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Comments related to the NV Running List Thread

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So I noticed when Verizon brought 4g LtE to our area we had at most 1-day of network downtime and then bam: 39mbps down and something stupid of like 26mbps up. How does Verizon do it with 1-day of downtime but Sprint takes weeks/months of service issues?

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So I noticed when Verizon brought 4g LtE to our area we had at most 1-day of network downtime and then bam: 39mbps down and something stupid of like 26mbps up. How does Verizon do it with 1-day of downtime but Sprint takes weeks/months of service issues?


Simple. VZW is just bolting LTE on to its existing, aging network. Sprint, on the other hand, is rebuilding its network "from the ground up."



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That estimated completion time is beast admin. That's a hella long time from now :(


Can someone please translate for me? :lol:


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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Can someone please translate for me? :lol:


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


I think he is just expressing chagrin at your new projections for "Current Production Rate Completion" juxtaposed with "Original Scheduled Completion." On its face, the unavoidable implication is that this project in several areas is seriously falling behind schedule. And on a parochial note, I must say I am disappointed myself to see Austin expressly flagged as "DELAYED."


BTW, I congratulate S4GRU for reporting the news and analysis straightforwardly..

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So I noticed when Verizon brought 4g LtE to our area we had at most 1-day of network downtime and then bam: 39mbps down and something stupid of like 26mbps up. How does Verizon do it with 1-day of downtime but Sprint takes weeks/months of service issues?


Verizon was using empty spectrum deploying their LTE network in 700Mhz. They just added equipment to towers and were ready to go, no interruption to existing service. Sprint is rebuilding every site from the ground up (except the tower structure). So it takes a bit longer with a bit more pain...

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Sprint has announced 4 more more cities. Baltimore and several other small ones.




Beat ya! I already had it posted in The Wall. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-319-sprint-announces-that-baltimore-is-now-formally-launched-as-well-as-some-other-communities-in-already-launched-markets/





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Do you think DC will still be launched at the beginning of October? Also, what is the reason for all of these delays? Is it just that the going is slower than they thought, or something more than that?

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I have heard from Verizon (yes Verizon) that Sprint's 4G LTE is launching on Sept 7th in Los Angeles.. (at least a few sites). I also heard this on a random forum site as well a few weeks ago..also Sept 7th. What news have they heard to both come up with the same date?

I hesitate to say this but I also heard it from a Sprint rep last week when I called about a different issue in a non-NV planned area.

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I have heard from Verizon (yes Verizon) that Sprint's 4G LTE is launching on Sept 7th in Los Angeles.. (at least a few sites). I also heard this on a random forum site as well a few weeks ago..also Sept 7th. What news have they heard to both come up with the same date?

I hesitate to say this but I also heard it from a Sprint rep last week when I called about a different issue in a non-NV planned area.


It's not going to happen. Sprint has said they will announce market launches 30-45 days in advance. Besides, they do not have nowhere near enough LTE sites complete yet. Mid October is the absolute earliest at this point.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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I was really encouraged to know that as a second round market, they should start mobilizing Minnesota in the next couple months! This is ahead of a ton of other markets in the country.


Minnesota will also be continuing to get band aide fixes in the mean time. Also I feel coverage there is better than most other places in the country for Sprint.

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Hey Robert,


I noticed that a lot of the Anticipated completion dates on a lot of cities are getting pushed waaayy back like NYC to August 2014.

Do you think Sprint is just falling that much behind? To me it seems like a change in their deployment strategy.


Maybe they are spreading the contractors all over the country as opposed to focusing on maybe 10 or 15 markets at a time.

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I noticed San Diego is not in the list announced for the upcoming months. When do you think SD will start getting some LTE love. Still December or January?


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


The list from Sprint shows communities that will be deployed enough by December to launch service. Sprint must not feel San Diego will have enough service deployed by December to promote it.


We will not be able to better refine out guesstimate of a San Diego launch until sites start completing in the market. Which hopefully will start in the next 30-45 days.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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Hey Robert' date='


I noticed that a lot of the Anticipated completion dates on a lot of cities are getting pushed waaayy back like NYC to August 2014.

Do you think Sprint is just falling that much behind? To me it seems like a change in their deployment strategy.


Maybe they are spreading the contractors all over the country as opposed to focusing on maybe 10 or 15 markets at a time.[/quote']


More moved up in this weeks update than were pushed back. The current production rate completion date takes the number of sites complete in the past few weeks, takes that rate of completion and divides it over the entire amount of sites remaining in the market. So this date will bounce around a lot if deployment speeds up or slows down in a market.


The anticipated launch date is our guesstimate of when Sprint will cross the threshold of enough completed sites that they will launch the market. It doesn't bounce around like the final completion date basedbon current production rate.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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More moved up in this weeks update than were pushed back. The current production rate completion date takes the number of sites complete in the past few weeks, takes that rate of completion and divides it over the entire amount of sites remaining in the market. So this date will bounce around a lot if deployment speeds up or slows down in a market.


The anticipated launch date is our guesstimate of when Sprint will cross the threshold of enough completed sites that they will launch the market. It doesn't bounce around like the final completion date basedbon current production rate.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


That makes sense. I thought they were transitioning to deploying Network Vision across the entire country, that way people start seeing those benefits around the entire country and it would also eliminate the need to move forward as much with the band-aid fixes because Network Vision would cover those needs.

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So i was looking at the sponsor maps and saw on the Ericsson map they deactivated a site in the Atlanta market what's up with that.


It happens all the time. Leases end and they are unable to renew or the renewal terms were not acceptable. Or it could be that the site could not be NV upgradable. Nothing too unusual. They probably already have the replacement site up and running or will in the near future.



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