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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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So Trump is like the inverse of T-Mobile ... no wonder he and Legere don't get along on Twitter.

Not only that but Sprint's CEO actively campaigned for Hillary. So both S and TMUS will probably be liquidated and reformed into a new company:

T-Mobile : Trump Mobile


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Well, after a few days break from wireless reading, i'm back online and to report I have my device situation resolved now with the Axon 7 I won in a contest that is working quite well for me.


Also, as some here may figure, the election results have me even more convinced that mergers in the wireless industry are a prime thing now, as I have no doubt of it. With both the House and Senate being Republican, along with Trump already choosing corporate executives to key positions, well "exploratory names", I'm almost willing to bet the next few years are going to be filled with mergers and acquisitions. I doubt T-Mobile and Sprint will be allowed to merge under Softbank, due to the foreign issue. but perhaps T-Mobile acquiring Sprint, or heck my main wish in wireless mergers that AT&T has a successful second attempt at T-Mobile. It'll be interesting what happens with all of this... 

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I'm almost willing to bet the next few years are going to be filled with mergers and acquisitions. I doubt T-Mobile and Sprint will be allowed to merge under Softbank, due to the foreign issue. but perhaps T-Mobile acquiring Sprint, or heck my main wish in wireless mergers that AT&T has a successful second attempt at T-Mobile. 


You do realize that the majority owner of T-Mobile is a foreign corporation, right?

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You do realize that the majority owner of T-Mobile is a foreign corporation, right?

Yes, and I ought to have clarified this in my post, but I'm thinking since DT has said they want out, that there could be a busness split from both DT and Softbank's control if the two companies are allowed to merge as one here in the U.S., essentially as a new U.S. entity.

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Well, after a few days break from wireless reading, i'm back online and to report I have my device situation resolved now with the Axon 7 I won in a contest that is working quite well for me.


Also, as some here may figure, the election results have me even more convinced that mergers in the wireless industry are a prime thing now, as I have no doubt of it. With both the House and Senate being Republican, along with Trump already choosing corporate executives to key positions, well "exploratory names", I'm almost willing to bet the next few years are going to be filled with mergers and acquisitions. I doubt T-Mobile and Sprint will be allowed to merge under Softbank, due to the foreign issue. but perhaps T-Mobile acquiring Sprint, or heck my main wish in wireless mergers that AT&T has a successful second attempt at T-Mobile. It'll be interesting what happens with all of this...

Sorry, but no. At&t has enough conglomerate activity going for it and already has the FCC looking at it's new OTT video service with raised brow... I have to deal with the at&t only life for being the only provider of any type of internet service and they are stagnant and declining in DSL tech. 8 years of at&t only and I've had enough of them.


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Sorry, but no. At&t has enough conglomerate activity going for it and already has the FCC looking at it's new OTT video service with raised brow... I have to deal with the at&t only life for being the only provider of any type of internet service and they are stagnant and declining in DSL tech. 8 years of at&t only and I've had enough of them.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

Agreed. At&t is definitely expanding, but into other industries it currently has no presence in. At&t-tmobile merge is a pipe dream that will never happen.

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Well, after a few days break from wireless reading, i'm back online and to report I have my device situation resolved now with the Axon 7 I won in a contest that is working quite well for me.


Also, as some here may figure, the election results have me even more convinced that mergers in the wireless industry are a prime thing now, as I have no doubt of it. With both the House and Senate being Republican, along with Trump already choosing corporate executives to key positions, well "exploratory names", I'm almost willing to bet the next few years are going to be filled with mergers and acquisitions. I doubt T-Mobile and Sprint will be allowed to merge under Softbank, due to the foreign issue. but perhaps T-Mobile acquiring Sprint, or heck my main wish in wireless mergers that AT&T has a successful second attempt at T-Mobile. It'll be interesting what happens with all of this... 


The Republican members of the House and Senate have spent a majority of the last 8 years obstructing law creation. I'm not convinced they even remember how to. That coupled with a president who has zero experience writing laws and a Congress who is only willing to tolerate him. In summary, there is very little to show that much will happen quickly. 

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The Republican members of the House and Senate have spent a majority of the last 8 years obstructing law creation. I'm not convinced they even remember how to. That coupled with a president who has zero experience writing laws and a Congress who is only willing to tolerate him. In summary, there is very little to show that much will happen quickly.

You mean voting against laws with which they disagree? Shocking!



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Sprint T-Mobile merger will cause massive job losses in the long term. Trump campaigned on job losses, remember?


Why would he allow a merger between two companies who, according to their CEOs, are doing marvelously?





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Of course the fact that Legere voted for Hillary and Marcelo held a fundraiser for Hillary definitely won't help. Plus the fact that he'd be helping two foreign companies at the cost of thousands of American jobs.


So yeah not happening. But don't worry. Sprint is on track!



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Or preventing the fair hearing of even some legislative action . . .


Sent from my HTC One M9

Sometimes the truth stings


The GOP would love to take up many of these subjects, debate them and offer amendments; it is Reid who either won’t take up meaty issues or won’t allow any minority amendments, a practice he has taken further than any modern Senate leader.




Yay facts!



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Now, the question will be how our government can regain at least some functionality


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It'll be very smooth.


Reps could eliminate the filibuster in Senate altogether. No "obstruction" to impede "functionality". Isn't that what you want?


Reps lost just 5 house seats - in a tricking presidential year - giving them 242 (218 needed for majority)


Reps lost 2 senate seats giving them 52 (after rep wins Louisiana seat)


Obama won by:

2008 - 10mil

2012 - 6mil


Hillary won by: 280k and in WI, MI, PA, FL lost by razor thin. Trump got fewer votes than Romney.

Think about that.


Who are those 6mil people who voted for Obama twice AND refused to go to polls this past Tuesday? They're complaining about the results on Facebook today. So vapid.



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The most striking data I heard today was that 90K Michiganders voted on the entire ballot EXCEPT President. They voted for NO ONE at the top of the ticket.


Sent from my HTC One M9

Should've nominated Bernie.



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Ok, just to be on the safe side, we probably stop the political discussion on this thread, because we don't want it to devolve into a horrible fight on here. Yes, we all disagree on certain aspects of this election, but only time will tell what a Republicican majority FCC will do. It certainly won't happen until the next FCC appointment occurs, which is still over half a year away.


And frankly, I'm hoping there will never be a merger between Sprint & T-Mobile.



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