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Framily's Easy Pay vs 2yr subsidized pricing


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EDF 1500 w/3 lines

$129.99 for 2 lines

$19.99 + $10 premium data for line 3

Total $159.98 + Tax


A framily plan with 3 lines would look like this.

$45 per line x 3 = $135

$20 unlimited data x 3 lines = $60

Total $195 + Tax


Mario, I believe you forgot the premium data fee for each of the first 2 lines. The EDF1500 was 129.99 + 20 for premium data. And he wanted the cost of the phones included too.


I don't really want to get into comparisons involving ED plans, but I could use some input.


I'm currently on EDF1500 with Premium data and 3 lines. Using a S3 for example, what's the comparison costs between the two with unlimited data if no additional Framily lines are added? I'm really considering changing and am wondering what's the initial cost prior to adding anyone else.


The total cost for 2 years of EDF1500 with 3 lines and 3 GS3's is $4,769.49. For a Framily of 3, the total 2 year cost with phone purchase is $4,739.97.

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Mario, I believe you forgot the premium data fee for each of the first 2 lines. The EDF1500 was 129.99 + 20 for premium data. And he wanted the cost of the phones included too.



The total cost for 2 years of EDF1500 with 3 lines and 3 GS3's is $4,769.49. For a Framily of 3, the total 2 year cost with phone purchase is $4,739.97.


Yup, I forgot the premium data for the first two. 

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Yup, I forgot the premium data for the first two. 


It's ok. I probably would have forgot that too. I might add a sheet detailing the 2yr cost of Everything Data and Simply Everything plans, but not in the next few days. And I did stick to just single lines on My Way plans because it'll be a massive undertaking to add each line in 1 at a time. But I will eventually get to it once I get caught up on my schoolwork.

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I'm considering that as a whole different entity. This is my pricing structure. Framily monthly service fee * 24 months of service + cost of phone = total 2 year investment cost.

Oh, ok. I was thinking that it did include the phone subsidy since you separated each phone by retail price. If I can say one thing, not a negative or positive, with the cost of the phone it all comes to be around the same price. I do like how transparent it makes the pricing. It's like buying the device is separate from the service, which I believe is what most people don't come to understand.


Great job on the sheet though, extremely informative.




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Oh, ok. I was thinking that it did include the phone subsidy since you separated each phone by retail price. If I can say one thing, not a negative or positive, with the cost of the phone it all comes to be around the same price. I do like how transparent it makes the pricing. It's like buying the device is separate from the service, which I believe is what most people don't come to understand.


Great job on the sheet though, extremely informative.





My goal with this sheet was to inform everyone that being on Framily is not as expensive as they are clamoring over.

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I am in the same boat. I know 4 people including myself that have Sprint. One of them just upgraded his phone so he wont see any reason to switch his plan. The other 2 will probably switch carriers when they try to upgrade and find out they can't. I have been trying to explain to them that they haven't been "paying a 4G fee for the 4g they don't have" for over 2 years and have not been able to make any progress.

Nearest Sprint store is over 75 miles away, so that is out.

Not sure what I am going to do at this point.

That's a little far for a Sprint store around the Rochester, NY area we have one actual Sprint owned store and 4 OR more authorized dealers, so it's not bad I live 18mins from two of them.

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Mario, I believe you forgot the premium data fee for each of the first 2 lines. The EDF1500 was 129.99 + 20 for premium data. And he wanted the cost of the phones included too.



The total cost for 2 years of EDF1500 with 3 lines and 3 GS3's is $4,769.49. For a Framily of 3, the total 2 year cost with phone purchase is $4,739.97.


Did you include the upgrade to unlimited data in your number? That was in the original question. The Framily plan cost seems low to me. 

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Are you looking to keep unlimited data for all three lines? If so you will probably be looking at a higher bill than what you're paying.  I had the same plan with 3 lines as well.  Was yours like this:


EDF 1500 w/3 lines

$129.99 for 2 lines

$19.99 + $10 premium data for line 3

Total $159.98 + Tax


A framily plan with 3 lines would look like this.

