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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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TMO continues to have the advantage of being able to re-use att phones.


While coming to sprint mostly requires completely new phones, aside from nexus 5 and maybe a few others.


I think a lot of people here and elsewhere disregard how important that advantage can be.


Maybe gsm sucks, maybe it don't, but at least its the standard pretty much everywhere except sprint/vz.


Sprint and vz will always be disadvantaged when pulling customers from other carriers because of this.


I agree its a huge advantage. It allows people on AT&T to test out the Tmobile network with minimal investment. Unhappy with AT&T? Pop in the Tmobile $30 walmart plan for a month to see if the coverage is good enough or not.


As Sprint tries to direct people to BYOD or easy pay, does it make sense, or is it even possible, to welcome in Verizon branded phones that are compatible with the network?

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As for Sprint, while they could respond, I think if they lower prices anymore it may end up hurting them. But maybe giving more data for the price they already have?


I believe that this is exactly what we will see going forward, prices will not fall much further, 'value' will be increased via additional data and other 'features' such as hotspot allotments, video calling, multi-user conferencing, etc.


I also suspect we will start seeing more 'non-network-neutrality' features such as unlimited music streaming, facebook, youtube, etc.


When Hulu or Netflix start being subsidized, either through the carriers or hulu/netflix themselves.. then I think we will have hit rock bottom.

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As Sprint tries to direct people to BYOD or easy pay, does it make sense, or is it even possible, to welcome in Verizon branded phones that are compatible with the network?


AFAIK there are no Verizon phones that are compatible with Sprint's LTE network except perhaps the iPhone which has Band 25.

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As Sprint tries to direct people to BYOD or easy pay, does it make sense, or is it even possible, to welcome in Verizon branded phones that are compatible with the network?


I don't know how possible it is, but I think opening up the network to any compatible phone would be a great start to help streamline pulling new and previous customers on to the network as quickly as they can.


Carriers have the motivation to try to lock in (or out) other carriers devices, whereas phone manufacturers have the motivation to streamline their operations by reducing the number of SKU's and carrier specific hardware. (ie see apple and google attempting to make nearly universal phones).


Standardizing on universal carrier hardware, while potentially allowing carrier specific software (roms) or carrier enhanced software (non-rom based bloatware added during device activation), I hope will become more and more common as carriers and networks converge on LTE technology.

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I think Sprint is missing out on an opportunity in their plans. As T-Mobile and AT&T have moved to data limits with throttling afterwards it has shielded those customers from worrying about potential overages. Even Ting has this type of system in place to prevent people from racking up a huge data charge. With Sprint Family Share you are still subject to overages which can add up if someone blows through an HD netflix movie etc. It would be nice to specify how much data per line and then either turn off data or throttle data to that line after that amount mostly because many people don't realize how much data certain activities uses. Does anyone here have the family share plan yet? Are there software tools to limit data per line or is it a free for all like it used to be?

My Data Manager

Too lazy to post a play store link.

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AFAIK there are no Verizon phones that are compatible with Sprint's LTE network except perhaps the iPhone which has Band 25.


Hm, well that would be a barrier.


Well, Sprint doesnt allow Virgin/Boost phones to come over a lot of the time right? That should be an instant fix.

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On 8/22/2014 at 6:49 AM, S4GRU said:

I was speaking of individual plans...Framily is a group plan. T-Mobile plan is temporary and it's a $10 credit off a 5GB plan. Try again. Now most of us disagree with you too.


Face it folks. It's disruptive. If not, no one else will counter it at all. Let's see what happens this week. Oh wait, Tmo has already making pricing moves and Legere is constantly freaking out on Twitter. My point has already been made.


Tmo apologists say that when Tmo lowers prices, it's Uncarrier and it's driving the competition to go lower and Tmo is fighting for the people. Even though all they did was just move the money around with subsidies. Someone actually takes unsubsidized prices and lowers them further, and it's not disruptive. But if Tmo matches it and throws in dial up roaming in Botswana, that will be disruptive and the tech media will stroke Legere and all the magenta douches will dance around the fire tweeting hashtags until they all pass out from their ecstasy enduced love fest.




Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

Freaking out on Twitter is putting it mildly, Robert. Dude went apeshit on me, blocked me from following him and tweeted this to me:




I don't say much to the guy, but lately I've been giving him a hard time about his bs with Twitter. I can't stand a sh@tstain like him being all uppidy and acting like he's never called Tmo the best carrier ever. I saw his train T comment before folks here said anything because I just happened to be on Twitter when he posted it. Oh, before I forget, I must go weep with sorrow for being booted from the CEO's followers. Boo hoo.

