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LG G2 Users Thread!


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technicolor tc8305c. bgn. I also had problems at the sprint store- router unknown.

I opted for the Nexus 5 myself, but have been following this thread since the beginning.. I do not recall anyone experiencing the issues you have described. In fact, while others have given the N5 the edge in raw signal strength when compared with the G2, it reportedly gets better data transfer speeds. Unless you get it resolved before the end of the 14-day return period, I would swap it out for a brand new device while you still can.



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Thanks. That was going to be my fallback option, but I really enjoy all of the custom settings on the g2. Are they similar in the n5? and hows your battery life? That was another spec that drew me to the g2. Still not sure which is the better phone- so similar. Just didn't like the 'feel' of the 5 in my hand, but like the minimalism and lack of bloat. n5 might be better in the longrun. Doesn't appear to be so 'buggy.' and while I don't mind tinkering with computing devices (been seeing the blue screen since win '95), I'm not sure I want to be dealing with the potential hassle with a device we all rely on day in and day out to be our life blood... plus, just because I don't see/haven't experienced the other issues others have, doesn't mean they won't potentially manifest down the road. :/

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Thanks. That was going to be my fallback option, but I really enjoy all of the custom settings on the g2. Are they similar in the n5? and hows your battery life? That was another spec that drew me to the g2. Still not sure which is the better phone- so similar. Just didn't like the 'feel' of the 5 in my hand, but like the minimalism and lack of bloat. n5 might be better in the longrun. Doesn't appear to be so 'buggy.' and while I don't mind tinkering with computing devices (been seeing the blue screen since win '95), I'm not sure I want to be dealing with the potential hassle with a device we all rely on day in and day out to be our life blood... plus, just because I don't see/haven't experienced the other issues others have, doesn't mean they won't potentially manifest down the road. :/



You think the stock customizations are nice, if you want to really change the look and feel, register at us.lgworld.com and download the LG World app...then try some of their official themes and font packs. May not be the same as rooting and customizing from the ground up, but it gives the UI a fresh makeover ...I did one of the Christmas themes just now and like the way it looks.

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I opted for the Nexus 5 myself, but have been following this thread since the beginning.. I do not recall anyone experiencing the issues you have described. In fact, while others have given the N5 the edge in raw signal strength when compared with the G2, it reportedly gets better data transfer speeds. Unless you get it resolved before the end of the 14-day return period, I would swap it out for a brand new device while you still can.



I'm going to try the N5 myself. It only took two nights @ 1 hr each to call Sprint and get the correct SIM on the way. Luckily I found a thread on here that "FunkyChicken" posted listing the correct sku. As far as my G2, it equals the speeds of my desktop PC on WiFi (85 Mbps down and 35 Mbps up). When on 4G it's not bad at all. Good Luck.


I also think I would swap out the G2 before you get stuck. The operation you described is not normal.

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Hello. First, great forum- I can feel the love, as well as the collective genius at work here. It's refreshing to find a forum where people actually know their sh*t on a real, technologically advanced level. It's relieving as well, considering the headache that my new G2 is causing... as follows:


This is a Sprint device and I am still within the time frame to return if a resolution is not found.




1.) While wi-fi remains connected (doesn't drop), it is terribly slow, averaging .8 - 3 mbps. Whereas, other Samsung android devices are averaging 15-20 mbps. Internet is cable, and I have reset the modem without experiencing any performance increase.


2.) 4g is no better, averaging a mind boggling .5 mbps. (Don't even get me started on 3g- .1-.3 mbps)


3.) If 4g is even able to connect, which is rare... it disappears and and is nowhere to be found, or be (re) enabled.


Attempted (unsuccessful resolutions):


1.) Performed Sprint recommended troubleshooting techniques:


a.) updated profile

b.) soft reset(s)

c.) hard resets- multiple


2.) contacted customer care: received "refreshers," and was walked through numerous settings and performed various resets.


Recommended CC resolution: return device for exchange.


3.) Sprint store attempted to identify problem, and in the process found that their demo, along with employee handsets (G2) as well as new unboxed versions had the same problem. They offered to switch to an S4 or Nexus5 for free, or wait a couple days to see if the LG rep could offer a fix.


(further) Resolution: pending


Here's the deal- I think we can all agree that this phone is kick ass. Therefore, I would rather not switch, as I enjoy the experience it provides, as well as the satisfaction of getting to really bond with a device when troubleshooting them.