$45 per line x 3 = $135

$20 unlimited data x 3 lines = $60

Total $195 + Tax


As you can see for three lines it's not a good tradeoff if you want to keep unlimited for all of the lines.  I switched because I was willing to give up the unlimited data for myself and my wife and mother-in-law don't ever come close to a 1GB of data usage in a month.  It made it worthwhile to switch since I would save about $30 without adding any more lines.  Thankfully I was able to get my sister's three lines added to framily so my I now have 6 in my group. 


I need to keep unlimited on my three lines and yes that's what my EDF1500 looks like. I guess I'll wait around and see if the restrictions change on allowing 10 existing customer's to merge.

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Did you include the upgrade to unlimited data in your number? That was in the original question. The Framily plan cost seems low to me.

Good question. I may have only done 1GB, but I'll recheck my figures.


EDIT: Looking back, I did miss the Unlimited data. So add $1440 to the price I quoted.


Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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I need to keep unlimited on my three lines and yes that's what my EDF1500 looks like. I guess I'll wait around and see if the restrictions change on allowing 10 existing customer's to merge.


As MacinJosh pointed out my original reply forgot to add the premium data fee to each of the first two lines. So just add $20 to the total I posted for the ED1500 plan.  So the difference between the Framily plan and ED plan isn't as large. But I think the Framily plan would still be more expensive if you only have 3 lines.  

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Is Sprint selling the N5 for $350 retail now? I thought it was $450.


Edit: I see now but if you can't finance a N5 Google play purchase through easy pay then shouldnt those fields say N/A?

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Is Sprint selling the N5 for $350 retail now? I thought it was $450.


Edit: I see now but if you can't finance a N5 Google play purchase through easy pay then shouldnt those fields say N/A?


No, because it's listed as retail pricing for all the phones, and easy pay is just retail price/24. So Framily is just lump sum pricing with retail cost of phone. The N5 from Google is listed as retail pricing added on if you put it on My Way plans or Framily.

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No, because it's listed as retail pricing for all the phones, and easy pay is just retail price/24. So Framily is just lump sum pricing with retail cost of phone. The N5 from Google is listed as retail pricing added on if you put it on My Way plans or Framily.


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I know this may be off topic...i dunno maybe not...and this requires 2 separate accts....sooo like a husband, wife who have kids and inlaws on the acct...and or friends...


but for people who have a lot of people on their plan...say 9,10 maybe even wanting more....


if you do a mix of my way, with only those needing voice, and text no data (cuz data is spendy on this plan)


and framily...data usage varies.....


then you can hit max savings....


I have 5 on the my way no data, and 7 on the framily 2 with the $10...and its $355, for 12 lines...not taking into acct phone purchases...JUST PLAN COST....


there are lots of different needs for people out there...and you just have to move the numbers around to make it work...


just a thought

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I know this may be off topic...i dunno maybe not...and this requires 2 separate accts....sooo like a husband, wife who have kids and inlaws on the acct...and or friends...


but for people who have a lot of people on their plan...say 9,10 maybe even wanting more....


if you do a mix of my way, with only those needing voice, and text no data (cuz data is spendy on this plan)


and framily...data usage varies.....


then you can hit max savings....


I have 5 on the my way no data, and 7 on the framily 2 with the $10...and its $355, for 12 lines...not taking into acct phone purchases...JUST PLAN COST....


there are lots of different needs for people out there...and you just have to move the numbers around to make it work...


just a thought

12 lines on 1 account? Wow, you must have awesome credit with Sprint! As for juggling lines to hit max savings, until the My Way plans are gone, if having a few lines on them and the rest on Framily makes things cheaper, then it's better to juggle and switch things up. However, some people might benefit from having 2 Framily's and getting 7-10 on each of them. You are close to that already. I will try to get around to comparing My Way with multiple lines vs discount levels with Framily.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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I don't really want to get into comparisons involving ED plans, but I could use some input.


I'm currently on EDF1500 with Premium data and 3 lines. Using a S3 for example, what's the comparison costs between the two with unlimited data if no additional Framily lines are added? I'm really considering changing and am wondering what's the initial cost prior to adding anyone else.


