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Say hello to the Framily (inexpensive but potentially confusing new Sprint group plan pricing)


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You can switch the plan all at once. The upgrades will not go away.


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thank you! i think i've been looking at it the wrong way. i've been looking at the changing plans deals/framily/easy pay as a bundle when they are a little more separate then that.


so essentially it can work like this


1) all 9 lines are "upgrade" eligible with this deal since they are all past 6 months from their last upgrade.

2) i can switch all 9 lines to framily and each line can pick what extra data they want, the $15/mo fee for still being under contract will be waived

3) once we are all on framily each person can go to the store, at any point in the future, and get a new phone using the easy pay program and not have to turn their old phone in. they can then sell their old phone or keep it for a backup

4) if someone doesn't want to get a new phone they can just keep their current one and at some point in the future if they do want a new phone they can either start an easy pay contract or buy a phone elsewhere to switch to.


this may be much simpler than i thought :) thanks for the help!

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thank you! i think i've been looking at it the wrong way. i've been looking at the changing plans deals/framily/easy pay as a bundle when they are a little more separate then that.


so essentially it can work like this


1) all 9 lines are "upgrade" eligible with this deal since they are all past 6 months from their last upgrade.

2) i can switch all 9 lines to framily and each line can pick what extra data they want, the $15/mo fee for still being under contract will be waived

3) once we are all on framily each person can go to the store, at any point in the future, and get a new phone using the easy pay program and not have to turn their old phone in. they can then sell their old phone or keep it for a backup

4) if someone doesn't want to get a new phone they can just keep their current one and at some point in the future if they do want a new phone they can either start an easy pay contract or buy a phone elsewhere to switch to.


this may be much simpler than i thought :) thanks for the help!


Yes to all 4. Only thing is even though they are on framily and eligible for an early upgrade the original 2 year contract will still be in effect til they do easy pay and it voids out the contract or they get to the end of the contract.


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Okay, what about this:


My fiancee and I are on a family plan, ED 1500, and my sister and her husband are on a ED 1500 plan of their own.  To move to Framily, they could TOD their lines to me, correct?  Then, if the theory holds true, couldn't they TOD back their lines onto a new account and still be in my Framily?


Also, what if you down the road, you decide you want to get a phone from Radio Shack or Best Buy.  Do you have to leave the Framily then?  Or will Sprint stop letting 3rd-parties sell their phones at discounted, subsidized prices altogether?



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Well I went from on contract only 6months in or so to getting a new phone. The system had an error saying I couldn't upgrade with easy pay until June. Well now I have upgraded it still says I can upgrade in 6 months! finally an error in my favor!

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Okay, what about this:


My fiancee and I are on a family plan, ED 1500, and my sister and her husband are on a ED 1500 plan of their own. To move to Framily, they could TOD their lines to me, correct? Then, if the theory holds true, couldn't they TOD back their lines onto a new account and still be in my Framily?


Also, what if you down the road, you decide you want to get a phone from Radio Shack or Best Buy. Do you have to leave the Framily then? Or will Sprint stop letting 3rd-parties sell their phones at discounted, subsidized prices altogether?




The first part is not allowed, if you do try it the framily discount would be removed. Doing 2 transfers like in a short time will trigger a look at for fraud. I do not have an answer to the 2nd part.


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Looks like you can gift/steal easy pay upgrades i had no idea and this first ive ever seen this. e8yge5e8.jpg


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This is the exact thing I was told I could not do the last time I tried to switch to the new plans. Then when I said well the lets do a cross upgrade then switch to a new plan I was told I was gaming the system and couldn't do that either.

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This is the exact thing I was told I could not do the last time I tried to switch to the new plans. Then when I said well the lets do a cross upgrade then switch to a new plan I was told I was gaming the system and couldn't do that either.

Like i said this is the first time ive seen this. It was not in the launch guide or FAQ. So ik sure they were just not aware.


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This is the exact thing I was told I could not do the last time I tried to switch to the new plans. Then when I said well the lets do a cross upgrade then switch to a new plan I was told I was gaming the system and couldn't do that either.

I was told exactly what you were, but the Sprint employee that I was talking to actually recommended that I do the cross upgrade and then switch the plan.



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Then when I said well the lets do a cross upgrade then switch to a new plan I was told I was gaming the system and couldn't do that either.


Who would have thought that in addition to selling phones and plans for Sprint your job also includes policing peoples morals based solely off ones personal opinion of the matter.

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Like i said this is the first time ive seen this. It was not in the launch guide or FAQ. So ik sure they were just not aware.


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Well i wish we knew if they do away with upgrades from sprint.com does this mean once that contract is up they do not give you the option to go to walmart etc to upgrade. If they still let you go to like Best Buy or Walmart every 20 months and use the upgrade that is a game changer to stay on the old plans. I have no problem going to Best buy or Walmart to upgrade or radio shack since most of the time there prices are way cheaper on phones with a upgrade anyway.

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Also if i move in 2 days from now it will be 9 lines. I will have room for 1 line. After i see just how sprint.com works and how it shows billing and then if someone wants 1 line on there and it seems no harm to my account ill add someone. But again not till after i get a bill if i move to it in 2 days and see.

