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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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28 minutes ago, Terrell352 said:

What happened to 4XCA that they said was going to happen in a statement almost a year ago?

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

My guess is Sprint is backing off on that so that they have more contiguous spectrum for their 5G launch.

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34 minutes ago, Terrell352 said:

I still feel like tmobile would have had this taken care of by now. Also why is Sprint still building new towers without b41? What happened to them saying they dont have to go back for more tower visits? Why is Masa so quiet? What happened to 4XCA that they said was going to happen in a statement almost a year ago?

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Everybody but Sprint would have taken care of it by now.

Forget about 4xCA, why is a major tower on a major intersection in Melbourne still have only 2xCA?

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Just now, bigsnake49 said:

Everybody but Sprint would have taken care of it by now.

Forget about 4xCA, why is a major tower on a major intersection in Melbourne still have only 2xCA?

What would another carrier have done differently?

As for 2xCA, that’s a good question.

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7 minutes ago, RedSpark said:

What would another carrier have done differently?

As for 2xCA, that’s a good question.

Money talks, Sprint does not have any.

I also discovered a singe channel band 41 site and it is not a SC or an MM and the nearest full build tower was decommissioned and replaced by an MM. I can't wait till the merger is complete.

Edited by bigsnake49
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8 minutes ago, tyroned3222 said:


Too much to write lol

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I’m asking specifically about the 800 MHz rebanding. Would another carrier have been able to get public safety entities off of 800 MHz faster than Sprint has/did?

If you ask me, Sprint should have participated in the 600 MHz auction. T-Mobile has been rolling that out at an incredible pace... and Sprint could have done the same.

Of course, one of Sprint’s justifications for the merger is that it lacks low band spectrum.... go figure.

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I’m asking specifically about the 800 MHz rebanding. Would another carrier have been able to get public safety entities off of 800 MHz faster than Sprint has/did?

If you ask me, Sprint should have participated in the 600 MHz auction. T-Mobile has been rolling that out at an incredible pace... and Sprint could have done the same.

Of course, one of Sprint’s justifications for the merger is that it lacks low band spectrum.... go figure.

Well, TMO in the meantime has been able to clear two low band licenses and roll them out . One virtually complete ( band 12) and band 71 is on going at a rapid pace .. I’m sure the 800mhz rebrand had a cost involved. Maybe others would have paid whatever it costs to make it happen sooner ( we will never know), but it has take a long time . I think sprint not having any significant network expansion is Justification.. look what tmo has done with band 12 5mhz .. sprint has 800mhz 5mhz just about nationwide .. and some regions they had to cut that a little, but it could of worked



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Think sprint should stop at  60 mhz band 41 lte . Start adding  band 25 aggregation.  Galaxy s 10 be able do 7 carriers . 

Now this I agree 100%, but is sprint really in a position to make that happen ? Ya, capex is up and mostly everything can be done via software.. but will they even pay for the increase to match backhaul to what’s the deployed? I’m sure they don’t want there overhead to inflate. Increasing backhaul per site can be very expensive. I mean new sites ( co location) are still going up with out band 41. I think for mean time as the merger is getting ready to close.. can’t really take much of anything serious coming from both tmo or sprint until we ether get a yes or no



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4 minutes ago, tyroned3222 said:

Now this I agree 100%, but is sprint really in a position to make that happen ? Ya, capex is up and mostly everything can be done via software.. but will they even pay for the increase to match backhaul to what’s the deployed? I’m sure they don’t want there overhead to inflate. Increasing backhaul per site can be very expensive. I mean new sites ( co location) are still going up with out band 41. I think for mean time as the merger is getting ready to close.. can’t really take much of anything serious coming from both tmo or sprint until we ether get a yes or no



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See what happens with quarter 1 2019. It would help with. lte gigabit . But sprints track record I would never hold my breath. But in last 8 months they finally step up improve network 2 times better than year before. 

