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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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It is coming but I still think a brand name change may have to happen. Kind of like Comcast to Xfinity and Cablevision to Optimum. I am finally happy to see that they are starting to be more accepting of bring your own tablet to Sprint.

Also a bit ironical given that Comcast to Xfinity is often cited as one of the more dubious name changes, because what is Xfinity? Sprint's brand perception isn't as bad as I had expected (it is basically neutral) and thus they won't change the name. There are too many costs involved with that and the benefits are questionable.

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These plans are not difficult. Why is everyone so confused by these? These are almost exactly the same as the big 2. These are insanely easy to comprehend. Data bucket + access fee = bill.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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I think Sprint is being pretty straight forward though. They say "twice the data, same or lower price". That's pretty convincing if you ask me.

But given their past history people see 'slow data' or 'less coverage'. Not saying that is accurate anymore. I'm just saying the big two can play around with this marketing. Already if you go on some of the tech sites people are saying what good is twice the data when it is slow. They have to improve the image. The metrics are getting better, but that is where the marketing team needs to push. Sprint has always been great at saying look at what is coming, but they do it too soon. They started pushing the newest network commercials before they should have IMO. This can harm their image more than improve it when the loudest people tend to be the unhappy ones. I love the coverage and price I pay and got many people to switch to Sprint. They have a great roaming deal with Canada and many vacations destinations. It is experiences like that they need to be pointing out.

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And I understand Sprint can't give away the farm to existing subs, but I think a nod to the customers that have stuck with them through the NV upgrade issues should get something.  Maybe an early upgrade or $100 to a new device.  Just something to say thanks would be a good gesture.  


Exactly. They can't afford anything crazy on the existing subs. Maybe some kind of loyalty credit on their next new device for people that have been around for more than a year or two? You can't afford a big hit with teaser pricing that isn't sustainable, but just a nice nod to existing customers would be nice.

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These plans are not difficult. Why is everyone so confused by these? These are almost exactly the same as the big 2. These are insanely easy to comprehend. Data bucket + access fee = bill.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


My only complaint is you have 5-6 different access fees depending upon the type of device, how big your data bucket is, and if you are a new or existing customer. That makes it a real mess to explain when you are trying to sell service. 

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Exactly. They can't afford anything crazy on the existing subs. Maybe some kind of loyalty credit on their next new device for people that have been around for more than a year or two? You can't afford a big hit with teaser pricing that isn't sustainable, but just a nice nod to existing customers would be nice.

I think they'll sit back and see the response from current subs. They can't afford to give away much, but I think if the backlash is big enough they'll do something. But I bet they're hoping, if not praying, that they'll get by with current subs.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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Also a bit ironical given that Comcast to Xfinity is often cited as one of the more dubious name changes, because what is Xfinity? Sprint's brand perception isn't as bad as I had expected (it is basically neutral) and thus they won't change the name. There are too many costs involved with that and the benefits are questionable.

Yes nobody knows what 'Xfinity' means or is, but in their case it did get them out of dead last in customer service (although TWC worked hard to get there). Optimum is kind of bland for a cutting edge tech company.  The Sprint brand is improving, especially around here in NYC and areas closing in on the completion of NV, but they still have work to do.  Soon I hope they will focus ads on showing the improved metrics.  That will help combat the negativity from the people still left with a bad taste in their mouth.  They have the most improved customer service in the industry.  Once people see that, then this crap people post will slowly disappear.  I am finally seeing people call out Sprint bashers on comment sections.  

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I think they'll sit back and see the response from current subs. They can't afford to give away much, but I think if the backlash is big enough they'll do something. But I bet they're hoping, if not praying, that they'll get by with current subs.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

TBH if I was a current sub with an ED share plan I will keep it. I don't think any plan can really top it. It's a good plan and it can become even cheaper if you have a corporate discount through your job.


I think customers on this plan should at least be thankful that Sprint hasn't forced them off this plan like VZW did with their customers on their unlimited data plan.


I think this plan is great for sprint and I think they need to market the new plans aggressively!!!


* sprint can always offer older customers on 2yr contract plans better handset deals on their phone. Just so they can keep their service and get them on a spark device so they have a better experience on the network.

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there should be no option to subsidize a phone on these plans it should just be easy pay . You have to pay up front for the phone and pay $25  a month ($15+$25=)$40 for a subsidized phone. Most of the phones are $25 or less on easy pay. Why pay more for the phone makes no sense.

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My only complaint is you have 5-6 different access fees depending upon the type of device, how big your data bucket is, and if you are a new or existing customer. That makes it a real mess to explain when you are trying to sell service.

It is confusing to you (a current Sprint customer), but it is pretty standard considering it is the exact same as the big 2. If a customer is coming from one of the big to they can directly compare their existing plan with all of their devices to Sprint's plans. It is apples to apples. It is actually simpler. These plans aren't designed to woo over people who are on a better legacy plan, they are designed to snag customers from the big 2.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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It is confusing to you (a current Sprint customer), but it is pretty standard across considering it is the exact same as the big 2. If a customer is coming from one of the big to they can directly compare there existing plan with all of their devices to Sprint's plans. It is apples to apples. It is actually simpler. These plans aren't designed to woo over people who are on a better legacy plan, they are designed to snag customers from the big 2.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

That is where sprint scored big time. It is extremely easy to cross shop AT&T and VZW. And to see the value in Sprint.
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Ok i am reading the chart put up by sprint.  So 20 gigs of data is 100 plus 40 x 4 ( i have two year contracts) =260$  I'm at 200 now.  Same deal as Framily...it significantly costs me more...This chart is easy to figure out at least..:)

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Ok i am reading the chart put up by sprint. So 20 gigs of data is 100 plus 40 x 4 ( i have two year contracts) =260$ I'm at 200 now. Same deal as Framily...it significantly costs me more...This chart is easy to figure out at least..:)

Keep in mind it is targeting new customers. And like AT&T and VZW, even TMO the idea is no contracts. Sprint falls into a bad trap (as does vzw) in that you cant really bring your own phone too easily. Example buy a cheap android or windows mobil phone for $100....
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Sooo...   that sucks...


Give me Framily back...  unless this new setup lets people not on the same account get the discount.

The way I read that is that they aren't taking a framily plan away. Just not promoting it as much. They are going to emphasize these bucket plans. We can still add to our framily plans.
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The way I read that is that they aren't taking a framily plan away. Just not promoting it as much. They are going to emphasize these bucket plans. We can still add to our framily plans.

I hope you're right, but rarely do old plans stick around very long.

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The way I read that is that they aren't taking a framily plan away. Just not promoting it as much. They are going to emphasize these bucket plans. We can still add to our framily plans.

Hmm I assumed same except that the framely account was frozen from adds.
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Uh, folks, before you go all apeshit on this plan, have you viewed the table that Ian posted on a previous page? For clarity, I will repost it here:




Examine the three bulleted conditions for migrating existing accounts. Many of you can meet just one those conditions. And that is all you need. So, do not be so rushed to judgment.



But existing customers don't qualify to have the per-line fees waived until 2016, so they're looking at $60/month more for a family of four.

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