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Is HD Voice now on? Mine appears to be working

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I think I had my first ever HD call! It sounded so different and clear


....except Im in new jersey, and she is in California. I thought that wasnt possible?


Also, galaxy s4 and iphone 5s


I believe Sprint has fixed the cross-OEM problem a while ago. Otherwise, I don't think they would've been able to call it nationwide.

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I believe Sprint has fixed the cross-OEM problem a while ago. Otherwise, I don't think they would've been able to call it nationwide.


Hm, well it was my first time hearing it, and I talk to my family weekly, and theyre on Sprint (same family plan!).


This call essentially sounded like a Skype call to me. I even asked if she was using a headset or anything different.

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Does the GS3 support HD Voice? Whenever I call my Aunt it's not an HD Call and we are both on Network Vision 3G/4G/800 towers. However, when I call my dad (he's has a Note 2) it is clearly an HD Voice call and the icon appears on my phone.

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Does the GS3 support HD Voice? Whenever I call my Aunt it's not an HD Call and we are both on Network Vision 3G/4G/800 towers. However, when I call my dad (he's has a Note 2) it is clearly an HD Voice call and the icon appears on my phone.

It should, providing that you are up to date.
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It should, providing that you are up to date.


I should've made it clear, I'm using an M8 and my Aunt is using a GS3. Her phone has the latest software available form Sprint but it just seems pretty weird to me that we never have HD Voice calls.

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I should've made it clear, I'm using an M8 and my Aunt is using a GS3. Her phone has the latest software available form Sprint but it just seems pretty weird to me that we never have HD Voice calls.



Galaxy s3 is listed on there. However I know sprint discontinued the original s3 for a recent Spark version.


The original s3 should be capable though

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Had my first HD voice call last night since I don't know that many people with Sprint (and even fewer with an HD voice handset) and wow... amazing! Can't wait until my family switches and I don't have to talk to them through a tin can (they're on Verizon).


Does anyone know if HD voice is ever coming to basic/feature phones? I searched and couldn't find anything I have some relatives who might like this, but they are technically challenged and would never own a smart phone.

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Galaxy s3 is listed on there. However I know sprint discontinued the original s3 for a recent Spark version.


The original s3 should be capable though


it definitely is as I've been able to have HD calls a few times with my mother (she's on am original S3, I'm on an iPhone 5S).  it doesn't seem to happen every time we speak and I would attribute this to the spotty Sprint coverage in her area but when it does work, damn, it sounds like we're in the same room.

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I should've made it clear, I'm using an M8 and my Aunt is using a GS3. Her phone has the latest software available form Sprint but it just seems pretty weird to me that we never have HD Voice calls.

GS3 does have HD voice, it just doesnt give you an HD notification like other phones do. I was surprised when I had my first HD voice considering that the GS3 was an old device. But what I did notice was that if you have a bluetooth headset paired and you initiate a phone call, HD voice wont work. Even if you answer the phone physically and chose to answer via the handset. For example, if you have your phone paired to your vehicle, and you receive a call, HD voice will not work.
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Then something's up with my Aunt's GS3 because whenever I call my father or he calls me with his Galaxy Note 2, I get an HD Voice notification letting me know that it is happening and I can tell because the call is really clear and crisp. However when my Aunt calls me or I call her, it simply doesn't pop up and it sounds clear but not as clear as when I'm on an HD call.

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Then something's up with my Aunt's GS3 because whenever I call my father or he calls me with his Galaxy Note 2, I get an HD Voice notification letting me know that it is happening and I can tell because the call is really clear and crisp. However when my Aunt calls me or I call her, it simply doesn't pop up and it sounds clear but not as clear as when I'm on an HD call.

Is your aunt on an Airave?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would think not. As long as both phones are HD voice capable, it should be fine. 


The other guy is S3.


Just now when I call 611, I saw EVRC-NW is used. Is that a HD voice?

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Does both person has to be in the same market for HD voice ?

Used to be, now it works across all markets. It's "deployed," and should work between two devices anywhere in native Sprint coverage sites that have the new Network Vision equipment on them, barring any issues with the sites.


The other guy is S3.


Just now when I call 611, I saw EVRC-NW is used. Is that a HD voice?

EVRC-NW is indeed the HD voice codec.

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Used to be, now it works across all markets. It's "deployed," and should work between two devices anywhere in native Sprint coverage sites that have the new Network Vision equipment on them, barring any issues with the sites.


EVRC-NW is indeed the HD voice codec.


But right now, even if I am calling a landline number, it is still using EVRC-NW


Doing some google on EVRC-NW, it says the codec is using variable rate. If both were on EVRC-NW, it will run high bit, otherwise, it will keep using the old bit rate under EVRC_NW name

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Is it my imagination or does HD Calling work with WIFI calling on my Galaxy 5????  It does sound great when talking to other Sprint phones when I call using my WIFI calling..  I am returning the AirRave I got last year to help with service in my condo...  Not needed anymore now that WIFI calling is working....

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I just finally had my first HD voice call today! I've had an HD capable phone since April but nobody else I know did until now so its about time!


It was between my Nexus 5 and a Boost Moto G. It garbled for a second then sprang to life, the difference was night and day. It seemed a little bright/tinny sounding though.

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Is it my imagination or does HD Calling work with WIFI calling on my Galaxy 5????  It does sound great when talking to other Sprint phones when I call using my WIFI calling..  I am returning the AirRave I got last year to help with service in my condo...  Not needed anymore now that WIFI calling is working....


I noticed this too...wifi calling on Galaxy S5 is fantastic!

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Sprint's Saw: 16M customers have access to HD voice




"Just two months since launching nationwide HD voice service, Sprint says that 16 million customers have access to HD voice service."

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