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Everything posted by belusnecropolis

  1. Zomg a Wilmington sprint fan!!1111, we should talk. I'm down in the dirty myrtle and maintain a map of our market(many of us make personal maps for our markets for more personal experience, meeting other wireless enthusiasts, etc). You're market is close to mine, and I always love expanding teh map and getting other folks in our area to contribute has been difficult to find, let me know if/when you get the site hunting urge(took me about a month to get super serial about it) it happens to us all. If you get info, pics, anything cool like that related. I will take it. As always, welcome to s4gru!
  2. Neat! Is this S compatible? I just saw a notice about availability varying by country.
  3. It just made it out of r&d last year. Sprint waited for the 8 antenna tech to push out before deploying band 41 on the Sprint network to maximize the usage of this setup. I believe the setup for bands 26 and 25 are 2x2.
  4. It is the 65MHz it covers in the PCS band I believe. They are referring to the total frequency width in the new rru's 31 they are installing in place of the older rru's 11 if I remember correctly.
  5. Thanks for this, had that issue on the n5. Thought maybe I had to re-root. I assumed as much, but this confirms nao.
  6. After reading all this, I am assured that when I shed my n5 I will ask an employee to assault me with an n6. That seems to be the way to get a functioning one. Thanks for being the tester on that one darick. NevAr furget 11/21, the day service died. Sheesh what a hardcore experience to get a 700 odd dollar working product.
  7. Just flashed lollipop, looks and feels smooth. Unfortunately the .15 radio has me spoiled though. I am able to run 5 and the .15 radio, or are those two incompatible? Edit Works great!
  8. And I was just getting into the fun of looking for Stingrays . . . this should prove interesting.
  9. I picked up 2500 in Highland while I was there last week. Shuffled through my logs, it was not the site in Hartland if I remember by the gci. I'll check it out when I get in tonight and msg you the lat long and all that. But, I was on Leanord Lake so that puts it in that area. Also, do you guys got a premiere section in the works?
  10. I am curious what Sprint is doing to pick up more business customers. I have seen little in the way of business marketing, outside of my Credit union from time to time. I recall sprint touting the continuation of CDMA, especially in 800 for M2M and smaller data intensive wireless applications. Larger data is also feasible with so many available LTE carriers able to be deployed now with NV base stations and new Antennae. I will get on with questions for the experts and for the rest of us to dig into and look for. I guess I would start this discussion with what is Sprints marketing strategy for Business. Also, how it differs from average users and the impact on and experience with the network. What technologies are involved in where within Sprint's business applications? 1x for wireless fax, meters, and other low usage, or do we use LTE for these now, or CDMA? What is the stats on Sprint DAS systems going LTE, are they also mixed in with WiFi antennae? I have heard of a setup like this in Stadiums. Where do Smaller cells come into play in what is needed for a business, or a small cells placed near certain centers of business such as a local downtown area or metro? How is the internet of things deploying with Sprint and other carriers? Are these a LTE to WiFi solution? What do you think the applications will be? Finally, what are examples of the hardware that these solutions require? I will start with this cool piece about Sprint helping folks associate drinking with winning via an application by a Mesh Systems to light up beer taps at the bar to blink LED when for example the home team scores. Top lel, that is so cool. http://www.lightreading.com/iot/iot-strategies/for-sprint-iot-is-all-business/d/d-id/711832?
  11. I connected to it as well two nights ago, but could not reproduce a connection on the way out today. http://imgur.com/w4zQJ1h http://imgur.com/4qGbAoQ http://imgur.com/PuNbk3l http://imgur.com/eldFVKl http://imgur.com/R1lKB52
  12. Heavy metal show and hanging out with old, good friends.
  13. 55020 I am roaming on EV-DO on vzw in West Virginia.
  14. :poke:Don't be shy new members! Though I feel I may be talking at myself here somedays It's ok, I like my jokes, and I make good company. Super serial tho, lets get this together before 2.0 kicks in folks! Still need some members!
  15. Need MOAR spotters! Florence, Cherry Grove and North, anyone in the less traveled parts keep an eye out. Don't forget to troll your friends w Sprint on social media about S4GRU, and what we do here. I have a sexy map in premiere, if we can get more folks in on it I will make a new layer, bigger area and w sponsor and premiere. The offer is still good if someone needs a donation to help out, I'm down. Admin always appreciated that, I get more help to get the map up and updated, and you get access to all the good official maps Robert provides, all the shared knowledge of mobile telemaphonetry! I can chip in a few bucks towards getting someone closer to premiere if you can get me some good picks and numbers in the areas listed above. I know money is tight here off season so I would rather pay it forward now, so we have a good plan coming into the next rollout (which premiere will know soon™ enough), and hopefully maybe get someone as interested in this stuff as myself and the 1-2 other users in my area. Getting into mobile tech first as an interested query that led me here, to enthusiast, to now student (Hey it's ITT but ya gotta learn somewhere and somehow). All this interest and knowledge literally helped made serious changes in how I spend my days, even though I am a horrible student, it has made quite a difference. How could you not wanna pass that around? Don't Bogart it dude, as they say so . . . Thanks to everyone who contributes, and if you need that chip in send me a msg, and I'll send admin a msg, and we'll get ya set up. Do it before my new kittens eat me out of house and home! http://imgur.com/cpazmwk.png
  16. It's Snoop official. We also added a Snoop tribute in premiere.
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