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Think sprint should stop at  60 mhz band 41 lte . Start adding  band 25 aggregation.  Galaxy s 10 be able do 7 carriers . 
I wont post it because of the rules but Sprint recently upgraded an incredibly busy tower with 8t8r 8port equipment. 2 of the three antenna run at under 1mbps most of the day even at 80s dbm signal. The 3rd antenna between 70-110 in the day. Late night I have seen speeds over 200 mbps. That's a lot of people that even good backhaul,3xCA TM9, 4x4 mimo, 256qam and upload CA cant handle. Verizon and Tmobile are co located. Verizon put up what appears to be a massive mimo antenna and tmobile has a 12 antenna set up. The tower guy thought Sprint was crazy for not using massive mimo. But Sprints network is alot better than it was. I just cant help but think that b25/26/b41 CA should have been implemented already. Sprint is the only carrier than does not aggregate different bands. It would help indoors alot because I can tell you the minute b41 is gone its hit or miss with b25. Although b25 upload speeds are alot more consistent.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

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11 minutes ago, Terrell352 said:

I wont post it because of the rules but Sprint recently upgraded an incredibly busy tower with 8t8r 8port equipment. 2 of the three antenna run at under 1mbps most of the day even at 80s dbm signal. The 3rd antenna between 70-110 in the day. Late night I have seen speeds over 200 mbps. That's a lot of people that even good backhaul,3xCA TM9, 4x4 mimo, 256qam and upload CA cant handle. Verizon and Tmobile are co located. Verizon put up what appears to be a massive mimo antenna and tmobile has a 12 antenna set up. The tower guy thought Sprint was crazy for not using massive mimo. But Sprints network is alot better than it was. I just cant help but think that b25/26/b41 CA should have been implemented already. Sprint is the only carrier than does not aggregate different bands. It would help indoors alot because I can tell you the minute b41 is gone its hit or miss with b25. Although b25 upload speeds are alot more consistent.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Aside from upgrading to Massive MIMO, what’s the solution here? Another fill-in site?

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Aside from upgrading to Massive MIMO, what’s the solution here? Another fill-in site?
All Tmobile, Sprint and Verizon have the same site density. ATT is one tower less in the area. Sprint is the only carrier that tried to use a small cell but the county shut that down really quick. The nearest tower is only 1.8 miles down the road. The other 3 carriers have no issue with it just Sprint it's not range its congestion. The way I see it massive mimo is the only solution besides adding a new tower

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3 hours ago, Paynefanbro said:

My guess is Sprint is backing off on that so that they have more contiguous spectrum for their 5G launch.

It also needs non-contiguous CA, which S10 has to 5CA.

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2 hours ago, Terrell352 said:

All Tmobile, Sprint and Verizon have the same site density. ATT is one tower less in the area. Sprint is the only carrier that tried to use a small cell but the county shut that down really quick. The nearest tower is only 1.8 miles down the road. The other 3 carriers have no issue with it just Sprint it's not range its congestion. The way I see it massive mimo is the only solution besides adding a new tower

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Sprint is likely aware of the tower load through Glance and other network tools, but it could be a good idea to report the issue in the My Sprint App. If the local network team can make a case for Massive MIMO and there’s available funds, it’ll likely get upgraded at some point.

Unless there’s a merger, in which case it could get eventually deprecated in favor of the T-Mobile gear.

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1 hour ago, though said:

How long (realistically) before Arkansas is completed?

Most of us have learned that predictions of more than a month out by Sprint are risky.  Once they get permits most of the work is done within a year (in my market, but they are sometimes allowed to die in mass in other markets).  Of course a merger could occur any time during that period -- or not!! 

The best thing to do is watch site improvements and signals.  Once work actually begins you can get more optimistic, but I would still not bet the farm.

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Ya...I saw that!

AT&T is misleading consumers and deserves to be sued!

I am, however, concerned that it is Sprint who is suing since they are in the process of trying to get approved for their merger with T-Mobile. Personally I would think that Sprint wouldn't want to make too many enemies at this time. But who knows, maybe they use the law suit as leverage to help prove that they can't compete against large operators like AT&T.

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Ya...I saw that!

AT&T is misleading consumers and deserves to be sued!

I am, however, concerned that it is Sprint who is suing since they are in the process of trying to get approved for their merger with T-Mobile. Personally I would think that Sprint wouldn't want to make too many enemies at this time. But who knows, maybe they use the law suit as leverage to help prove that they can't compete against large operators like AT&T.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

The issue is : sprint is using this as a marketing strategy from what I been reading.. att already said they are fighting back in a official statement and they have much deeper pockets than sprint

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    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
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    • My wife has a Pixel 8 Pro and has no complaints. I have an S22U and I get slightly better signal than her but 99.9% of the time, its not noticeable. 
    • My favorite is the nexus 6.  Love the form factor also.
    • Well it's the newest Pixel, so I'm guessing at least a few of us are out there, myself included! I have had almost every Google phone since the Nexus 4. The Nexus 5 might be my all-time favorite for what it was at the time, but I love my Pixel 8. No real drawbacks for me, but I can't give a personal comparison to the S22.
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