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Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE


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Hmmmm I still believe the S3 is superior What do you think?


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


For the most part. But it is the most powerful physical keyboard device, ever.



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Physical keyboards are played out


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


In my personal view, I have no need for them. But I still know a lot of people who really want a physical keyboard.



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BlackBerry? Mmm maybe not no BlackBerry out is powerful enough...


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


I would never buy a blackberry, but I would strongly consider this phone. I just don't have a need for a physical keyboard. This phone has the specs to hold its own against anything else out there.


There are plenty of people who have been waiting for a top tier device with physical keyboard, and this will sell like crazy.


Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner

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I would never buy a blackberry, but I would strongly consider this phone. I just don't have a need for a physical keyboard. This phone has the specs to hold its own against anything else out there.


There are plenty of people who have been waiting for a top tier device with physical keyboard, and this will sell like crazy.


Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner

I wonder if the screen will be better than my SIII? Guess we'll see


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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I wonder if the screen will be better than my SIII? Guess we'll see


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


I don't think it is 720p, but depending on what the "colorboost" does.... Maybe


Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner

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Physical keyboards are played out


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Not really. Emailing, running commands via connectbot for example, answering support tickets etc with a touch screen is damn near impossible. if you only use your phone for texting and watching online videos like the masses then yea you have no use for a keyboard.

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Does anybody remember the price per month to upgrade early? I'm buying this for my mom and her upgrade isn't until 10/1


Sent from my CM9 Transformer TF101 using Forum Runner

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I don't think it is 720p, but depending on what the "colorboost" does.... Maybe


Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner


The Q has a qHD display which means 960x540. So no 720p display. ColorBoost just makes the colors more vibrant.

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Probably my next device.


(Some of us actually need physical keyboards - it's not just a personal preference. Due to disability since my stroke a decade ago, virtual keyboards on touch screens and I do not get along well... It will be nice to have a well built, fairly full featured device I can use, even if the battery is glued in.)o

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even if the battery is glued in.)o


Ahh crap. Didnt even notice the battery was sealed in. Grrr...There have been times when my epic has been so locked up i needed to pull the battery. What are we suppose to do here?

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Ahh crap. Didnt even notice the battery was sealed in. Grrr...There have been times when my epic has been so locked up i needed to pull the battery. What are we suppose to do here?


There is allegedly a button combination that is supposed to be the "equivalent" of a battery pull. I think I need to make up a label with that combination to stick on the phone... :o


( Hold both [POWER] and [VOL DOWN] buttons down for 10+ seconds. )


(I've had to pull the battery on my current Moto XPRT when it ran away...)

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From Sprints Facebook:


"Motorola PHOTON Q™ 4G LTE, the first 4G LTE-enabled smartphone from Sprint with a full QWERTY keyboard and international roaming capabilities, is available for pre-order beginning today. Available starting Aug. 19, Motorola PHOTON Q will cost $199.99 (excludes taxes) with a new line of service or eligible upgrade and two-year service agreement."

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From Sprints Facebook:


"Motorola PHOTON Q™ 4G LTE, the first 4G LTE-enabled smartphone from Sprint with a full QWERTY keyboard and international roaming capabilities, is available for pre-order beginning today. Available starting Aug. 19, Motorola PHOTON Q will cost $199.99 (excludes taxes) with a new line of service or eligible upgrade and two-year service agreement."


Glad to see a release date already! Thanks!

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Nice phone overall, but (you knew it was coming)

The part that bothers me, and not only for this phone or this manufacturer but numerous others, is that you have a good thing going and then out of the blue you change it to something totally different that really does not make it a followup to the previous model.


Case in point.

This device now has a keyboard. ok good, great for those that wanted the Photon to have one. But the previous device did not. It is now the only high end Android World phone on the Now network.

What Moto should have done was to make two follow ups, one with a keyboard and one without. But noooooo.


Another case in point...

Lenovo in their ultimate wisdom, :blink: updates their Android Thinkpad tablet with a Windows version. Really.


The list goes on.


