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Everything posted by belusnecropolis

  1. The website is down for maintenance. Prepping for the iPhone 7 series release it seems. OK then, typing in www.mysprint.com prompts with a friendly maintenance message. Then capital tier trolls you by not letting you login. Only lets you go to i-tunes to get Sprintzone app, on my end anyway. Way to utilize your server update time. I see what you did there S, pretty smooth
  2. In my experience recently I found quite a few affordable, yet larger directional mounted antennae for my latest project while digging around the internets. Some with, some without a mount, they have lots of models that cover up to BRS areas. Without a pre-amp you may expect a few decibels in your favor over the omni of course, yet it may take a little bit longer to get the signal you want. I started with a couple devices in areas that were terrible, say -115> on the aircard and N5s. Got tall and mounted one temporarily after some searching. It was fun for sure. Try out one to see if you can maybe get a bit more specific to a beam. That may depend on your software of course but imagine that should be available. Dependent upon your rf conditions, size of your experiment area, localization, compulsion to see if a better signal is over here, and naturally cable length. The model I use has two omni's that have their uses for sure. A nice low band one, and a decent wider setup. It is great so far for driving and sniffing the air when we go on long drives. When navigating, it is handy to have a good software interface when using this as a peripheral. Works great to read while being aware of new surroundings. Will be golden if I get up to date on capabilities, which I assume will require some moAr forums. AJ nailed it per what he does. Get to know those warez I suppose. Hope this helps or does not distract too much.
  3. Yeah we have the protection sites still. I check every now and then if they are still on, this replaced the Photon's last jerb. High end is 2700, which is precisely why I grabbed one. Works nicely so far, and I have not tore it down yet to see what I can't break; in the software or the module. I suppose it (can)logs and I intend to explore this when I am able as well. Cool addition to the power block when we travel so far. I let it operate for about 45 minutes or so on a good stretch of 501 and it held up great. Had it tethered on the laptop looking for activity on our last trip. I am working on a side project to get this thing some better signal when our season slows down a notch or 11. I will definitely grab a model like AJ's if I manage to score moAr in depth RF training, or some work I suppose. In the meantime this has helped my search by identifying the second carrier on our 41 cow and a couple other spots around the house with WiFi. Thank you for starting this thread.
  4. Good work getting that together, thanks for keeping updates on the results. The price is phenomenal, and plugs into the phone, I never could find a phone module, also great find.The best scanner one can have is the one they have on themselves at the time. Please keep us updated. I just scooped up an explorer a couple months ago.
  5. Wew lad, £23.4bn. Softbank looking at buying ARM. https://next.ft.com/content/235b1af4-4c7f-11e6-8172-e39ecd3b86fc
  6. There is some really cool info in there. How he discussed the microwave network, moving the dial on low/mid/high band up past 11 and sharing about the tests. Good to have an intelligent hand on the network with lots of experience. They were soaked in a tad of corporate speakvaguetry. S is still holding the cards tight; but good to see the C suite meeting some press. Maybe it is just the utility of the internets, but it seems like this kind of interview happens more often than it used to. Watching Dan work to get an answer out of the buzzwords was amusing; "The telecom market loves acronyms" -asks specific plans about acronyms. I like that guy. Thanks for the share. PROTIP: If you are having trouble with the gentleman's accent in parts like I unfortunately did, do not turn on CC seeking clarity. My laptop is covered in diet soda after drink-lolwuting at the attempted caption. ymmv
  7. That sure was an interesting phone tree experience, if not long and ambiguous to your problem needs Location specific maybe? Those do sound like some unique results and related response. I am conducting my standard late night GMO brutality as usual here in ruralish SC. Streaming metal at good quality over a strangely better than usual signal. Let's see if some other users can chime in with their results and if a call helped out. Are you able to try chat support online? What a strange set of somethings that someone set in motion whom will probably be reprimanded come tomorrow. Thank you for sharing this.
  8. When I realized what they were, opened the box and poured them and the excellent packing materials out like xmas day. It was fun, barely made it in the door. That 2 day shipper never saw it coming. I used chat to activate a couple and it functions as well as it should I suppose. My descriptimotron may be at fault; but this is how <86% of my posts go down.
  9. Nifty, my obligatory 10 paq o 3in1's showed up Thursday. I noticed the box on the porch and when I realized what it was had an excellent simplosions when I tore it open at the door. Partner said mini Xmas morning type action, I was going for piñata without the swift beating. Anyhoo, like mod said up top activation is a chat box away. I had to do the same w a nanosim last week as well. Chat seems to be super effective at handling my issues lately. I even did the survey. http://i.imgur.com/NLeFvB7.jpg
  10. Thanks for the heads up! I have the TMUS subscribed part of the fam on it. http://m.imgur.com/RcaUsGI
  11. I just um . . . I mean, it's just so beautiful. This is so good. All of my yes.
  12. Hey gang, just saw two Sprint branded autos, just the yellow logo on the door. Saw the first one and thought hey keewwwl, direct2u. Then I saw another one. Same make, wonder what's happening in town. Kings Hwy and 27th S right before the jetport. After I catch my ride to work I will go check out the boulevard for work. They had a COW there last year, stay tuned . . . could be good
  13. It still needs densification; that is happening now. Small cells are popping up at the western end of the Myrtle Market in Florence. I found a new macro in Marion. Coverage is just now changing inside established markets. Band 26 is on the majority of sites across SC, but crawls mostly due to use as capacity/to many users/lack of cells. I am on the lookout for coverage expansion to new areas but have not found it (much) yet. If you travel inside the footprint now it is usable and improving slowly. Outside of native service is still difficult but LTE roaming and new sites will be needed to fix that of course. Should be getting better, quicker, by the summer or fall.
  14. I haven't seen anyone dissect this update yet. Probably some new roaming partners.
  15. O rly?! I haven't seen any 850 antennas added lately. Are they using the older antennae? I do not have their service but close family does. They haven't mentioned it but I will have them look.
  16. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6270-myrtle-beach-market-premiereband-26-band-41-discussionmaps/page-5&do=findComment&comment=474286 It's at the bottom of this book I posted if you didn't see it yet sir. Hope this is what we are looking for. Feel free to share w the whole gang if it looks good.
  17. Yeah, please let me rephrase that to mobile beacon support pamphlet. Jeez, Defenders of Light and the Internet according to this.
  18. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/today-on-eve-of-sprint-wimax-shutdown-mobile-beacon-and-pcs-for-people-do-final-push-to-keep-low-income-twin-cities-residents-online-300242138.html Article regarding shutdown and Mobile beacon in MN.
  19. Yes sir, I updated the première map to reflect this find; but have been unable to add comments and details yet. Due to just breaking loose from work. I will add my usual textwall of wit and horrid spelling when I get home in a bit and get settled.
  20. I took a trip up to Columbia last night, no sign of 41 here yet either, and no sign of small cells. I turned off band 26 on the way up to make hunting a bit easier, gonna turn it back on as I am headed back now. I'll double check logs when I get home.
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