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SignalCheck - Android app to monitor your Wi-Fi/2G/3G/4G LTE/5G-NR signal strengths


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Mike, why does SCP indicate Wi-Fi calling, even though it's turned off in phone settings? I can't figure out whether this is a SCP glitch, or if Sprint somehow prioritizes Wi-Fi calling outside my control.

Bone stock Sprint HTC U1111ccfaef15ec0f4e19095cd13b9802f4.jpg


Sent from my HTC U11 using Tapatalk

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Mike, why does SCP indicate Wi-Fi calling, even though it's turned off in phone settings? I can't figure out whether this is a SCP glitch, or if Sprint somehow prioritizes Wi-Fi calling outside my control.

Bone stock Sprint HTC U11


That display has been changed in the current beta.. it is an issue I have been wrestling with. If connected to Wi-Fi, some devices are now reporting NETWORK_TYPE_IWLAN. Previously, I had identified this as occurring when Wi-Fi Calling was active--but other devices are now starting to report it where Wi-Fi Calling is not in play. SignalCheck will simply report it as "IWLAN" because that is what the OS is reporting. If you disconnect from Wi-Fi, it will change to a typical mobile connection type.


When looking into "IWLAN", the most common definition is interworking wireless LAN, which basically means data is routed from your device to your mobile provider's network over Wi-Fi. If anyone has more insight, feel free to share.


There is a new Android routine that I am looking into that might allow me to dig out something more useful than "IWLAN" but I am trying to finish up some other things first.



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This may only effect Samsung phones, but I've noticed that when the notification bar is white, the SCP notification in the bar washes out. Is there any chance you could program the notification to switch to gray (or some other dark color) when the notification bar is white? The easiest way to see this is to open the phone app. It changes the top notification bar to white and you can no longer see the SCP signal level. Most other apps seem to switch their icon to gray so you can still see the icons up top, such as Google Play Music. 


If this has been brought up before, I apologize. I don't remember seeing it. 


Thanks again for your hard work.

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I've noticed over the last few weeks that scp is using a decent amount of battery, some days it's 1-2% don't know if it's a known issue but thought I would let you know. I'll take a screenshot the next time I see it happen, usually killing the process fixes it.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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This may only effect Samsung phones, but I've noticed that when the notification bar is white, the SCP notification in the bar washes out. Is there any chance you could program the notification to switch to gray (or some other dark color) when the notification bar is white? The easiest way to see this is to open the phone app. It changes the top notification bar to white and you can no longer see the SCP signal level. Most other apps seem to switch their icon to gray so you can still see the icons up top, such as Google Play Music. 


Others have asked about this, but not sure if it was in a public forum or not. Developers have no control over icon colors, the OS is supposed to flip it light/dark based on the background.. do you have Nova Launcher or something similar installed? That seems to be what causes this issue.



I've noticed over the last few weeks that scp is using a decent amount of battery, some days it's 1-2% don't know if it's a known issue but thought I would let you know. I'll take a screenshot the next time I see it happen, usually killing the process fixes it.


I've had scattered reports over the years of perceived spikes in battery usage.. unless it's immediately after an app update (where I might have changed something), I really can't pinpoint a reason. As I have mentioned in the past, I think it might be more related to the lack of other apps using any battery during that time period, or an anomaly with the battery monitoring itself. Not trying to say that SignalCheck is infallible; just that those battery stats show the proportion of battery used by each app. If you only installed SCP and nothing else, you'd see even higher numbers, because it would be responsible for all of the non-system power usage. If you installed 1000 apps and used them all, SCP would probably only get a fractional percentage. Hope that makes sense.



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I occasionally have issues with turning off logging or changing site notes when not intended.  If their was a confirmation prompt or a special setting to prevent this that would be great.  I know it occurs with others as well.   Thanks

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Others have asked about this, but not sure if it was in a public forum or not. Developers have no control over icon colors, the OS is supposed to flip it light/dark based on the background.. do you have Nova Launcher or something similar installed? That seems to be what causes this issue.



This is in stock TouchWiz. It seems all other apps flip to a gray color except for SCP.




Sent from my Galaxy S8+ using Tapatalk

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I have an interesting issue with my OnePlus 5. I have dual SIMs one ATT and the other TMobile. Whenever I have attached set as the default data card, SCP works normally showing the signal in the notification bar and in the app, but when I switch to T-Mobile as the default card for data. LTE data never shows. I can send logs so you can see what's going on.

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I have an interesting issue with my OnePlus 5. I have dual SIMs one ATT and the other TMobile. Whenever I have attached set as the default data card, SCP works normally showing the signal in the notification bar and in the app, but when I switch to T-Mobile as the default card for data. LTE data never shows. I can send logs so you can see what's going on.

