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Everything posted by ChadBroChillz

  1. I feel like ATT can gain in the short term, but I believe sprint has a more solid plan in the long term. Roaming and the ability to work over 1X is huge, especially with their plans of adding 1Xadvanced to their 800mhz. Having an android app for the ability to turn non PTT smartphones into PTT enable device is huge if it works as well as SDC phones. With most things sprint is doing in Network Vision, The plan sounds amazing, but they have to implement it. The icing on the cake would be if they could get the app on the iphone or windows phone. I do not know how many customers on nextel still use ptt, but sprint last quarter had around 50% of the nextel subscribers who left moving over to CDMA, and I believe that number will continue to climb with the news of Roaming/1X, 4GLTE cities getting announced, and 1x 800 gets turned on.
  2. Supposedly the deal includes some spectrumco spectrum and leap spectrum I do not remember Verizon saying they would sell their aws originally. I believe originally they said they would sell their lower 700mhz spectrum.
  3. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-243-updated-samsung-galaxy-s3-passes-fcc-muster-launch-imminent/ It does not mention GSM, and the Sim card is embedded into the device. I would say your best bet is the next iPhone.
  4. Guys put their phone in their backpocket? I honestly thought that was a female only thing, because they do not have large front pockets. I never understood it either way. Seems like the guy deserved it for not using common sense.
  5. Don't worry Robert. You are probably getting your own personal lte microcell outside your house. And the former sprint guy is going to be in a van broadcasting lte everywhere you go, so you always have signal.
  6. Sprint has enough lower band spectrum. The lower band spectrum is not going to replace the 1900, but be a complement to those who are outside the reach of their 1900mhz. It will likely only be used for overcapacity concerns and coverage. Sprint's current network configuration is based on 1900mhz, so unless you are in a dead spot, building that 1900mhz cannot penetrate, or past the edge of the 1900mhz cell site, you will likely be on 1900mhz anyways. Having lower band spectrum is important, but it is not necessary, and it is definitely not necessary to have a ton of it. I am not sure why he did not include Clearwire, since Sprint owns close to 50% of the company, and has already signed a deal with them to get access to their TD-LTE in areas where they cannot add more capacity. The deal also includes sprint telling clearwire what towers to add their spectrum for hot spots. Overall, I would say that sprint has the least to worry about. They already have the clearwire deal in place, and have given them funding for their TD-LTE network, plus I am sure that in the future, sprint will likely just buy out clearwire once it is profitable.
  7. And the four national carriers grow farther apart. We will never see the day where a sprint phone will work on ATT or a Tmobile phone will work on Verizon. They will be using the same technology, but completely different bands. I am kinda thinking roaming is not likely to happen on lte either.
  8. I was kinda hoping that the photon q would be the sprint version of the Droid razr maxx HD.
  9. By the time sprint needs more capacity, you will probably have an upgrade on your account. Clearwire's LTE speeds are going to be amazing, but I doubt it will affect the speeds of my phone much. I currently get 6-9 on my phone, and it is more than enough for Pandora or Netflix. Id rather have more solid coverage over the ability to get 30+ on my phone. If I were going to wait, I would wait for a sprint phone that supports LTE on 800/1900. Id rather have access to faster speeds on sub 1Ghz spectrum.
  10. Since you are looking for reasons to jump to Sprint, I will give my reasons why I am leaving ATT for sprint once the Sprint LTE iPhone comes out. 1st) I am tired of dealing with the Data Dilemma. I miss the days of unlimited data, where I did not have to worry about downloading an app or listening to pandora without fear of overage charges. The more companies like apple and google push cloud services, the more data we will consume. 2GBs is fine for most people now, but I have a feeling that in a couple years it will not be true. I'd rather be on sprint where I know I will not worry if my data usage is 10Gbs or 2GBs a month. 2nd) Sprint has Sub 1Ghz spectrum. Which means in the future, I will have less spotty coverage and be less likely to lose signal when I'm in a building or on a train going through a tunnel. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/gallery/image/36-atlanta-coverage-map-before-network-vision-1900/ that is a link to a gallery that shows how coverage will change pre NV, Post NV, Post NV800 in atlanta.
  11. well 100 iDen sites is a start. well below your 1000 site estimate, but at least they are changing their mind about it. I hope those 100 sites allow them to expand their CDMA/LTE coverage.
  12. Unless I am mistaken, isn't the spectrum light squared is trying to swap for is the public safety 700mhz. Also AT&T only has 20mhz in like 1/3 of the country. Another 1/3 has 10mhz and the last 1/3 has no 700mhz. I believe Chicago is a 10mhz market.
  13. I hope they do not get it. I'd rather it go to someone like tmobile/sprint/ other RCA members over light squared. FCC could give sprint the 700 and sprint give up the 800mhz. Or tmobile buys 10mhz of the spectrum, and promises to build out the full 20mhz all over it's network. Either way, we would have 3 national carriers using 700mhz, and if FCC forces interpolabolity. We could have smaller regional guys have the ability to roam on any of the three. That sounds like a better plan than rewarding light squared on a failed gamble.
  14. Banlandia sounds like a nice place, but I am going to have to take showcase #2, bob.
  15. It would be awesome if they gave 500mb to 1gb free with their unlimited plan for people to tether.
  16. Glad apple went with their own map system. No turn by turn was crazy, plus now google will come out with an iOS map system to compete.
  17. Wait, so I gotta pay 90bucks for 1gb of data? ( 50 initial+ smartphone 40) Unlimited txt and talk is nice, but that's a bigger ripoff than their current plans which are the worse in us. I hope sprint sees these plans and puts the network vision on warp speed. I could see potential customers leaving Verizon if they get forced into these plans.
  18. Sprint is going in the wrong direction, they should be buying more, not selling.
  19. Again, why would you basically buy out your contract, then sign a new contract if you were planning on canceling your contract? That would be the only way you pay 825. If your plan was to leave sprint, it would be smarter to just pay your ETF and leave. This is for customers who are happy with their service, and want a new phone, but do not want to pay 600+ for it. If they change their device every year, then they would only be paying 425 compared to 550-650. I do agree that the CL or buying out right would probably be a better option, because it would not extend your contract.
  20. The ETF for smartphones is 350. Also, if you are planning on leaving sprint, why would you buy a new device that will probably only work on their service.
  21. Both work internationally, but the Virgin Mobile one will need you to pay the outrageous international roaming fees they charge, while the Sprint one can be unlocked( I believe the first batch of sprint iphones came unlocked by default), so you can just pop in a sim from another country.
  22. Samsung has already tried to block apple. Australia http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/mobiles/samsung-sues-to-block-iphone-4s-in-australia-20111017-1lszh.html Italy/France http://www.pcworld.com/article/241153/samsung_hopes_to_block_iphone_4s_sales_in_italy_france.html Korea http://www.engadget.com/2011/09/19/samsung-moves-to-block-iphone-5-in-korea-expands-its-anti-apple/ Samsung even sued to try and get a peak at apple's iphone 5 and iPad 3 prototypes. http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/22/samsung-denied-preview-of-ipad-3-iphone-5-in-ongoing-apple-infr/
  23. I wish sprint would just change their plans and make it included in the future. I also get tired of people constantly bringing up the 10 dollar premium data( smartphone ) fee. The service is still cheaper than AT&T and Verizon, and the same price as tmobile( 2gb plan with anymobile).
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