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thank you for the info! i'm just trying to figure out what my best route is for the future. i currently have 9 lines total on my account, 4 on ED 1500 and 5 on ED 3000. 1 line is upgrade eligible now and 5 other lines will become upgrade eligible between april and june this spring.


not including taxes and fees and with an 18% discount we currently pay $49.24 per line per month ($59.24 if you want to be technical and add in the $200 phone upgrade cost in per month when upgrading at 20 months) here are all the options i could come up with for a per line cost if we switched to framily ($20/mo for the phone on easy pay, 18% off the data options)

per line 25.00
per line with 3gig data 33.2
per line with unlimited data 41.4
per line with phone 45
per line with 3gig data/phone 53.2
per line with unlimited data/phone 61.4

so most of the options are less with only 1-2 being more depending on how you compare it. plus all 9 of the lines are eligible for the deal that was posted about switching, keeping your phone, and waiving the $15 fee. so i guess i just have to decide if its worth it to try and explain all of this to everyone on my account and get them all on the same page to switch, or if i just leave stuff as is and hope things don't change and we can still upgrade like normal this spring. do you have any info on how long that deal for switching is going to be available for?


as a side note i did sprint chat and they said my subsidized upgrade option would still be there come this may, grain of salt i know.


I was also told by customer service over the phone last night, that we could stay on ED1500 for as long as we were Sprint customers. I am taking this with a grain of salt, and will see what happens when I try to use my upgrade.

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I apologize if this is a horribly stupid question that's already been asked\answered (I searched, I promise!) - but how does this work when converting a family plan for line management?


For example, I have five lines currently. If I go into a Sprint store and ask to move all those to a new Framily plan, would I just see five separate lines under my online account, and manage them all separately (which obviously in this case, means adding them to the same Framily group)?


And just to make sure I understand the whole idea here, this is essentially a BYOD if you want, correct? If I have a couple of lines with old, out of contract phones, they'll just switch over using their existing phones, and either be eligible for an upgrade through Sprint (with optional Easy Pay) or I can buy some used (clean ESN) phones and activate on their Framily lines, right?

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I was also told by customer service over the phone last night, that we could stay on ED1500 for as long as we were Sprint customers. I am taking this with a grain of salt, and will see what happens when I try to use my upgrade.


yeah thats what i was struggling with, sure right now we can stay on the plan and upgrade, but none of my upgrades are due until after the proposed time frame for subsidized phones going away. and with the current deals and the monthly price not being that much different for me its making it easier to go ahead and switch now.

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I was also told by customer service over the phone last night, that we could stay on ED1500 for as long as we were Sprint customers. I am taking this with a grain of salt, and will see what happens when I try to use my upgrade.



I have no doubt everyone can stay on the ED1500 plan but if they do away with upgrades from sprint it will cost you more to stay there than if you were on 7-10 lines with framily. And if they do let it stay but do away with sprint upgrades then good luck with upgrades cause as of now the ED1500 plan is NOT in there computers anymore meaning try to buy a phone from Amazon with a upgrade now on the ED1500 i go on there at times just to test it and it says your line is able to upgrade but then when you go to the next part it is says your plan is not in the system so getting upgrades with a ED1500 plan other than sprint.com will be hard.

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So it looks like I mistakenly thought that sprint was going to waive the $15 fee temporarily for anyone who had upgraded after Jan 10 as well as before, but after talking to a few reps this is not the case. Have several lines that I should have upgraded before the 10th, but now I'd have to have the $15 few if I upgrades them and then switched to Framily. Any ways around this? I could have sworn that at one point they said this, but I guess not. I suppose that the $15 or $20 is probably still better than some of the easy pay options for like a high end droid, though...

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So sprint won't combine my two accounts. Rather than doing that like I wanted the rep gave me two framily accounts. They won't combine unless a transfer of liablilty happens. This sucks.

Unless both accounts are in your name, you cannot combine existing accounts.  If they both are in your name, i recommend calling back and getting some better help.

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Yea that was the whole deal to upgrade before jan 10th and move over to the framily plan and you would get the 15 dollar fee waived then. I just got new phones in begining of dec switched to framily plan with two lines and keep unlimited data qualify for easy pay 1 year from then and get out of contract 1 year early a win win. And my bill is ten dollars cheaper and could be cheaper when more people get added to it.

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So it looks like I mistakenly thought that sprint was going to waive the $15 fee temporarily for anyone who had upgraded after Jan 10 as well as before, but after talking to a few reps this is not the case. Have several lines that I should have upgraded before the 10th, but now I'd have to have the $15 few if I upgrades them and then switched to Framily. Any ways around this? I could have sworn that at one point they said this, but I guess not. I suppose that the $15 or $20 is probably still better than some of the easy pay options for like a high end droid, though...

Depends on the phone. 16-20 is about the average monthly payment. The note 3 is 23 and the 5S is 22 and those are the most expensive.


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I have no doubt everyone can stay on the ED1500 plan but if they do away with upgrades from sprint it will cost you more to stay there than if you were on 7-10 lines with framily. And if they do let it stay but do away with sprint upgrades then good luck with upgrades cause as of now the ED1500 plan is NOT in there computers anymore meaning try to buy a phone from Amazon with a upgrade now on the ED1500 i go on there at times just to test it and it says your line is able to upgrade but then when you go to the next part it is says your plan is not in the system so getting upgrades with a ED1500 plan other than sprint.com will be hard.


It doesn't look likely that we could add enough lines for the 7-10 line price at this point, so framily would cost more for us. I am just hoping that Sprint will process upgrades in the immediate future, in store or on their website.

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Well sprint has on my account now all my phones listed that are able to use the easy pay feature. But it also says if you wait you can get great savings come July which is when the phone is due for a upgrade. So i have no idea how upgrades are going away so fast when they juust put on my account if you choose to not use the easy pay you will be able to upgrade on July 10th

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are we aloud to post our Framily ids so anyone can use them? Or is there a thread for that already and I can't find it.

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Not sure how they're handling framily id posting. But keep in mind, most people here are already Sprint customers with their own code. Although, I suppose the occasional prospective customer might browse this thread looking for a code.

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