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Dish Network proposes merger with Sprint Nextel for $25.5 billion


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I regret selling my Clearwire and Sprint shares this past summer. I made good capital gains on them, having bought in the $1 and $2 ranges respectively, but keeping them would have given me triple-digit percentages gains. :wacko:

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this link is alittle outdated but is interesting if the FCC hasn't made its filling yet could be the reason dish wants to buy sprint so it don't have to worry about this anymore thus making their spectrum more valuable





on a side note correct me if i'm wrong but would sprint be able to use the spectrum in conjunction with what they currently have say on either the uplink or downlink say for 10x10 opperation or possibly 20x20 operation in the 1900-2020 spectrum that they would have if the deal with sprint goes threw again i'm a novice when it comes to spectrum talk. just to be clear i'm talking about possibly merging together the spectrum dish has aws-4 with the current spectrum sprint has on pcs g block and making them work together istead of fighting eachother if its not possible then the spectrum dish has would be unusable and softbank would be my first and only choice but if it is usable then dish dose have a fighting change in my book

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this link is alittle outdated but is interesting if the FCC hasn't made its filling yet could be the reason dish wants to buy sprint so it don't have to worry about this anymore thus making their spectrum more valuable





on a side note correct me if i'm wrong but would sprint be able to use the spectrum in conjunction with what they currently have say on either the uplink or downlink say for 10x10 opperation or possibly 20x20 operation in the 1900-2020 spectrum that they would have if the deal with sprint goes threw again i'm a novice when it comes to spectrum talk. just to be clear i'm talking about possibly merging together the spectrum dish has aws-4 with the current spectrum sprint has on pcs g block and making them work together istead of fighting eachother if its not possible then the spectrum dish has would be unusable and softbank would be my first and only choice but if it is usable then dish dose have a fighting change in my book


They can easily do a 10x10 operation if they bid and win the PCS H block. The only way they can make the Dish spectrum usable for a 20x20 operation is to apply to the FCC to reverse the uplink and downlink. That way the uplinks will be contiguous and the the downlinks can be aggregated together in a Carrier aggreagation scheme.


BTW, the possibility of Sprint and Dish getting together has been bandied around for a year now. I have long been an advocate of a cooperative arrangement between Dish and Sprint (a hosting of the Dish Spectrum), of Sprint selling them Dish the EBS spectrum and then hosting it for them or an outright merger (not a takeover). But Ergen is an egomaniac and wants to run things. The problem with his bid is that it will saddle the resulting entity with $45B of debt. And that $13B of synergies in his bid is a lot of hot air. That figure is pulled out of his arse.

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They can easily do a 10x10 operation if they bid and win the PCS H block. The only way they can make the Dish spectrum usable for a 20x20 operation is to apply to the FCC to reverse the uplink and downlink. That way the uplinks will be contiguous and the the downlinks can be aggregated together in a Carrier aggreagation scheme.


BTW, the possibility of Sprint and Dish getting together has been bandied around for a year now. I have long been an advocate of a cooperative arrangement between Dish and Sprint (a hosting of the Dish Spectrum), of Sprint selling them Dish the EBS spectrum and then hosting it for them or an outright merger (not a takeover). But Ergen is an egomaniac and wants to run things. The problem with his bid is that it will saddle the resulting entity with $45B of debt. And that $13B of synergies in his bid is a lot of hot air. That figure is pulled out of his arse.


sounds like another step that i wouldn't want to take especially with 45B in debt. in a perfect world i would like to see sprint get that spectrum, but with the 600 spectrum coming up for bid here soon, it looks like dish's offer would need ALOT of legal talk written into it to protect sprint from various things. all in all it is a bad deal. softbank is my choice and lets move on and try to get the national 600 spectrum that would really make sprints network pop off the map, just in time for the LTE advanced to come out.

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Ergen reminds me of the little whiny kid that doesn't want to play with a certain toy until he sees another kid playing with it. He needs a timeout, on his knees, in the nearest corner.


Sent from my Cyano-Mod'd Nex7 using Tapatalk HD

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Ergen reminds me of the little whiny kid that doesn't want to play with a certain toy until he sees another kid playing with it. He needs a timeout' date=' on his knees, in the nearest corner.


