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Sprint/Clearwire Acquisition Discussion (Formerly: Dish offer to acquire Clearwire for $4.40 per share in cash.)


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July 8th 10 AM Pacific


And what if Dish counters?

What? How would we know that? Also what opening do you see for dish to counter? Sprint added a lot of secure assurances this time around through backout fees, individual minority shareholder deals, moved up shareholder meeting and governance changes that allow for 50 percent approval. Dish's only shot is to make an offer SPRINT can't refuse or drag things out in court.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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What? How would we know that? Also what opening do you see for dish to counter? Sprint added a lot of secure assurances this time around through backout fees, individual minority shareholder deals, moved up shareholder meeting and governance changes that allow for 50 percent approval. Dish's only shot is to make an offer SPRINT can't refuse or drag things out in court.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

You're right I just don't want this to become a bidding war but I'm sure we will get clear wire. I'm just ready for Triband, LTE advanced and then the 600mhz auction

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Ah that's cool I shouldn't have assumed everyone had a free hour at work to study this stuff today :) Dish plays a great game of poker and forced sprint into desperation but sprint sprint has closed every door they could think of with this latest deal. A big one being get it all wrapped up before clearwire runs out of money.


I only wish crest would have to sell their shares for 2.97


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Ah that's cool I shouldn't have assumed everyone had a free hour at work to study this stuff today :) Dish plays a great game of poker and forced sprint into desperation but sprint sprint has closed every door they could think of with this latest deal. A big one being get it all wrapped up before clearwire runs out of money.


I only wish crest would have to sell their shares for 2.97


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Awesome just can't wait until we get the news healine Breaking "SoftBank transaction was approved" and "Sprint/SoftBank owns clearwire" Sprint/Softbank definitely needs to up its marketing game next year. LTE advance & unlimited data will be a big keep sprint competitive

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I'm led to believe by my sources that Sprint has been thinking about a merger with T-Mobile for a while now. If Ergen goes after T-Mobile it will be a heavily leveraged transaction, just like their bid for Sprint. Does DT take the money and run not caring what happens to their progeny? Or do they take some cash plus stock in a Sprint/T-mobile combination, then sell that stock later on?


Does Dish really want to get leveraged up the wazoo just to become a wireless provider, the 4th weakest of the four? So yes, the company will have a lot of spectrum, but not enough for fixed wireless. If he does get T-Mobile, the resulting company will have a lot of debt and not a lot of money to invest in increasing coverage or finish building LTE.


Or does Dish sell its spectrum to let's say AT&T? I don't know that AT&T is really wild about that spectrum.

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Looks like Sprint will be able to correctly prioritize their devices' network selection (2500 > 1900 > 800) for LTE after all.


I predict that Boost and Virgin Mobile won't be selling WiMAX phones or hotspots by year-end, since now it's in Sprint's interest to kick TD-LTE-ification of Clearwire into high gear. Previously, data on WiMAX was free money since Sprint had a flat-rate deal with CLWR for as much traffic as they could throw at the company.But when that cost center shows up on your own books (or opportunity cost center, as it were) the math changes.

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Yay! They withdrew! Best news ever! :) :) :)



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2


Definitely!!! Although unfortunately, thanks to Dish's meddling, Clearwire ended up costing Sprint twice as much as they were originally gonna pay for them.

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I wish Clearwire can reschedule the vote on July 8th to move up the meeting to next week like July 2nd.  Is there any point of waiting until July 8th if Dish is withdrawing their tender offer?

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Now that this is most like a done deal, what now? How fast can Sprint work to expand clearwire spectrum to be used for LTE?

I can't see a WiMax shutdown happening before May 22nd, 2015 (when the last contracts expire from before they changed their terms of service to allow Sprint to force customers off WiMax).

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Captain Howdy finally admits defeat. Not only did he lose, but he solidified a reputation among his peers that will leave the carcus of his satellite shop hard pressed to find anyone willing to do business with it. Its a shame , really, when you think about what could have been accomplished with tact and correct timing





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Sprint's lawsuit against Dish is still on though, correct?  Can Sprint get damages because they had to up their offer vs Dish's allegedly illegal offer?

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Do I remember correctly that some time ago the someone (Sprint and or Dish) asked the FCC to more or less bundle in consideration of Clearwire going to Sprint in the ruling on Sprint and Softbank. If they did does that mean we only have to wait on one FCC decision and not another one after the Clearwire vote?

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Sprint's lawsuit against Dish is still on though, correct? Can Sprint get damages because they had to up their offer vs Dish's allegedly illegal offer?


Dish will most certainly ask the judge to dismiss the case based on the withdrawal of its offer. It will be up to the judge to dismiss it only if he is comfortable with dismissing all of sprints claims


Sent from my Note II. Its so big.


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Dish will most certainly ask the judge to dismiss the case based on the withdrawal of its offer. It will be up to the judge to dismiss it only if he is comfortable with dismissing all of sprints claims


Sent from my Note II. Its so big.

But the damage was already done

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