I woyld just send them. Then Mike can look at them, which is often late at night. Otherwise much time will be wasted.


Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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I have an interesting issue with my OnePlus 5. I have dual SIMs one ATT and the other TMobile. Whenever I have attached set as the default data card, SCP works normally showing the signal in the notification bar and in the app, but when I switch to T-Mobile as the default card for data. LTE data never shows. I can send logs so you can see what's going on.

Unfortunately you are not going to get data from the 2nd Sim, dual Sim phones don't work like that, I don't know why people keep thinking they do. Primary Sim phone and data, secondary Sim phone only.


Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

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Unfortunately you are not going to get data from the 2nd Sim, dual Sim phones don't work like that, I don't know why people keep thinking they do. Primary Sim phone and data, secondary Sim phone only.


Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

I can get the data from the second sim though. I forgot to add that when both sim cards are active I have to enable sim number 2 before I enable number one in order for SCP to report on it. If I try to switch after that, that's when I run into issues
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I have an interesting issue with my OnePlus 5. I have dual SIMs one ATT and the other TMobile. Whenever I have attached set as the default data card, SCP works normally showing the signal in the notification bar and in the app, but when I switch to T-Mobile as the default card for data. LTE data never shows. I can send logs so you can see what's going on.


I have yet to see a dual SIM device report any data to the Android OS from the second SIM. At the time of your diagnostic report, it looked like your T-Mobile SIM was active (the SIM PLMN was 310260), but it was not reporting any other data at that moment. The last information it captured appeared to be an AT&T connection on band 17 -- GCI 0112BF10, PCI 353, TAC 4633, EARFCN 5780. (Does that appear to be valid for AT&T in your area?)



Any way to show LTE CA in the status bar when it displays this?


Well that's cool.. how did you do that? I had to double-check my code to see what would cause that.. it's a 'hidden' network type that I noticed was added to the Android 7.0 source code; it is hidden from typical routines, and not mentioned in the Android reference. I added the constant just in case it was spotted in the wild. Have you seen it consistently? Does it usually show valid LTE data? Does it appear to trigger when CA is active? What device and Android version?



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I have yet to see a dual SIM device report any data to the Android OS from the second SIM. At the time of your diagnostic report, it looked like your T-Mobile SIM was active (the SIM PLMN was 310260), but it was not reporting any other data at that moment. The last information it captured appeared to be an AT&T connection on band 17 -- GCI 0112BF10, PCI 353, TAC 4633, EARFCN 5780. (Does that appear to be valid for AT&T in your area?)





yes that is correct. I am able to get SCP to show data from Sim 2 though. The only way is to turn sim 1 off then turn it back on and have sim 2 as primary data. I can send a diagnostics after that.
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This is in stock TouchWiz. It seems all other apps flip to a gray color except for SCP.


Hmm. The only thing I can think of is that TouchWiz is not properly handling layered icons (that's how SCP dynamically displays a network type and signal strength on one notification icon). If you change the icon to something else that only shows one piece of information (i.e. only the connection type), does the color adjust correctly?



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Well that's cool.. how did you do that? I had to double-check my code to see what would cause that.. it's a 'hidden' network type that I noticed was added to the Android 7.0 source code; it is hidden from typical routines, and not mentioned in the Android reference. I added the constant just in case it was spotted in the wild. Have you seen it consistently? Does it usually show valid LTE data? Does it appear to trigger when CA is active? What device and Android version?



This is on my Le Eco Pro3. Marshmallow 6.0.1 OS. I only recently noticed it because I just came back to this device. It definitely does show whenever CA is enabled. I just did a speed test to force CA and took a screen cap of my settings with the pulldown. Definitely an accurate reading on this device.


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This is on my Le Eco Pro3. Marshmallow 6.0.1 OS. I only recently noticed it because I just came back to this device. It definitely does show whenever CA is enabled. I just did a speed test to force CA and took a screen cap of my settings with the pulldown. Definitely an accurate reading on this device.


Interesting, that's the first report I've seen thanks!! Strange part is it didn't appear to be added to the Android base code until the Android N previews, but who knows. Can you send a diagnostic report too? The "LTE-CA" display was essentially a placeholder "if" it was ever spotted in the wild. Now that I know it might show up, I'll tweak it a bit to make it more useful. Still hoping to be able to catch CA in a manner that will let me identify 2xCA/3xCA/beyond, as well as more data about the additional carriers (which bands its using, etc).. but this is better than nothing!



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Interesting, that's the first report I've seen thanks!! Strange part is it didn't appear to be added to the Android base code until the Android N previews, but who knows. Can you send a diagnostic report too? The "LTE-CA" display was essentially a placeholder "if" it was ever spotted in the wild. Now that I know it might show up, I'll tweak it a bit to make it more useful. Still hoping to be able to catch CA in a manner that will let me identify 2xCA/3xCA/beyond, as well as more data about the additional carriers (which bands its using, etc).. but this is better than nothing!



