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Everything posted by ChadBroChillz

  1. I think Sprint adds Clearwire's spectrum back to their LTE plans like they originally planned. They could come out and claim to be the Fastest LTE network, plus Unlimited Data. Fast Speeds + Unlimited data could shake up the wireless industry.
  2. I would be okay with renaming their Sprint Direct Connect to Nextel Direct Connect, but not Sprint itself.
  3. That extra money could be used to grab a smaller competitor like USCC,Leap, or even Metro with Sprint and Clearwire.
  4. I would prefer it be less than 50%. I do not know how SoftBank runs its company, and would not want them messing up the good thing sprint has started with hesse.
  5. Seems dangerous to me if you got a name like **kevin or anything common like that. The amount of prank calls would be infuriating. I doubt this gimmick lasts long.
  6. iPhone is a great phone. I see nothing wrong with switching to an iPhone. It is not customizable like android, but if that is not a big deal, then I would say go for it. You always have jailbreaking in the future. The only thing I would say is check out how you like video on it, since going from 4.7 to 4 is a big jump in screen real estate.
  7. Lol, So true. Lets not forget that their Challenger Strategy looks eerily similar to Network Vision.
  8. I honestly do not believe a Sprint/Tmobile merger is ever going to happen. the DOJ was pretty strict on wanting 4 Major carriers. Also Tmobile is going forward with LTE on AWS/HSPA+ on PCS, which could make the merger of the two very messy. I cannot comment on USCC shareholders and what they would think, but from a sprint perspective, it is about towers and coverage. Sprint is not really hurting spectrum wise, when you consider that they own almost 50% of Clearwire and could easily swallow them up for cheap. Only way to really chomp at ATT and Verizon is to close the gap coverage wise. Most of ATT's coverage is Edge, but they still have 100+million customers. People see their coverage map and go gaga over it. With USCC, Sprint would be second in LTE coverage.
  9. They do not have to do anything honestly. Tmobile has not gained any coverage over sprint, and they are still 13 million customers behind Sprint for 3rd spot. Sprint still has a better phone lineup as well, plus the iPhone. The deal was basically a way for Tmobile not to fall further behind sprint. I do think Sprint goes after USCC with this news, but I believe it will be more so to compete with the Big Two. If you add sprint's coverage with USCC's, you will get coverage closer to ATT. Also Sprint's LTE network would become second largest when you include USCC coverage to Sprint's LTE coverage map.( the blue/green one floating around the net)
  10. Here is the combined coverage of T-Metro. Looks basically the same. To me, this was about spectrum and customers( who could potentially leave for another prepaid provider or carrier). It helps them in urban areas they already cover, but I do not see them expanding their coverage to compete with the Big Two.
  11. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I still feel USCC is the bell of the ball with Metro out. I also feel Metro has set the price for regional carriers. Sprint goes after USCC, and they will increase their lead on Tmobile, while increasing their coverage closer to that of ATT/Verizon instead of Tmobile. I feel Tmobile will have some trouble migrating these customers, which will lead them to leave for Sprint or another carrier. They have the same number of customers as Leap. The increase in rural coverage could get Verizon/ATT customers in those areas to switch to sprint.
  12. Other than AWS and 700mhz sprint could use the rest of that spectrum. They do not need to sell off the Cellular spectrum.
  13. I think the only thing saving us is that Sprint needed it for a differentiator from the big two, and now that tmobile brought back unlimited data, they will need to keep it so their customers to not jump shit to tmobile to keep unlimited data. If Tmobile gets rid of unlimited data again, I believe sprint will get rid of it a few months later.( assuming tmobile gets rid of it after Network Vision is complete) I am just hoping Sprint decides on a reward system for those who Wifi offload. 5 bucks off for using less than 1Gbps, 10 off for using less than 200Mbps. or something like that.
  14. Smart idea snake. It would force tmobile to get even further behind with their network vision copy plan. I still cannot believe how dirty DT is. Spin off tmobile with the metro albatross around its neck.
  15. I miss the lack of worry when using my smartphone. It was pretty great. Turning into a Data Nazi sucks. Sprint might suck, but they are improving. I think Sprint is going to have one of the best networks in a few years, especially if the acquire some regional players. Their plan is pretty much the best plan I have read from the big three, plus they have the spectrum( including clear wire) to make it happen.
  16. I miss unlimited data.( current ATT customers saving up to switch) Tier data is how they get you. I basically have to control my usage so I do not go over my cap. And shared data is how they are really going to screw people. Now instead of worrying about your own data, you gotta worry about the whole family.
  17. Big Red is only slightly evil. ATT invented evil. Also their coverage is not that great. Most of their map is still GSM/EDGE. That is up to sprint if they decide to grandfather their customers. Tmobile did not grandfather customers, they just set a high cap(5Gbs). Of course, Tmobile then lowered it to 2Gbs for people who updated their plan in anyway. ATT originally grandfathered their customers, then followed Tmobile and set a high cap(3gb 3g/ 5gb lte). Verizon has let their customers keep unlimited, but at the cost of their subsidy. Sprint will probably follow Tmobile and give grandfathered customers a high cap over grandfathering, then throttle them. Although, I believe Sprint will keep unlimited until Tmobile gives it up. I doubt they would want to let Tmobile have a huge differentiator.
  18. I believe Cricket would be a better partner from a spectrum stand point, but overall I still feel that USCC is the smarter choice for the long term. They would increase their native coverage in rural areas. They could sell all USCC 700/AWS to recoup some of the cost.
  19. IMO, They did not have a choice but to make their own map system. Google would not allow them to have turn by turn without further control of the system, which we all know apple would not give. I actually like the new maps app, and it has not led me astray, but then again, I havent tried it when going to places I did not already have directions to. Also, it seems like apple is on top of fixing it. People have reported that just a few days after reporting a problem, that it was fixed. It is a 1.0, so I will give them some slack, especially since google maps was not always as good as it is now.
  20. If they become an affiliate, then they would still control their network, while getting access to sprint's spectrum. That would allow them to slowly convert their network to CDMA/LTE while keeping their iDEN network up and running until 1xA and LTE on 800 are up and running. They would already have the equipment ready from samsung and they would resell sprint service instead of SouthernLinc. They would also get money from Sprint customers roaming on their network.
  21. Now this is getting ridiculous. It is one thing to build your own network, when you have the spectrum, but a whole nother thing to get into manufacturing to build custom phones, which need custom processors, antennas, etc. Is this company going to build its own nationwide network? I am sure southen company is a great company, but no way they go through all that just to keep it in house. Especially, when they could become a sprint affiliate, like shentel. They would be in control of their own network, they would get access to sprint's spectrum, and they would receive money for sprint customers roaming on their network. It literally makes no sense to go in house when that option is likely on the table for them.
  22. I think USCC would be smarter. Sprint is only going to chomp into VZ/ATT numbers if they increase their coverage. Add SoLinc and USCC would put them closer on that path. SoLinc would give sprint full coverage in Alabama and Georgia. Here is USCC coverage.
  23. No bickering on my part. I just wanted to add that the feature was available on iOS devices and that it was awesome. I did not make a new thread, because it seemed like a waste. It would basically be a duplicate thread.
  24. Engadget is not an apple site... Also having two threads on the same feature seems like a waste.
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