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Everything posted by ChadBroChillz

  1. Well looks like no 800mhz support. That's another disappointment.
  2. Just read on theverge that the CDMA version of the iphone will support LTE bands 1,3,5,13,25. 5 is 850mhz block. Why couldnt they have just made it class 26. it includes 850 and SMR.
  3. It seems like it depends on the picture. some pictures make it look awesome, while others are less flattering to the device. I think a hands on video will be more telling.
  4. I do not think so. It did not deter me from getting one, which is my current phone. Did I want a different design? yea sure, but the 4 is still one of the best looking phones. Heck, Id rather have a stretched 4 over the current iP5.
  5. The whole package. I like the fact that they have a larger display, but it is not even HD. The two tone looks ugly and serves no purpose. It does not have NFC or wireless charging. Siri still seems lackluster, plus google voice search stomped it in every video I have seen. Also only 16gb in the base model with no upgradable memory. That should have been bumped to 32, especially when competitors are pushing out phones with 16gb internal and mcroSD expansion. IMO, the new iPod Touch has a better exterior design than the iP5. Just overall feeling is meh. nothing revolutionary about it.
  6. Honestly, all I am thinking is meh, and this is coming from what some would call a iFan. owner of macbook pro/ipad/iphone, but I do not blindly follow. The lumia 920 has me more excited than the iphone 5.
  7. This does not seem like it will end well for samsung, especially if their goal to to block iphone sales. FTC is already investigating google for trying to use Standard essential patents against apple and microsoft. I assume all patents necessary for 4G would be filed under FRAND terms, so they probably could not charge an astronomical amount. I think the smarter move would be samsung using the potential for a lawsuit over apple and loss of iPhone sales from a ban to get more favorable terms in their cross licensing deal, than actually suing apple, which could get the FTC breathing down their necks.
  8. You have it flipped. Sprint has very little 900mhz, while having 14Mhz of 800SMR nationwide( well except in the southeast where they share some of it with SouthernLINC)
  9. Unlike Samsung. Microsoft was willing to cross license. So apple and Microsoft can't sue each other for patent infringement. HP would have sued if it could, so I doubt they could. They could have recoup some of their losses from WebOS. They probably do not have any patents that could stick. PalmOS and iOS have little in common.
  10. I am glad Apple won this, and I hope google smashes apple with their motorola lawsuit. We need these companies to come at a gridlock, so they are forced to actually come to a reasonable cross license agreement. I hope this lawsuit forces apple and samsung to come together and cross license. I hope the motorola/apple lawsuit leads to a google-apple cross license, which covers other OEMs. Copying and litigation do not lead to innovation. If this mess continues for too long, the only winner will be Microsoft and we will all be losers( including apple).
  11. Force these companies to cross-license and lets be done with this mess. Microsoft took up apple on their offer, and look at them now. Innovating and making arguably better products than the iPhone and iPad. Also want to add that google still does not own the patent to their notification pull down. they filed for it back in 2009, but it has not be approved. or at least that is what I read back in February.
  12. They are really not. tmobile base plan for 500min/unlimited text is 50 bucks. Add the 30 dollars for unlimited data and it bumps you to 80 bucks, which is right in line with Sprint, but sprint gives you unlimited any mobile for that price. If you wanted to add that to tmobile, you would have to pay an extra 10 bucks, which means your bill will be 90 bucks a month. I do not see sprint dropping their prices.
  13. I do not believe that to be true. Steve Jobs might have hated google for copying iOS with android, but he had to have known that they could never get rid of them completely. According to this article http://www.theverge....offered-samsung apple offered to license their patent to samsung back in 2010 as apart of a settlment. Link to an article that mentions apple wanting 5-15 dollar per device to license its patents. http://www.androidau...sing-fee-60593/ I agree with fact it needs to be completed behind close doors, but I feel like samsung is throwing the case in hopes to get a mistrial, because their lawyers have been really incompetent.
  14. that sony product was never past design phase, plus Apple has already shown that they have had similar designs prior to the sony design. You are correct that everyone uses squares and rectangles, BUT prior to the iphone phones were completely different from the iPhone in terms of design. Everyone was using stylus or direction pads. Apple comes in a turns that completely around. Should people be able to copy that, just because using hindsight we can say it is obviously the correct way? Should apple not be compensated for being the innovators of that design? Let me also say that I believe that Judge Koh should hire outside experts to go though each patent on both sides that the other needs which are currently not licensed, and decide which side gives the greater contribution, then have that side pay an amount proportional to even the contribution.
  15. But, If samsung is found guilty of copying them, then how is that fair? Apple spends the millons and maybe even billions on R&D, then someone else is apple to steal a similar design for free? Are we even sure they want to get rid of the competition? or want Samsung to pay for using their patents in their design? I remember reading that apple wants samsung to pay a similar price to license their patents as microsoft is charging($5-$15 per device). Also why would sony sue apple? Did apple steal something from them?
  16. What about the huge amounts of areas that only have edge coverage?
  17. From the Spectrum Omega map, Nextwave owned a ton of WCS spectrum, and Sprint is the only other owner of WCS. If ATT got All the A and B, they would have 20mhz nationwide.
  18. I wonder if Sprint is going to get a phone call next for their WCS spectrum.
  19. I am ready to Drop my iPhone for an Android again. The Note might be that phone, if it comes for sprint. Not sure how I feel about a 5.5in phone, but I have been kinda disappointed in other android phones, especially the Q. I thought it would be an upgrade to the Droid 4 or Droid Razr Maxx, instead of a Driod 4 clone.
  20. Great Q2 results can do that. Company is looking stronger than before. Once NV is done, they will be competing with the duopoly.
  21. It is a balancing act. I could see them buying out google's shares( if they havent sold them already) or buying some of the CableCo shares or tossing them some cash to hold them over via network deal. I think buying shares would be smarter, since they get more control, and it will reduce the price necessary for them to buy the rest later.
  22. I do not think unlimited data will last forever, but I do not think overburdened network will be the cause. I think increase profits will be the main factor in switching away. Verizon's new lowest plan is 90 bucks. That is going to shoot up ARPU as people move towards those plans. I believe they will switch to their own version of ShareEverything. They will probably charge 30 per phone and start at 3 or 4GBs for what ATT/Verizon charge for 1Gb.
  23. Would not be surprised if apple stole this advice, and I think it would be hilarious.
  24. I like their new commercials. I do not think you all consider them good, because they are not geared towards you. As someone who the commercials are geared towards( Currently on ATT with a data cap), I can definitely say having to force myself to use wifi or not use my data SUCKS!! I think once more Verizon customers are forced to switch to their new plans, People will be jumping in droves to sprint to not have to worry about data usage, especially since the lowest plan you can get is 90 bucks and you only get 1Gb of data.
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