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Everything posted by ChadBroChillz

  1. The problem with that is that if Sprint is late, then they look bad. Sprint is basically walking on a tightrope. They would rather say little and over perform expectation, than end up looking bad. It would be nice for Sprint to give a little more information, but I think the risk outweighs the reward. When sprint is announcing market after market at a faster rate than ATT and Verizon, people will be more receptive. Announcing work on cities is only going to make customers happy for the short term and might backfire if cities get delays. SF is a prime example of a city getting pushed back because of delays. Getting sites live will make them happy for the long term. Sprint is focusing on the long term.
  2. The 800mhz is going to have 1 1xA channel and the rest will be allocated for LTE. You will likely be on 1900 unless you are in an area 1900 does not cover or the 1900 channel is at capacity.
  3. I have to think Sprint made sure 800 would be on future models when they signed the deal. 800 seems to be a pretty big deal for them in the future to improve service and to bring them to ATT/Verizon level. The 4S was pretty much a 4 with a better processor and ram, plus siri. I doubt they tried to add any antennas or frequencies to it. The iPhone 6 will be a complete refresh.
  4. PCS is just the name given to 1900mhz. I believe PCS stands for Personal Communication Services. CDMA is a technology. 850 and 800 are two different bands. Originally 850 was just called 800, because only iDEN devices used 800SMR. So when you see 800cellular or 850 cellular, it is the same thing. 800SMR is different. It is the band right below 850. CDMA800 could mean 850Cellular or 800SMR, but usually it is 850cellular, because it is only recently that CDMA was allowed to even use 800. Apple still uses CDMA800 to mean 850. Usually( At least what I have seen), is that a phone will state it supports 800/850/1900, which means that the first 800 is referring to 800SMR. edit: I believe the best place to look for some understanding is the glossary section at phonescoop. Here is their break down of CDMA800 http://www.phonescoop.com/glossary/term.php?gid=481
  5. Verizon and ATT do seemed concerned with Sprint. A while back, Verizon actually commented that their network would be faster than sprint's, even though sprint's network is not on. That shows me that they are concerned that Sprint could potentially become a threat. I think this is even more true now with their new share everything plans. Heavy data users will likely start shopping around to see if they can get a better deal, and sprint will likely be the first choice for them, because of their unlimited data. Their numbers might not be close now, but Smartphone users are very flaky when it comes to staying on a carrier( I believe S4GRU had an article on this subject or it was talked about here). If even 10 million customers from the big two jump to sprint, then we would have 97,93,76 for our top 3, which is pretty much even in terms of market share pull.
  6. I think tmobile will focus on the AWS-3 auction. I do think AT&T could attempt to steal sprint thunder and grab some of the spectrum, but if it has a strict building requirement, I believe we will see them go after the AWS-3 since they could potentially get 20mhz nationwide. I also think AT&T has bigger fish to fry than cockblocking sprint. If they do not kick it up a notch, they will get left behind by Verizon.
  7. I think the main competitor for sprint is AT&T, but I think AT&T will focus on the next AWS spectrum auction. I believe the FCC is freeing up another 40mhz. AT&T could probably go in and grab 20mhz nationwide since tmobile will likely be it's only main compeititor.
  8. Hesse must have been an Atlanta thrashers fan. Explains why Atlanta is one of the first markets and the other hockey markets are no where to be found on the list.
  9. Tmobile had a nationwide outage the other day.
  10. yes they did. http://www.androidau...al-fight-94352/ It got thrown out. And as I said before, Google's main weapon are the FRAND patents that motorola owns for 3G, wifi, etc. Those are patents for standards. They have to license them using fair and non discriminatory terms. And they are the same patents that they have been trying to use again Microsoft and Apple, which are now being investigated by the FTC for patent abuse. As I said, This is not the amazing team up fandroids think it is. it is not like captain planet, and their powers combined are not going to change it. If a patent failed when HTC tried, it will not magically work when samsung uses it. edit: Let me add that I hope I am wrong, because I am sick of these "Patent Wars". Also, I agree with google, that we need to move on to the Innovation Wars.
  11. I just do not see this going as google and samsung may want. I mean if they had this in their pocket the whole time, you would think they would have used it already. If google plans on using the FRAND 3G patent, they will probably get slapped with patent abuse and lose the patents. The FTC are already investigating them for as much. Plus, last time google tried to partner up(HTC), it got thrown out of court. I do not think this will go as Fandroids are hoping it will go.
  12. Just like I cannot support when apple does it, I cannot support googles actions. Sidenote: Aren't these the Frand patents that motorola and apple have been fighting over? Googlorla needs to watch out, because they could end up making these patents void, since they have to license these at fair prices. http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/12/06/29/ftc_investigating_google_motorola_over_frand_patent_abuse.html This article talks about the FTC investigating the patent abuse.
  13. I consider myself an apple fan, and even I am just shaking my head in disgust at this mess. The courts need to tell apple to either license the patents or they are void. I am tired of this patent war. Microsoft had the patent war right. Sue the companies, until they pay you for each device and force them to support your platform.
  14. Carly Foulkes is not worth Hesse, even if she looks great in magenta dresses and skin tight leather. If we lose hesse, we could end up replacing him with a Randall Stephenson clone. I would rather not take the risk.
  15. So long as we do not go by the motto: No more mr.nice girl. What a horrible motto. Also sprint marketing team stays while tmobile's gets the boot.
  16. I think it would be cool of sprint to release a high end direct connect phone. They need to look into 4g lte sdc smartphones.
  17. I think they would just rebrand tmobile as sprint gsm, and change the corporation name to Sprint Nextel T mobile corp.
  18. http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/28/adobe-confirms-it-wont-support-flash-on-android-4-1/ Also says that they will stop allowing new flash installs on august 15 from play store.
  19. TmobileUSA would not buy sprint. Deutsche Telecom(TmobileUSA Parent Company) would buy sprint.
  20. They are a non factor currently. They have no spectrum that they can build their network on, they have already filed bankruptcy, and their only chance at survival is a spectrum swap with DOD spectrum. I do not even know if the FCC is even considering the swap or if the DOD would even want to do so. LS spectrum holding cant hold a candle to Clearwire's spectrum holding, plus Sprint already owns 40-50% of Clearwire, while they have no ties to LS( other than their network hosting deal, which has been terminated). Why would they choose to partner with an independent company compared to a company they partially own? Tmobile+Clearwire has very little chance of happening. A more likely deal would be sprint letting clear sign a deal with tmobile for hotspots where tmobile is over capacity.
  21. I just do not see sprint letting that spectrum go to a competitor unless it is because FCC wants them to divest once they buy out clearwire. Sprint needs that spectrum to stay competitive. Sprint would be in the worse position when it comes to spectrum if they lose it. And from what Robert explains on sprint's capacity plans, it seems heavily relied on that spectrum. I also do not see a Sprint/Tmobile merger passing the FCC or DOJ. They seem pretty much dead set on having at least 4 national competitors. Maybe a Metro/Tmobile or Metro/Sprint would work, but not a deal that would consolidate the big 4. Plus Tmobile has already made plans to use 1700mhz for LTE and 1900mhz for HSPA+, while Sprint is using 1900 for LTE.
  22. I do not believe the merger had major of an effect on them as many believe. They lost most of their customers in q4 of 2011. I believe they lost 800k in that quarter. I believe prior to that they had actually had subscriber growth. And while the merger officially failed in december. The writing was on the wall since q3.
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