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Everything posted by ChadBroChillz

  1. I believe the initial plan was to have Clear join in on NV, but Clearwire wanted a free ride, and Sprint did not way to pay for their network upgrades and clears. It would be great to have Clear join NV.
  2. While it would be awesome, you know the more likely benefactor would be att. They have more money and would easily pay doubt what uscc or metro would. It would end up being more spectrum for the duopoly.
  3. I believe they would still have 20mhz from their upper c to cover the rural areas, which should be more than plenty. I feel like it would be better to let tmobile put a bid on the spectrum over just letting Verizon grab it, but I do see why they want it. With it, they would have 40mhz in the northeast, midwest and southeast.
  4. I do not think that is what sprint needs. The commercial is nice and carly is hot, but it does nothing to help sway customers. Avoid the Data Dilemma is better.
  5. They said they would deploy lte in the vast majority of the top 50, but I do not remember them saying how many or how much spectrum, and they only mentioned that they would deploy 20mhz in 75% of the top 25 markets. I agree irev. I think sprint is in the best position. If they wanted to expand their coverage, they could cover large amounts of areas with less towers using their esmr, and in cities, they can configure using pcs to have more towers for better capacity.
  6. I edited my post. I thought y'all were talking about buying clear not tmobile.
  7. Yea, DoJ would block sprint buying tmobile. I think buying clear would be smarter. If they bought clear, they would not need spectrum for a long while.
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