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Everything posted by belusnecropolis

  1. Hey folks, when did you notice band 26 come online? Towards the strand we got it mostly in winter/spring of 2014. We still have several 3g only GMO's waiting for conversion along the south strand. We had one converted at the MYR airport finally last week to at least band 25, I have yet to confirm if GMO or full build. We have one GMO LTE site(band 25 only) by me in Conway but that is it for about 40 miles and it came online in '14 as well. We have no band 41 sightings here. No Nextel conversions either from sites that were previously taken offline that were not co-located. I recently took a nice trip to visit 4 of these Nextel only sites and it was lots of 1x VZW roaming as well. I am gonna put a nice write up in première about that this week, but other than that one at the jetport it has been dead for 2 years here. I have been unable to get upstate myself to see progress but I hope it is coming along, as you folks mentioned above there are many areas of no service that could sure use the competition and offer a nice chance to grab new market share. From what you shared above your area mostly mirrors the experience here. Lots of slow going. Hope it picks up soon! We sure need infill and expansion. I have viewed the map and see some 41 creeped in from CLT market when it was first rolled out but I assume this was the low hanging fruit such as clear conversions, has anyone been able to use the few areas we have 41 in SC, or is it the unicorn filled dragonegg grotto I imagine it to be? Thanks for sharing your experiences, hope everyone has a good day.
  2. Woa, that is loud. Hurts the eyes at this hour. It makes the three gee only areas not look so bad as an added bonus for Sprint. We do not have LTE+ here so I had to travel on the map to an area that does and it seems stand out fairly better. It produced a kind of artifact so I am guessing a work in progress maybe, so I can't comment on coverage difference though. Unless we have some killer propagation stoppers around the state line. pic related http://imgur.com/oZS1z6T
  3. By this logic, the town of Aynor, SC should have 8t8r, small cells, and two panel per sector 800 setups for 4t4r. Since it heads into Myrtle Beach on hwy 501 where we had 20M+ visitors annually in recent years, easily. The largest driven to family destination in the nation. Yet, it doesn't; it has a (1) three gee GMO because Sprint has realized about 600 people live there and market share is most likely minimal. Priorities are what they are unfortunately for you, and Aynor. I would suggest; get vocal on any and all available channels to the company if you feel the brand loyalty is a good reward for you or make it known to iWireless and bring em your bucks. We can and do share knowledge openly and gladly but we just don't have that kind of inside track on a corp. that is recently known to hold it's cards close to it's chest. Hope this helps perspective, because S4GRU users can't erect sites.
  4. Could anyone provide an example of how to build a successful outdoor to indoor antenna? I have seen the charts on the weboost sites and such, I would just like to see a completed homebrew or one of the retail models in action. I have looked and am unable to find one of these yagi indoor to outdoor setups in a how to fashion. I have viewed many sites and the plethora of hardware is a bit confusing if you are not sure where to start building your own vs. off the shelf, and my search results have tended to end up in a ton of shopping options and not build options. I have read also that one is recommended to register this with your carrier; does that entail a phone call and a setup? I have seen some that convert the airlink to WiFi hotspot style, but that just seems another radio to kill your battery when it is already struggling, do the yagi ones generally repeat the LTE airlink indoors? I am guessing it depends on your indoor antenna and a signal mixer/transducer. I would like to build one, or at least study the structure and feasibility of an example for my property. I just have not found a forum for folks who have had success in this area. Thanks in advance, I appreciate the personal advice this forum offers in this format, my usual inquiries to companies are just trying to sell me items I do not fully understand.
  5. http://www.rcrwireless.com/20160209/network-infrastructure/lte/super-bowl-gives-public-safety-glimpse-of-firstnet-tag6 1.6Tb looks to be the total according to RCR.
  6. http://m.imgur.com/XtVNRXO,W17qXt5 These popped up in my feed from some crews working, I think the rollout may be getting srsbzns finally. Captioned 'just a couple sprint sites." Indeed.
  7. I thought zero rated, ad supported data was sketchtastic. Negative rated, ad supported device ACCESS? I am crawling back into my hole for a few for snacks; if it was not 4:25 and I did not see a link I may have thought this a side effect.
  8. Snow flakes in the dirty Myrtle, nothing is quite sticking towards the beach. It made my grass frosty inland a ways. The tourists left in town are mostly Canadians so they are loving it I am sure.
  9. http://wirelessestimator.com/articles/2016/recodes-sprint-story-long-on-conjecture-short-on-facts/ Guy sums it up nicely. Seems like a good bit of reaching, no researching, then reporting.
  10. Special thanks from suburban/rural SC area. While it burns that our team lost, I will get some sleep before this interview for work tomorrow. I was expecting the celebratory equivalent of new years eve in Detroit.
  11. Speaking of Government wireless management; https://theintercept.com/2015/12/17/a-secret-catalogue-of-government-gear-for-spying-on-your-cellphone/ Big brother always had thee coolest gear. Been waiting for this for a while, nothing like a little sunshine Dale Gribble was right you know.
  12. I just enjoyed the birthday cake flavored oreos with some milk. What a time to be alive!
  13. The network is fairly sparse, so that takes a hit right there. We have the standard band 25, 26 on many sites. The largest problem is we saw(Myrtle Beach area) about 18 million visitors for the season from May until November, so it is a crawl sir. In the off season, NV brought the network to very usable in many parts, pre NV we always just figured hey a couple hundy thousand people are in town that's how it is. Unfortunately 26 is capacity here so it does not handle that other aspect of the few cells being overloaded.
  14. Not one 2.5 site in the SC side of my market outside of a couple protection sites, I would say my State as well, but we have a few that bleed in from Charlotte up north. This Wimax injunction can't be helping but jeez, feels like this should have many more results to show by now. I recall a great post by S4GRU explain how an overlay should have taken say about a year to get to, say in comparison with Tmo LTE rollout over their HSPA network. Since backhaul has been laid and is scalable that beast was slain in NV 1(mostly). I understand the Wimax conversion went rather quickly, the gear is already there. Supply issues were handled a while ago. I understand 6-12 mo to fund, plan, and bring to market but somewhere along the line, someone just said stop. It really builds the impetus for completion this coming year, excited for it to pan out.
  15. 8t8r tx band 41 LTE only. The NV handle bands 25, 26 and the correlating CDMA band classes.
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