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About mhammett

  • Birthday 07/15/1982

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  • Phones/Devices
    Rooted Nexus 6
  • Gender
  • Location
    DeKalb, IL
  • Here for...
    4G Information
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  • Favorite Quotation
    I piss excellence
  • Interests
    WISPs, fiber, Sprint, IXes, etc.

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Member Level: 4G WiMax

Member Level: 4G WiMax (10/12)



  1. You can always use CellMapper to take a look at what towers and coverage are like in an area.
  2. I guess I haven't been paying attention. https://www.cellmapper.net/map?MCC=310&MNC=260&type=LTE&latitude=41.953659214207136&longitude=-88.73794697304687&zoom=11&showTowers=true&showTowerLabels=true&clusterEnabled=true&tilesEnabled=true&showOrphans=false&showNoFrequencyOnly=false&showFrequencyOnly=false&showBandwidthOnly=false&DateFilterType=None&showHex=false&bands=5,13,17,25,71&showVerifiedOnly=false&showUnverifiedOnly=false&showLTECAOnly=false&showENDCOnly=false&showBand=0&showSectorColours=true&mapType=roadmap I've seen them, per CellMapper!
  3. Does anyone have a Pixel 3 XL case recommendation that's more rugged than the Spigen Rugged Armor? Let's just say it's not rugged enough.
  4. 5G is purely about manufacturers trying to sell more equipment.
  5. Did you run CellMapper when driving around?
  6. Was the problem in the messaging (calling it charging rapidly when it was really charging slowly) or was the problem in that Google forgot to enable the DRM in the release version? The only real way to know is a screenshot of a battery management app before the update showing what the charge rate actually is when "charging rapidly".
  7. I am looking for more observations on this. I believe the restriction on the Google-approved wireless chargers for charging rapidly was instituted in a software update. Out of the box, my 3 XL was "charging rapidly" from my old generic wireless charger. I installed the update and now it's "charging slowly". Can anyone else confirm? Can I roll back my update?
  8. Apparently, the 10w wireless charging is a Google standard. If you wish to use Qi, you're limited to 5w. The Qi standard goes up to 15w. Why, Google, why?
  9. The Nexus 6 was the last Pixel\Nexus that had wireless charging, so it was the last one worth considering. Now it's back. Is the Pixel 3 an RF powerhouse like the Nexus 6 was?
  10. The problem is generally the power from the handset back to the tower, not from the tower to the handset. Voice calls should require less capacity than a speed test. A speed test is the most intensive thing you can do on a network, well, short of BitTorrent.
  11. The one I was looking at was 8290, so that should hold true. https://www.cellmapper.net/map?MCC=310&MNC=120&type=LTE&latitude=41.85563059481918&longitude=-88.50457084856009&zoom=11&showTowers=true&clusterEnabled=true&tilesEnabled=true&heatMapEnabled=false&showOrphans=false&showNoFrequencyOnly=false&showFrequencyOnly=false&showBandwidthOnly=false&DateFilterType=Last&showHex=false&showVerifiedOnly=false&showUnverifiedOnly=false&showLTECAOnly=false&showBand=0&mapType=custom_map&showSectorColours=true
  12. If a Sprint channel is on 1875 MHz, what size of channel is it? What is the Chicago-area currently running on?
  13. I noticed that Fi doesn't have all of the Google Voice features. No voicemail to email, no call screening.
  14. Okay, so I'm likely to move down to 3G with the RRPP coverage (if any)?
  15. Right, but that doesn't really address my questions (about Google Fi vs. Google Voice feature parity or Sprint rural partnerships).
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