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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Yeah, that is what I saw.  Doesn't say how long the promo is.  Also doesn't say if the Pixel has to be on the account for 2yrs to get the full 2yrs worth of credits.


Probably has to be on the account for two years to get that monthly credit. :/

On the bottom it mentions 12/31 as expiration date.

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For those interested in the pixel...


Excuse the sizing of the image copied URL.

Wait is that just for new lines? Can people who already have the Pixel qualify?


A place for Pixel talk, and Pixel talk in its place.





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Ok guys, last night to donate....imex99@live.com skip that coffee, xtra value meal or egg roll and send some $$$ to help others for Christmas, no donation is 2 small!!!!






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If one comes to Columbus Ohio (Easton Location) I'll go in there and make some small talk but I'll buy a case or something. Do you happen to know the list of locations or link to where this info CS. Be found? I think this would be a great way for them to see first hand what goes on in the stores. I want one to deal with a situation where someone switched and the network was not up to expectations.



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Günther responded to this question last night after the AMA ended:




Pretty cool. It'll be interesting to see what design influence the "Ultimate Sprint Coverage Map" has on Sprint's coverage map.

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Günther responded to this question last night after the AMA ended:




Pretty cool. It'll be interesting to see what design influence the "Ultimate Sprint Coverage Map" has on Sprint's coverage map.

That's awesome news! JWMaloney's map is far superior in utility, size and general appearance. I'm glad to see a willingness on Sprint's part to be entrepreneurial in its effort to improve their maps.

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That's awesome news! JWMaloney's map is far superior in utility, size and general appearance. I'm glad to see a willingness on Sprint's part to be entrepreneurial in its effort to improve their maps.

Hopefully we hear more about this in the coming weeks.


Really happy for him!

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Can someone explain the difference between 10x10 band 25 and band25 CA? Is it the same?

10x10 is continuous spectrum. 

Like 1905MHz to 1915MHz on the download side.


CA is when noncontinuous spectrum is used.

1900MHz to 1905MHz and 1910MHz to 1915MHz on the download side to make 10MHz out of two 5MHz channels.


However, CA can also be used for continuous spectrum if a channel is greater than 20MHz.  So if you have 2500 to 2540MHz, that will be 2xCA, because channels can only be 20MHz wide max, but through CA you can merge multiple channels.

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That's awesome news! JWMaloney's map is far superior in utility, size and general appearance. I'm glad to see a willingness on Sprint's part to be entrepreneurial in its effort to improve their maps.

Yeah that's awesome! Can't wait to see what they come up with.

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I thought vzw was around 140 mil customers?

Att ~120

Sprint Tmo would be ~120


If att bought Tmo that would force vzw to try and buy sprint and dish... lol I know u like att and I do as well but geez aren't you on our side?? The consumer??? Att/Directv and vzw as our only choices??


Prepaid prices would be what we pay now for postpaid!!


I've read different things on different sites about AT&T and Verizon's numbers. However, the majority opinion seems to be AT&T having more customers while Verizon has the larger network. If this is the case, Verizon will be quite a bit behind if AT&T were to pick up T-Mobile. However in terms of spectrum, both AT&T and Verizon will be way behind Sprint if Sprint gets T-Mobile. Plus, there are network integration issues between Sprint and T-Mobile, which I think if AT&T were to make an offer for T-Mobile, it would have more chance at getting through the FCC in the Trump administration.


The only other more likely merger to pass is if Dish decides to try getting T-Mobile. If they don't, but AT&T does, then Verizon could likely try getting Dish for the added spectrum it needs to compete with AT&T/T-Mobile and Sprint. Also, I know there are risks for consumers with these mergers that isn't so good price/plan wise. I figure my AT&T plan rate quite likely will increase too. Yet, my thinking is towards getting the networks larger in size, because there already are issues with networks, due to congestion. At least at that, these mergers will be helpful.

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At&t is not picking up T-Mobile.



Nope, not going to happen.


Well, everyone has their opinion.