I had the same question and wrote it up in Excel. This DOES include the cost of the phones, since currently the ED plans do include a new phone every 2 years. For comparison purposes I assume a new phone on the Framily plans every 2 years as well. If you do not get a new phone every 2 years, the Framily plans will become cheaper than listed, but it will still take some time to even out with the current ED plan.


A couple notes:

- The Framily plan appears to be cheaper if you go with the 3GB for each line, however this does not include the cost of the phones. After adding in phone costs the plan is more expensive than the current ED plan.

- The Framily plans may be cheaper if you go with a lower end phone. I've included 2 iPhones (or similar cost phones) and 1 low cost phone, as this is my current setup.




If anyone has any questions or sees anything wrong let me know and I can update.


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12 lines on 1 account? Wow, you must have awesome credit with Sprint! As for juggling lines to hit max savings, until the My Way plans are gone, if having a few lines on them and the rest on Framily makes things cheaper, then it's better to juggle and switch things up. However, some people might benefit from having 2 Framily's and getting 7-10 on each of them. You are close to that already. I will try to get around to comparing My Way with multiple lines vs discount levels with Framily.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

Well technically 2 different accts...a biz acct (my way stuffs) and then just opened 1 on personal (and yes was approved for 10 lines off the bat :tu:  :tu:  :tu: )


the only reason i didnt open up 1 on the wifes side...is those 5 on the my way...have no desire to use data..


Which i wish sprint gave an option for people...and i wish they had more basic phones...because no all grand mas, and pas want or need data...nor do their children need to be their IT support as well :wall:  :wall:  :wall:   ask me how i know :twitch:  :twitch:  :twitch: 


anyway it was quiet the issue to get sorted out...but we did and now I am trying to decide if i should use my flexibility for evil  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

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Include the activation fees, Google purchased devices don't have the fee, all others do.


If possible the monthly fees (not taxes).

oh as far as fees go....as i understand it...if you are a Credit Union member, then the fees are waived, and you save 10% on the data...$1 or 2 a mth...


and the store guy told me, and i confirmed it.....its about 12% for taxes and fees.....depends on your local taxes of course

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My goal with this sheet was to inform everyone that being on Framily is not as expensive as they are clamoring over.

Framly and myway have a couple of things that hold me back:

1.  My cost goes up to $260/month.  In my area ATT and verizon provide much better data coverage and speeds for that money.

2.  Sprint has unlimited data yes..but i can easily live with 2 gigs per line for an 8 gig plan on vz and att.  In my area..(not bashing sprint) with costs being equal it's about the network..and sprint and t-mob don't have it very well.  VZ and ATT does.  


What keeps me on sprint right now:

Lower cost.  

Right now it's nice having unlimited data(when i can hit 4g on any line their usage does go up..but we don't stream video so it's not excessive).  

We have the phones we like..only one of us has a matching phone on sprint and vz(my wife's IP5.).  We all like our phones we have now.

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oh as far as fees go....as i understand it...if you are a Credit Union member, then the fees are waived, and you save 10% on the data...$1 or 2 a mth...


and the store guy told me, and i confirmed it.....its about 12% for taxes and fees.....depends on your local taxes of course


Josh isn't including any discounts, keeping everything equal.


Monthly fees are fees imposed by Sprint, totally different than taxes.

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If I have more then just myself it would be nice, but its just me, I don't have many friends/know or hardly anyone would would join me in doing Framily.  

I joined my sister church group. I don't know any of them or been to her church. All I know is once they got to over 6 I jumped in. 

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 So the difference between the Framily plan and ED plan isn't as large. But I think the Framily plan would still be more expensive if you only have 3 lines.  


It is, especially since the employee discount comes off a bigger slice.


Then factor in that the subsidy model lets you shop around for phones on Amazon and Walmart...


So in the chart posted above for three phones, you save $60 a month on the old plan. Add a few more dollars in savings from the larger employee discount, and then chopc off a couple hundred bucks when you pick up your iphone at Best Buy on sale...

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