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I think Sprint is missing out on an opportunity in their plans. As T-Mobile and AT&T have moved to data limits with throttling afterwards it has shielded those customers from worrying about potential overages. Even Ting has this type of system in place to prevent people from racking up a huge data charge. With Sprint Family Share you are still subject to overages which can add up if someone blows through an HD netflix movie etc. It would be nice to specify how much data per line and then either turn off data or throttle data to that line after that amount mostly because many people don't realize how much data certain activities uses. Does anyone here have the family share plan yet? Are there software tools to limit data per line or is it a free for all like it used to be?

Just checked AT&T and I don't see where they "shield" you from overages.



Additional data: $20/300MB on 300MB plan, $20/500MB on $25/per mo. 1GB plan (available as of 3/30/14), $15/1GB on retired $45/per mo. 1GB plan, and $15/1GB on all other plans.



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Just checked AT&T and I don't see where they "shield" you from overages.

My mistake, I don't use AT&T but my co worker mentioned he gets throttled after a few GB of data when we were talking about mobile data plans. Apparently he is on a grandfathered unlimited line.

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$45 for 2 GB of Data. This undercuts Sprint family share pricing (2 GB for $25+$25 line fee) by $5.




10 lines for just $10 per line after the second subscriber.  




Double data when you add a tablet..




 I wonder how Sprint will respond, if at all?


Wow, as low as $16/mo/line for 2.5GB data + unlimited low-speed including tethering- now that's disruptive. That's Europe-level pricing right there. It's kind of funny how they modified their previous 10-line Family plans before they even had a chance to bill for them. Even I'll admit that such pricing isn't sustainable- at least not until they've finished paying for their LTE build-out.


I'm not sure where the new $45 Simple Starter plan fits in though. For $5 more you get unlimited (throttled) data, 1-2.5GB tethering, free international roaming, and a slightly more generous domestic roaming cap. It would have made more sense if they had just kept it at $40 but raised the cap to 1-2GB. I think Sprint will be coming out with new individual plans soon at the $40 and $50 levels, but they're still weighing the competition to see if they'll stick with the 1 and 3GB caps, or offer a little more (i.e. 2 and 5GB) and include tethering.


As for tablets, I may not be a big fan of the man, but I'm hard-pressed disagreeing with this statement:


Today at AT&T, Verizon and Sprint, you can add a tablet to your account for a monthly $10 access fee that gets you exactly zero additional data. That $10 at the old guard carriers gives you nothing more than ‘access’ to your existing shared data pool.  And, what’s worse anyone on the account can use all your data – leaving you stranded and racking up more fees. Who wants to run out of data on their tablet and be charged overages all because Dad streamed Netflix for 3 hours on his smartphone?


If they're drawing from the same data pool, tablets shouldn't cost anything extra to add to your account, just like tethering. So while I'd prefer to see that as an option (no-cost tablet additions), at least T-Mobile is offering something extra for the mandatory $10 fee.


My mistake, I don't use AT&T but my co worker mentioned he gets throttled after a few GB of data when we were talking about mobile data plans. Apparently he is on a grandfathered unlimited line.


Yea, last time I checked, their old unlimited plan will throttle you after 3GB if you're using an older 3G phone, or 5GB with a "4G"/LTE phone. That's of course a policy they got away with implementing after they did away with unlimited.

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I LOVE how he blocked you from following him, so funny...


I know rite..You'd think I spend every day harassing the guy and sending hundreds of nasty tweets to him. Truth be told, I've sent him maybe 20 tweets in my life, but they are calling him on his BS..like how T-mo just up and dropped roaming agreements here out of the blue. No warning, no rhyme or reason....one day tmo worked, next day it was GONE ...just like that. And never came back...

Used to, this area was ONLY Tmo..You could get 5 bars in the middle of Nowhereville, 35150...and other carriers fell behind Tmo. But suddenly, they just dropped off. I had Tmo, and had to let it go because they just quit working. Literally speaking, it worked, then it didn't. Then they sent me a bill for $13 for 16 months after I cancelled service because of their stupid billing system..

Granted, this was back in 2007..but still. I had to drive an hour to take phones back to Bham, and then I was without a phone until I found service. It's quite annoying to call up friends on your landline and say "hey, what service you got? Can you come to my house and let me see if it works here?"


So yeah, I felt a little burned by Tmo..back then. But I couldn't be happier now, and wouldn't even take the Testdrive thing if they offered (which I seriously doubt they offer for 35150). Last I checked the  Tmo coverage map, 35150 really sucked with big blotches of white all over ...very little magenta until you get near Bham or Mont..


Back on topic though...just thought I'd toss in some comic relief...Seems like John is a little more uptight these days. Maybe a change in hair gel is causing withdrawals, maybe his pink panties got thrown into the whites and came out with some yellow pee stains and it struck him the wrong way...Not sure, but he sure seems to have issues lately.