I'm not saying I think AT&T once Trump installs a Republican administration in the FCC,suddenly is going to make another attempt at it. However, if Softbank/Sprint tries to, then by all means yes they will, and they'll get criticized if they don't make an effort at it then. A Sprint/T-Mobile combination means massive competition for them and to Verizon, if that goes through. Heck, if Softbank were to simply stop spending billions of dollars buying other companies, instead deciding to spend some billions of dollars adding another 10,000 or so towers to the network, all with 3xca, and get at least 85% of its existing network upgraded to 3xca, then that would mean big trouble to the other carriers.


It seems Masayoshi Son is worried about this approach though, because he could be thinking that it wouldn't necessarily add more customers. He would rather spend many more times that to get T-Mobile and get its 60 million+ customers on its network right away after the merger is completed. Plus, it means he'll have the largest network density by far, and spectrum, well that is obvious. The sheer advantage Sprint would have then is so large, people would be insane not to join Sprint, so long as Unlimited data rates remain reasonable under $100 monthly. At that point, if Sprint were to drop the speed limits on everything, except say on movies, where they could then reasonably stretch the cap to 6mbps, enough to stream 1080p/1440p. With that in place, yes its a great deal.


Thing is, and I'll try to make this from becoming too long a post, I completely understand Masayoshi Son's thinking on this, granted if I'm correct about what I said. The only issue to it, is that his competitor's understand it too. AT&T especially. Verizon will probably act arrogant about it, saying they don't need T-Mobile and that even a combined Sprint/T-Mobile network won't have the coverage reach of Verizon's network, blah blah, and so on, completely ignoring the massive density advantages a combined Sprint/T-Mobile will have, along of course the spectrum advantages. Verizon likely will end up getting Dish as there way of increasing spectrum, that is if Dish doesn't successfully stop Softbank from getting T-Mobile. An even better dream for Masayoshi Son is to get both T-Mobile and Dish. Yet, in thinking about this ignores the fact of their competition, and again the competition's best way of trying to stop this is to bid for a merger themselves.

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You're getting ahead of yourself. Everything you're predicting is unrealistic. The only thing that can be guaranteed is At&ts network becoming slow and congested.

So is VZW and sprint and T-Mobile. At least in Phoenix.



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You're getting ahead of yourself. Everything you're predicting is unrealistic. The only thing that can be guaranteed is At&ts network becoming slow and congested.

How is it unrealistic that competitors of Sprint and T-Mobile would be nervous of the merger and wanting to prevent it? Surely a Sprint/T-Mobile merger would be very bad for AT&T and Verizon's wireless business. The best way to prevent such a merger, is to make a counter offer. As I mentioned though, I doubt Verizon will, since they are too arrogant and eventually will find out how either a Sprint/T-Mobile merger or an AT&T/T-Mobile merger is bad for them, and very likely either will try to get Dish, or possibly end up in a deal with Comcaast, which depending how merger friendly Trump's Republican FCC is, might be able to nab Dish themselves. After all, it was in Obama's Democratic Administration that AT&T successfully got the FCC to approve their merger with Directv.


I understand many people here on S4GRU as consumers do not like mergers and worry about its effect on consumer protections. I empathize, especially as I'm a consumer too. However, it is ignorant to think that these corporations are not going to try to merge as much as they can get away with, and equally as ignorant to think the government, especially a Republican administrated government, won't likely approve these mergers. If these corprations try, they will succeed, very little to doubt about it now, regardless of whether its good or not for consumers. Undoubtedly though, these corporations will do a damn good job convincing the FCC that these mergers are great for everyone.


The only thing really in the way of these corporations are themselves, as they battle to see which ones get the merger approvals necessary prior to taking it to the FCC.

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How is it unrealistic that competitors of Sprint and T-Mobile would be nervous of the merger and wanting to prevent it? Surely a Sprint/T-Mobile merger would be very bad for AT&T and Verizon's wireless business. The best way to prevent such a merger, is to make a counter offer. As I mentioned though, I doubt Verizon will, since they are too arrogant and eventually will find out how either a Sprint/T-Mobile merger or an AT&T/T-Mobile merger is bad for them, and very likely either will try to get Dish, or possibly end up in a deal with Comcaast, which depending how merger friendly Trump's Republican FCC is, might be able to nab Dish themselves. After all, it was in Obama's Democratic Administration that AT&T successfully got the FCC to approve their merger with Directv.


