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Everything posted by belusnecropolis

  1. Yeah I happened to catch it in the act. That was interesting.
  2. Can't say for koa personally, only that I have had trouble through the area as well. The different radio is my solution for now. Not sure if it will help in that area particularly. Keep in mind there are a ton of tourists in town, so what we do have for LTE gets stressed at times, as well as 3g. Like Robert says, check the maps, check sensorly, if any shows up there you may have a shot.
  3. Yeah KOA is right in the one major hole in LTE coverage. I have .15 radios and it seems to do the best with our market having band 25 as the one available channel. 1x800 is through town though. For what that is worth. I connect max 4.5 to 5 miles out on LTE here with .15, .13 gets about 3.5 miles maybe 4 to the site. No band 26 yet.
  4. Certainly is not an ideal condition, but yes they can be put into what some call a ground mount radio unit type setup. Essentially the way most setups were done before network vision decided to pop em up top and get all that distance out of the way. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. Yeah I was up all night too, finally got it knocked out.
  6. Yeah the OTA didn't take w mine, root and .15 radio. Obviously, I assumed it would hang up. It downloaded. Upon re-boot it just opened twrp and I really didn't know what to do from there so hit the reboot option and nothin' changed. Again just for those of us not side loading, which I guess I will be doing as soon as I find the simplest way to do.
  7. http://imgur.com/ESkYF8o Just in case anyone was curious what to look for, it is going out. For those of us not loading on our own.
  8. Just got it OTA. Gonna back up and see if it sticks.
  9. 75 for 20/2 w TWC. The other option is the local Phone co-op. Which is just a sales front for AT&T. In fact, last I checked, T was not happy that the other 3 have LTE in my our market (Myrtle Beach) and they do not yet. So needless to say T started lighting em up last week. So yeah some competition would be great.
  10. Hey Mike, easy question for ya, where exactly do I find the exported logs on my Nexus 5? I do not notice them in muh download app, and going from the Photon to the nexus, I noticed no 'file' shortcut like ICS used to put all my randoms in. Appreciate the help and thank you in advance.
  11. Ever since I plopped in the new .15 radios, I see no problems with reception. Still getting calls and texts. Even picks up a random 800 carrier for 1x when it drops from csfb in town. I posted results in the Myrtle thread. I just don't believe we have any active 800 LTE at the beach, let alone b41. So I am content being the one dot of purple on the map south of 29527 from a 1900 tower 3 miles and change away. Through a forest. That pretty much shut down any complaint I had w this device. The bugs are obnoxious but livable so far on my end. Mostly a random app ending.
  12. http://imgur.com/a/ggKTx#cMmdmLN I just noticed an update or change to my camera, I was able to get these 2 screens & a picture of the cat, fun while trying to bring up the plane sim style aim and screenshot while partying with friends on an international g+ hangout. Thought maybe was an 4.4.3 but no, still neat. Unless I stumbled across a view I just never found before.
  13. Grabbed this while uploading pics from my camera to my n5, these are some cool features you packed into this thing! A ton of great info.
  14. Looks awesome! Thanks to the shooter, these look cool. We all hope to see more soon.
  15. ALU and STA will be using their own 8t8r equipment, or will this be used nationwide?
  16. Although I imagine it would simply broadcast as a different cell, masking a location or identifying data is as simple as inputting it into said system before one fires up the broadcast.
  17. I have been trying with scp, as well as a couple other methods. So far just the standard stuff. I am unaware as to how they can specifically target one user if the method is to simply use signal strength to grab your line in a dragnet sense, but the technology is definitely available once you are identified through the back haul or on their network per se. What it would read I have yet to identify. I am trying, though.
  18. I have been following this story pretty solid. They have 2 kinds of these devices, one that offers simple Geo data, and another that is much smarter. Your data is essentially routed through their femtocell. You can imagine the implications with that. I have been trolling the area here looking for them, no luck yet, but I sure will post when I find anything good.
  19. I have noticed picture compression as well. In fact I can't recall a time they have not been compressed, I have seen this for a while. I am in a launched market and all that good stuff, new phone. On webpages I have noticed this since the hybrid PTT/PCS phone days.
  20. I did tons of wimax speed tests in my area, after a checking I can't find one either (29577)
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