Please know that I am scouring middle earth low and wide for resolutions, and have not composed this post without first looking and becoming familiar with other peoples similiar experiences. I will continue to fact find, and I apologize for not reading all (nearly hundred) pages before posting, but time is of the nigh, as I am still within a time frame to return in case the problem is inherent to this specific device (a lemon). Plus, I don't quite understand everything you're talking about, as I've never had/chosen to dig that deep into the obscure settings and techniques I've seen listed (and also because I JUST got it) Hence, the user name- g2 n00b. :)


So thank you in advance for your time in helping with this. It is both greatly appreciated, and not without gratitude on my part. Also, I hope I displayed proper educate by formating this post in a manner which is easy to sort through.  K. let the trouble shooting begin. :)

With 3 new phone. We do  have not experience that problem with the wi-fi. I do not have 4g yet. 

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With 3 new phone. We do  have not experience that problem with the wi-fi. I do not have 4g yet.


I am so glad that you quoted that entire lengthy post to respond with two lines.



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Downtown Cleveland this morning on band 41. Had to use force lte only to connect. Signal strength is all over the place every few steps. I briefly saw 35mbps down.


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Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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Thanks. That was going to be my fallback option, but I really enjoy all of the custom settings on the g2. Are they similar in the n5? and hows your battery life? That was another spec that drew me to the g2. Still not sure which is the better phone- so similar. Just didn't like the 'feel' of the 5 in my hand, but like the minimalism and lack of bloat.

Well the N5 is just running plain vanilla Android, so there are no extras in the UI like you get with the G2. Of course you can root and customize it if you prefer. I am a longtime HTC Sense user (and fan), and I do miss some of those extras, but the specs of the new phone are keeping my EVO LTE at home. I also like that the N5 can be switched to another carrier with a simple SIM swap and reboot, and it will be on the leading edge of Android updates.


I've never used the G2, but the general consensus is that it has better battery life than the N5. At first, my battery life seriously concerned me, but now it appears that it just took a couple of days to calibrate the battery meter. I'm probably an average user and I can get a full day of normal usage. I know that when you are in a poor signal area, battery life will always be shortened, but it seems like the N5 drains even faster than expected in that situation. I would say that battery life could become a concern for heavy users.


They are very similar phones under the hood, it just comes down to personal preferences. Speaking generally based on what I have read, the G2 has better battery life, a custom UI, and IR remote control capabilities. The N5 is unlocked, has better RF performance, plain Android, and faster software updates.



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Hello. First, great forum- I can feel the love, as well as the collective genius at work here. It's refreshing to find a forum where people actually know their sh*t on a real, technologically advanced level. It's relieving as well, considering the headache that my new G2 is causing...

I've noticed that people with penguins in their avatar are more likely to have complaints or problems with their G2, than the general population. What is the significance of the penguin? I see it a lot and they always have issues with their G2. Unless I'm seeing the same user in multiple forums...

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I'm noticing some odd behavior since the weekend began.  Maybe 4 times now when I've been switching off LTE/eHRPD to what would normally be a 1x signal, I will just get no data connection at all. I won't roam since I have a strong signal, but my phone won't connect to data on 1x and it won't switch back to eHRPD or LTE unless I manually cycle airplane  mode. Otherwise, I will just stare at a no data warning icon indefinitely.

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I've noticed that people with penguins in their avatar are more likely to have complaints or problems with their G2, than the general population. What is the significance of the penguin? I see it a lot and they always have issues with their G2. Unless I'm seeing the same user in multiple forums...


ROFL....that is a weird observation but I doubt it has any correlation about their G2.  I would assume they would use the same username if it was the same person.

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I'm noticing some odd behavior since the weekend began.  Maybe 4 times now when I've been switching off LTE/eHRPD to what would normally be a 1x signal, I will just get no data connection at all. I won't roam since I have a strong signal, but my phone won't connect to data on 1x and it won't switch back to eHRPD or LTE unless I manually cycle airplane  mode. Otherwise, I will just stare at a no data warning icon indefinitely.

I made a post about that same thing yesterday,  It happens in the same place all the time.  Chambers Hill Road near Mushroom Hill approaching 322 in Harrisburg.  My G2 refuses to switch back to LTE on its own when I am back in a strong LTE area after waiting 5 plus minutes.  The G2 just sticks on 1x. 

