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  • Phones/Devices
    Nexus 5
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    Walla Walla,WA
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Member Level: eHRPD (9/12)



  1. That's wild that one company handle all roaming for US.
  2. Reports of International Roaming outages affecting all 3 carriers surfaces 6/26-6/27. I don't understand why it affects all US carriers. Is there any shared infrastructure for handling outgoing International Roaming?
  3. Anyone still has a CDMA device to check if network is truly off?
  4. I am using Starry for my home internet. I hope it doesn't collapse and make me go to cable.
  5. So, this is like LTE_A but for NR?
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  6. Could I still join beta
  7. One more month to go and done.
  8. I switched to TNX and lost a lot of roaming
  9. Interesting, so 5G module still allows AT+EGMR command. Where could I found them? I only find RM500Q on eBay. I assumed Q means Qualcomm not mediatek.
  10. Which module are you using for 5G? The quectel one?
  11. Is there any LTE modules that would support B71?
  12. I just hoping holding out on Unlimited Kickstarter on Sprint will allow me to grandfathered in.
  13. Wondering if there are some Sprint device not capable of AT&T roaming?
  14. No, Exynos is modem too. Samsung Galaxy has Qualcomm version and Exynos version. Just like iPhone has Intel version
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