Sure I can grab it tomorrow when I'm back in an LTE CA area. Where can I get it? Standard logcat?
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Sure I can grab it tomorrow when I'm back in an LTE CA area. Where can I get it? Standard logcat?


Nope, even easier.. within SCP, go to About > Send Diagnostics. Make sure you put in your username and a brief note on why you are sending it so it doesn't get lost in the pile. Once you put a name in, it is saved for future reports.




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Nope, even easier.. within SCP, go to About > Send Diagnostics. Make sure you put in your username and a brief note on why you are sending it so it doesn't get lost in the pile. Once you put a name in, it is saved for future reports.




Just sent it over.  Hopefully it helps out! 

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Just sent it over.  Hopefully it helps out! 


I got it, but you weren't on LTE-CA at the time, just plain ole' LTE. It might be tricky but you need to hit submit while you're still on LTE-CA. Don't worry about filling in a description, as long as your username is on there I'll be able to track it down.


EDIT: Your second try did the trick, thanks!



Edited by mikejeep
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I got it, but you weren't on LTE-CA at the time, just plain ole' LTE. It might be tricky but you need to hit submit while you're still on LTE-CA. Don't worry about filling in a description, as long as your username is on there I'll be able to track it down.



Aw dang I was doing a speedtest to force CA haha.  I'll start downloading a larger app and resubmit. 

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A public update to SignalCheck Pro should be available within the hour -- grab it on Google Play! Mostly bugfixes, with a few new minor features; full details are below because I like changelogs. Still working on many other things, including a SignalCheck Lite update..
Resolved issue with CDMA BSL display failing on Android 8.0. (Pro)
The latitude and longitude of CDMA base stations are swapped in Android Oreo. SignalCheck will swap them if it detects Android 8. The bug report is here if you want to 'star' it to help mark it as a priority for the Android team.

Changed “Wi-Fi Calling” label to “IWLAN”.
If connected to Wi-Fi, some devices are now reporting NETWORK_TYPE_IWLAN. Previously, this was believed to indicate that Wi-Fi Calling was active--but other devices are now starting to report it where Wi-Fi Calling is not in play. SignalCheck will simply report it as "IWLAN" because that is what the OS is reporting. IWLAN stands for interworking wireless LAN, which basically means data is routed from your device to your mobile provider's network over Wi-Fi. If you disconnect from Wi-Fi, it will change to a typical mobile connection type.
Added option to limit notifications when Samsung DeX mode is active. (Pro)
SignalCheck causes constant notification popups when using DeX.. a new option has been added under Preferences > Display > Limit Notifications on DeX to automatically stop the notifications from updating when DeX is active.
Improved third-party (Tasker) intents; omitted Extras will no longer trigger changes. (Pro)
Previously, the LocationService, SiteLogger, and BackgroundService Extras all had to be sent; omitted Extras caused the processes to revert to their default. Now, you can send only the Extras you want to change, and the other(s) will be left as-is. Below is a reminder how the intents can be used:

Using Tasker or similar methods, users can now send intents to SignalCheck to toggle the three main processes that can run behind-the-scenes. Using a broadcast intent, you can toggle these by using the intent "com.blueline.signalcheck.SetServices" along with the following Extras:

  • LocationService:true (enables Location Service)
  • LocationService:false (disables Location Service)
  • SiteLogger:true (enables Site Logger)
  • SiteLogger:false (disables Site Logger)
  • BackgroundService:true (enables Location Service)
  • BackgroundService:false (disables Location Service)


Added provider name to LTE neighbor cells if PLMN is reported and does not match active connection. (Pro)
I have not seen it in the wild (and it might not happen), but if a device is able to report a neighbor cell with a different PLMN, it will display the provider name.
Added “Maximum” notification icon priority option. (Pro)
This option will force SignalCheck icons to the far left of the notification bar and the top of the notification shade (unless there is a visible notification for another app with Maximum priority, then the OS decides which takes precedent).

Added notification icons for Airave 1X connections. (Pro)
Added notification icons for IWLAN and TD-SCDMA networks. (Pro)

Changed main screen to display “Mobile” instead of “CDMA” when there is no mobile connection.
Resolved issue with LTE band 12 displaying 1 MHz too high.
Resolved issue with mobile IP address not displaying in certain situations. (Pro)
Resolved issue with Sprint Airave/800 indicators displaying improperly.

Resolved issue with status bar notification priority preference not working. (Pro)
Not much to elaborate on, these should be self-explanatory.
As always, thank you for your support!

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