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Since ive takrn my phone of charge at 8:30am this morning and so far have had it on non stop from browsing chrome and playing BTD5 and as of now 11:50am 33% but this thing charger super quick. Just a curious question, anyone think they might make a case with a battery built in to it?

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Anyone else having issues with Google Search hogging the battery? I have tried to stop the program but it is still killing the battery.

Google services does


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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I'm noticing some odd behavior since the weekend began. Maybe 4 times now when I've been switching off LTE/eHRPD to what would normally be a 1x signal, I will just get no data connection at all. I won't roam since I have a strong signal, but my phone won't connect to data on 1x and it won't switch back to eHRPD or LTE unless I manually cycle airplane mode. Otherwise, I will just stare at a no data warning icon indefinitely.

I had this issue today on the way to class.


Sent from my LG-LS980



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I've noticed that people with penguins in their avatar are more likely to have complaints or problems with their G2, than the general population. What is the significance of the penguin? I see it a lot and they always have issues with their G2. Unless I'm seeing the same user in multiple forums...



Sarcasm noted. (supposing it was intended) :) If youre making that comment to infer that my post is disingenious because you've seen it elsewhere, then yes, I posted on one other forum (with the same user name) to get the issue resolved due to the time constraint and stayed up half the night so I could respond quickly to those with resolutions, or who needed further information. I came across that site while trouble shooting the problem myself, as to not be "one of those guys" who throws up a thread w/o doing their homework, or caring to do their homework, because they expect everyone else to solve their problems for them and waste other peoples valuable time.


If you'll notice, however, the time stamp here is several hours earlier because this was going to be the only place I posted, that is until I came across the other site. It was easier to cut and paste then modify. Like I said, though, I posted here first, and was ONLY going to post here first based on my observations and real opinion because of the level of tech knowledge with the members, but it was late, I was tired, frustrated with the device, and It was easier to cut and paste real quick. So if anyone should feel like they received a generic post, it's the other forum.


I'd like to believe that we're here all for the same reasons- a love of technology- and that helping one another in the community should be the primary goal, as thats what keeps the forums alive and thriving and creates the helpful atmosphere where people feel they can have there issues resolved by individuals how share the same values and passion, and who are of like mind. No direspect intended to the forum just because I found another forum to post on later. I'm on a time crunch. Hope you understand. :)


and lolz @ this... :)


"I am so glad that you quoted that entire lengthy post to respond with two lines.




p.s. The penguin is the linux slackware penguin. Once you do slack, you'll never go back. ;)

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I'm noticing some odd behavior since the weekend began.  Maybe 4 times now when I've been switching off LTE/eHRPD to what would normally be a 1x signal, I will just get no data connection at all. I won't roam since I have a strong signal, but my phone won't connect to data on 1x and it won't switch back to eHRPD or LTE unless I manually cycle airplane  mode. Otherwise, I will just stare at a no data warning icon indefinitely.


Sounds almost like what's happening at my work for over a year.  The phone gets hung up on a broken EVDO channel and won't switch over to 1x, so you get no data.  Look around the RF engineering screens and see if it is jumping 1x or EV channels.

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Sounds almost like what's happening at my work for over a year.  The phone gets hung up on a broken EVDO channel and won't switch over to 1x, so you get no data.  Look around the RF engineering screens and see if it is jumping 1x or EV channels.

Possibly my issue may differ slightly then from what you said.  Mine, even though back in a very strong LTE eCSFB compliant area, the G2 gets stuck on 1x.  The only way back to LTE is to cycle the radio.  This always happens in the same area.  No matter where you go after that or how long, the G2 will not switch back to LTE on its own.  Very interesting what you are saying about a broken EVDO channel. 

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Got my G2 a few weeks ago.  I get normal Band 25 ok & have good speeds.  Bought my Son a G2 Black Friday Weekend while in PA.  His will not connect to any LTE.  We both have it set to "Global".  I do have my MSL Code & changed mine to enable all bands (but only got Band 41 for a brief moment while near Harrisburg PA).  Why would his not connect to LTE at all, while mine does (same location, same Preferred Network mode).  Any thoughts?   I'm going to pull his MSL & enable all bands, but that should not be the issue. 

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