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Back on topic though...just thought I'd toss in some comic relief...Seems like John is a little more uptight these days. Maybe a change in hair gel is causing withdrawals, maybe his pink panties got thrown into the whites and came out with some yellow pee stains and it struck him the wrong way...Not sure, but he sure seems to have issues lately.


:tu: I think you hit the nail right on the head.


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Yeah that's right. I forgot about that. They are just trying to inflate their stock so if/when someone does buy them out, they will be worth more. Will be interesting within the next few years.


I am not sure if it will take that long. DT is playing a high stacks game of chicken in trying to get rid of T-Mobile....and if no one steps up they (or at least their US investment) will suffer greatly.

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Ok, John calls Sprint's new programs complicated or whatever... hmmm TMO's new plans are the ones I really can't understand!

The one thing T-Mobile does right is make it's plans immediately available and configurable via the website. The official Sprint announcement was nearly a week ago and you still can't really do ANYTHING for Family Share plans except "Make an appointment."


What about people wanting to, you know, actually switch TO Sprint? They need brand new phones so let them shop for them!

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The one thing T-Mobile does right is make it's plans immediately available and configurable via the website. The official Sprint announcement was nearly a week ago and you still can't really do ANYTHING for Family Share plans except "Make an appointment."


What about people wanting to, you know, actually switch TO Sprint? They need brand new phones so let them shop for them!


I wonder if Tmobile has gone to one pricing model for both their consumer and business customers. I've found pricing on Sprint if you get set up as a business account is much better than what I had on Framily and prev UnlMyWay. 

For $30 I get 2GB data, hotspot, direct connect (I don't really use it). The data pools together - I have 3 phones so 6GB. And then I added a tablet for $10 and it just shares in the data pool. I recently got the new LivePro hotspot/projector. That's $35/month and adds I think another 3GB..so I actually have about 9GB total. I like the idea of pooling between all my devices. I think I lucked out too b/c they offered double the data on the phones than normal. I'm glad I got in on that before it ended otherwise I'd only have about 6GB to play with. If I need more data, there is a 4GB and Unl data option on the phones I was told.
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Sprint should consider to throw out individual plans of $40 / $45 / $50 for 3.5GB / 4.5GB / 5.5GB.

Except it will take care of the rest of Tmobile data tiers after Sprint almost destroy Tmo's unlimited plan, those who consider the Verizon $60 2GB plan or big two's 3GB/5GB plans will find out Sprint give more data and in mean while can save them $10 or more a month.


Sometimes 3GB or 5GB data is just a number, many ATT/VERIZON customers like me not even use more than 2GB a month. But people will consider to switch if they found hey I can get at least 50% more data and smaller bill. So release the kraken so it will start pull customers from all major competitors to switch to Sprint. I believe Sprint is waiting for big two to react before they throw out more individual plans. But if big two choose to wait and see, Marcelo may choose bring out new plans right before iPhone 6 announcement.


And at the end, they also need run that promotion to pay ETF of those new customers to help them switch to Sprint. That will for sure pull customers in but it will hurt their wallet also.

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Sprint could easily roll out more plans. In sprints system the new individual plan is coded and named. Unl talk/text $30 then then its Unl data $30 which is the only option. They could easily add a $10 and $20 data option into the system.

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it seems Johnny has a new BFF to harass on Twitter… 




I am curious if Randell blocked him as John only uses a hashtag now… 


Randall was never on Twitter. He'll never be that accessible to the public like that.



I wonder if Tmobile has gone to one pricing model for both their consumer and business customers. I've found pricing on Sprint if you get set up as a business account is much better than what I had on Framily and prev UnlMyWay. 




Business plans was like regular Simple Choice only you could add more than 5 lines for $20 a piece 

Edited by jbom
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And at the end, they also need run that promotion to pay ETF of those new customers to help them switch to Sprint. That will for sure pull customers in but it will hurt their wallet also.

Paying off the ETF is going to be huge when the balloon payments come due on all of these T-Mobile promo deals. When the bills jump and and the data allotment shrinks, you'll see people flee.

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The one thing T-Mobile does right is make it's plans immediately available and configurable via the website. The official Sprint announcement was nearly a week ago and you still can't really do ANYTHING for Family Share plans except "Make an appointment."

I hope Marcelo has a website revamp up his sleeve - being able to react quickly is important, as is customer perception. The Sprint website is quite dated.

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it seems Johnny has a new BFF to harass on Twitter…




I am curious if Randell blocked him as John only uses a hashtag now…

It might just be my imagination, but I'd swear that Lurie looks like a younger version of Randall without the glasses.


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

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