I understand many people here on S4GRU as consumers do not like mergers and worry about its effect on consumer protections. I empathize, especially as I'm a consumer too. However, it is ignorant to think that these corporations are not going to try to merge as much as they can get away with, and equally as ignorant to think the government, especially a Republican administrated government, won't likely approve these mergers. If these corprations try, they will succeed, very little to doubt about it now, regardless of whether its good or not for consumers. Undoubtedly though, these corporations will do a damn good job convincing the FCC that these mergers are great for everyone.


The only thing really in the way of these corporations are themselves, as they battle to see which ones get the merger approvals necessary prior to taking it to the FCC.

I don't think that Trump will allow a merger or buyout between Sprint and T-Mobile because of the job loss involved. A big part of Trump's campaign was job creation. I can see a merger or buyout from a company that's not in the US wireless market currently. Like Dish, Comcast or some investment group. Buying either Sprint or T-Mobile. I see T-Mobile being bought out first but I don't think neither of the two will be bought or sold.
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I don't think that Trump will allow a merger or buyout between Sprint and T-Mobile because of the job loss involved. A big part of Trump's campaign was job creation. I can see a merger or buyout from a company that's not in the US wireless market currently. Like Dish, Comcast or some investment group. Buying either Sprint or T-Mobile. I see T-Mobile being bought out first but I don't think neither of the two will be bought or sold.


It'll be very interesting to see what happens. You make a good point about Trump, and whatever merger negotiations may happen, I expect Trump will get involved beyond just allowing the FCC to deal with it. The corporations involved likely will have to promise minimal job loss as part of any deal to go through. If anything, I see Softbank making the first move hoping to have the blessing of Trump since Masayoshi Son's visit to Trump Tower. If the intent to begin negotiations is announced, a tell-tale sign of competition is any of the other telecom executives make an appearance at the White House or Trump Tower. Either place is going to be one great big giant board room for this administration, with Donald Trump as America's CEO of CEOs.

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I went to "One World" in NY late last week with my HTC Bolt to see if I could get some three channel CA action.  Has it been posted in the wild here yet by someone who doesnt work for sprint?  Anyways, I think I was able to connect, as you can tell by the speeds.  Not sure if the engineering screens really confirm it since there is no spot for the third channel to be listed. This was also at the very top in the observatory. once i got to the bottom and was outside the speeds were not as good what so ever..like under 10 mbps.





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I went to "One World" in NY late last week with my HTC Bolt to see if I could get some three channel CA action. Has it been posted in the wild here yet by someone who doesnt work for sprint? Anyways, I think I was able to connect, as you can tell by the speeds. Not sure if the engineering screens really confirm it since there is no spot for the third channel to be listed. This was also at the very top in the observatory. once i got to the bottom and was outside the speeds were not as good what so ever..like under 10 mbps.




That pic only looks like 2Xca


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  • Posts

    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
    • No? RCS on Google messages works great for me, messages between anyone with RCS enabled go through with no problems. Don't remember the last time I had an issue. I only have issues with people on iPhones on different carriers from T-Mobile.
    • Has anyone experienced a ridiculous amount of difficulty with Google messages with RCS enabled?  It has been a train wreck for me for the past year so I now use WhatsApp.  That works very well for all of us.... Android and iOS.  
    • Probably not worth the fiddling given that that's a few percent of the band. Also, if they really wanted to push my assumption is there are still guard bands in play for the n41 carriers so they could fit two "100 MHz" carriers into 194 MHz anyway. Looks like minimum guard band is less than 1 MHz and a 100 MHz channel is only 273 30 KHz resource blocks, which is a bit over 80 MHz total, so if they really wanted to pull another 5% or so capacity out they could.
    • Saw that for a while. Now back to n25 + n71 + n41-100Mhz + n41-90Mhz.
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