations, do that. If the real estate is not, let it be someone else's problem. 


This especially!!! It is frustrating to even hear about Tidal because there are many areas of the network where you cannot reliable stream Tidal lossless. And the Pokemon Go thing is just ridiculous. It cheapens the appearance of the store. If you are in business to provide telecommunications to consumers and businesses then there is no need for your store to be 'gym' for people to catch Pokemon. Also, the few remaining RadioShacks I have seen really look like a shack filled with crap. Appearances mean everything and right now if I were in charge of Sprint, the retail and web operations team would be given an overhaul. 

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Saw, just shut up about spectrum and fix your goddamn network!

While it is hard to do much without money, I do find it ironic that Saw said the following...

Can you demonstrate gigabit class devices only in the lab … or are you able to demonstrate gigabit class devices only in certain markets in Arizona and not nationwide?”

Saw went after his competition but didn't realize that his question is exactly what many of us have been asking Sprint. BRS/EBS is not widely deployed and Sprint has only talked about gigabit speeds inside labs...just like everyone else has.


Anything is possible, but don't call the kettle black when you're a pot.

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As many have said here The network is the network and that's all it is if it works for you awesome no one is keeping you on sprint. But the new unlimited offering from Vzw has to hurt.


That said unlike a couple years ago dutch telecom doesn't seem to want to unload T-Mobile rather outsource T-Mobile. And I suspect did he doesn't have a bunch of faith in Sprint to run the new company the best way It can.


Lastly I suspect TMO will buy dish or combine with Comcast. And Sprint will be sold to Comcast (pending the prior outcome).


What's puzzling is Tidal. If SoftBank wants out of sprint. That recent partnership seems like an albatross for any suitors.



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Wait... Is there a new entrant I'm not aware of?


Dutch telecom?


KPN.  The former Dutch post office.



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Because he keeps on harping about spectrum. We know all about Sprint's spectrum and potential, they're harping about it for 5 years now. Tell us what you're doing about your network, tell us what concrete steps you're taking to take advantage of the spectrum.


Do you think Dr. John Saw appreciates being employed?  Even if the company is going to shit and his hands are tied, should he stop doing his job, which includes writing a blog post?  What should he do?  Declare the sky is falling?  Quit?  Or focus on the positives?



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Do you think Dr. John Saw appreciates being employed? Even if the company is going to shit and his hands are tied, should he stop doing his job, which includes writing a blog post? What should he do? Declare the sky is falling? Quit? Or focus on the positives?



It isn't certain what he thinks, but I'd imagine right now he might be really envious of Neville Ray.

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Well service has been really weird for me the last few days, I'm no longer sitting on B41 in my house but instead useless B26. I'm also picking up B25 outside of my house (don't ever see it), instead of B41. Having a drink at my bar I frequent I'm on B25 (never seen it here), and or B41 instead of B26. What the hell is going on? Also having sim issues with my Note 5 recently along with problems updating my PRL and or Profile. Perhaps Sprint is doing some optimization or something? Can't really explain this recent discovery.


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Do you think Dr. John Saw appreciates being employed? Even if the company is going to shit and his hands are tied, should he stop doing his job, which includes writing a blog post? What should he do? Declare the sky is falling? Quit? Or focus on the positives?



He's been spewing the same bullshit for long enough that everyone thinks he's phony. You're a liar even if you're merely ordered by your boss to lie publicly.



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It isn't certain what he thinks, but I'd imagine right now he might be really envious of Neville Ray.


As probably the one person on this board who has actually met John Saw, and spent time with him 1:1, can tell you that the guy is freaking brilliant and knows what he's talking about.


Also believes in it. 

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    • If so, I'm wanting to see if any others of you have been having intermittent internet issues.   The last week or two, internet just seems to intermittently stop/pause for various periods of time....when the halt/pause lets up throughput will seem normal/very snappy as you'd expect on a 1 Gig line, until its not again.  My desk with both personal PC and work laptop are in our basement with a Cat 6 run straight from the Verizon router.  I've mostly noted it when trying to go through and clean out mail from my hotmail account I've had a few decades now (to be clear off that mention, I don't have decades worth of mail pending ha - like 100-200 unreads max if that each time I go through them), but I know its not something relegated to only the outlook.live.com endpoint because I check other tabs/sites when the issues crop up and they're hanging/spinning too. I've not yet tried calling VZ tech support and wanted to check/poll for others here to see if anyone using the service might have been wrestling with similar issues.   Addendum:  Both the ONT box (in our living room, not outside) and the white standup VZ router have been cycled before a couple times.  Have also tried changing between ethernet ports on the back for the Cat 6 cable with no change over long term behavior.
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    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
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