I'm all for improving devices and thinking out of the box, but those two are thinking on another planet. :angry:



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This is almost the perfect device for me, except I am hesitant to get any android phone without a replaceable battery. I've had a number of times when I didn't notice the battery was depleting quickly until it was almost gone, but was saved by swapping to a fresh battery. Without being able to switch batteries, I would have been stuck.

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My concern is the camera. I had the photon which was a great device but I use my camera a lot and it was not the best or even very good. I will be getting a q a week from tomorrow and will let you all know.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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My reason for getting an s3 now and not this one to replace my original photon is because of moto's lie about unlocking the bootloader on the original photon. That really pissed me off


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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My family and I are camping with my mom this weekend, so I called the closest corp store and verified that I can buy forwards mom's upgrade for $50, then get her the new device. Making a roadie on Sunday for a surprise present :)

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Nice phone overall, but (you knew it was coming)

The part that bothers me, and not only for this phone or this manufacturer but numerous others, is that you have a good thing going and then out of the blue you change it to something totally different that really does not make it a followup to the previous model.


Case in point.

This device now has a keyboard. ok good, great for those that wanted the Photon to have one. But the previous device did not. It is now the only high end Android World phone on the Now network.

What Moto should have done was to make two follow ups, one with a keyboard and one without. But noooooo.


Another case in point...

Lenovo in their ultimate wisdom, :blink: updates their Android Thinkpad tablet with a Windows version. Really.


The list goes on.


I'm all for improving devices and thinking out of the box, but those two are thinking on another planet. :angry:




While us techies love more choice... I think it comes down to product placement. Moto/Sprint wants to go after the QWERTY niche with this phone. If they came out with a non-QWERTY version, they would not only canibalize the QWERTY Photon-Qwerty but sales of other sprint phones (GS3, EVO 4G LTE).


I am sure there is a lot that goes into pricing (need to order at least x million units) so volumes would be very important to each handset line.

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I bought this phone for my Mom yesterday and I'm impressed. Even motoblur didn't bother me too badly. I think battery life is the only downfall, but it will be better than her POS Samsung Transform. She is giddy now that she can do everything she wanted to because she has an up to date device.


The only thing I noticed in 4-5 hrs use in setting up and helping her was that the reception was slightly worse than my GS2 and her old POS. I've always heard that Motorola has the best radios so I was expecting a few more bars.

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so I was expecting a few more bars.


I sure hope you aren't comparing bars! Only measure actual signal strength. Maybe the bars reference was just for dramatic effect?



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I spent about an hour playing with the Photon Q today. Overall a nice little phone. Up until the S3 and EVO 4G LTE came out, I always insisted on getting a phone with a physical keyboard. It was one if two top requirements. Pretty much had decided on the EVO 4G LTE or S3, but wanted to give any new phone a last chance.


The keyboard is functionally very nice, especially with 5 rows, and easy to understand special keys. The keyboard is smaller than I thought it would be, but still very useable. More useable than most virtual keyboards. Overall though I still think the EVO and S3 are much better phones in terms of display, size and smoothness and almost everything else, and I am still leaning to the non-physical keyboard phones.


The Photon Q tended to hesitate a little too much as I played with it. I had no such problem with the S3 or EVO 4G LTE. Still the Q is a very nice phone, and I am sure a lot of ppl wanting a keyboard will be very happy with it.

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This is almost the perfect device for me, except I am hesitant to get any android phone without a replaceable battery. I've had a number of times when I didn't notice the battery was depleting quickly until it was almost gone, but was saved by swapping to a fresh battery. Without being able to switch batteries, I would have been stuck.

I see comments like this all over the place and it kind of bothers me. IMHO there is no reason, except for the power user who keeps over three batteries, to be concerned about not being able to swap out batteries. There are to many alternatives out there now that cost less than a factory battery. They can also be as small as a carabiner. Personally I bought myself a 2500ma solar charger. I have only had to use it once and that was while I was vacationing at Disney with the gps on all day. Not picking on you. Just kinda throwing it out there.
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