Sent from my Cyano-Mod'd Nex7 using Tapatalk HD[/quote']


You forget the uncooked rice on the floor in that corner

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They can easily do a 10x10 operation if they bid and win the PCS H block. The only way they can make the Dish spectrum usable for a 20x20 operation is to apply to the FCC to reverse the uplink and downlink. That way the uplinks will be contiguous and the the downlinks can be aggregated together in a Carrier aggreagation scheme.


Dish's AWS-4 spectrum is 2000-2020 MHz x 2180-2200 MHz. So, even alone, Dish's bandwidth is sufficient for 20 MHz FDD LTE.



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I swear, if Ergen gets his hands on Sprint, I'm buying the X Phone and taking my business elsewhere. I'm also bringing every Sprint customer I know with me.


Sent from my Cyano-Mod'd Nex7 using Tapatalk HD

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Dish acknowledges receipt of NDA from Sprint:





Side note: Just want to be clear as I started this thread and then sharing links like this, I'm not in support of Dish getting their hands on Sprint. I happen to be a Dish customer so I get emails with press releases of stuff like this as they happen and share them if they haven't been already, but I don't care for Ergen on a personal level anymore than anyone else.

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I swear, if Ergen gets his hands on Sprint, I'm buying the X Phone and taking my business elsewhere. I'm also bringing every Sprint customer I know with me.

Now Now, lets not jump the gun... YET





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Even I would consider leaving Sprint if DISH were to acquire it. Not in the short term. However, all the quirks about Sprint would probably start to become very annoying to me under Ergen leadership. Sprint would be going from the lovable underdog carrier to the bully that everyone hates carrier.


If DISH were to become everything I fear them to be, my departure to Tmo would probably be inevitable. Besides. I'm more of a DirecTV guy. :hee:


Robert via Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2



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Whoever buys Sprint, I'm willing to be reasonable. But I have terms:


1) Customer Service remains the same or gets better

2) Pricing remains competitive and sprint preserves its value proposition

3) For covered areas, the network is maintained


The days of Sprint being the cash strapped underdog will be over if Sprint becomes Dish owned. And to that extent, I will refuse to make any excuses or take crap from an over-leveraged company owned by a maniac. In my eyes, Sprint has a chance at finally being free of its financial handicap and champion wireless competition. Should it choose a few extra borrowed dollars over that, I have absolutely zero tolerance for much of any of the shortcomings realized when Captain Howdy can't find 37 billion in synergies.


Publicly , Ergen could be a real lunatic. He's a bridge burner. Basically "my way, or scorched earth". I could see him wreaking havoc on relationships with regional carriers as well as pissing all over Sprint's careful relationship with Verizon. Would be of absolutely no surprise to me to hear Ergen got pissed off because X phone manufacturer "refused to negotiate favorable device specs or pricing for Sprint" and likewise, X model phone won't be sold by Sprint. And the lovely thing about him is he likes to fight all his battles publicly.

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Whoever buys Sprint, I'm willing to be reasonable. But I have terms:


1) Customer Service remains the same or gets better

2) Pricing remains competitive and sprint preserves its value proposition

3) For covered areas, the network is maintained


The days of Sprint being the cash strapped underdog will be over if Sprint becomes Dish owned. And to that extent, I will refuse to make any excuses or take crap from an over-leveraged company owned by a maniac. In my eyes, Sprint has a chance at finally being free of its financial handicap and champion wireless competition. Should it choose a few extra borrowed dollars over that, I have absolutely zero tolerance for much of any of the shortcomings realized when Captain Howdy can't find 37 billion in synergies.


Publicly , Ergen could be a real lunatic. He's a bridge burner. Basically "my way, or scorched earth". I could see him wreaking havoc on relationships with regional carriers as well as pissing all over Sprint's careful relationship with Verizon. Would be of absolutely no surprise to me to hear Ergen got pissed off because X phone manufacturer "refused to negotiate favorable device specs or pricing for Sprint" and likewise, X model phone won't be sold by Sprint. And the lovely thing about him is he likes to fight all his battles publicly.


Aye...I don't need another ole lady lol


Sent from my Cyano-Mod'd Nex7 using Tapatalk HD

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Intel CEO to FCC: Softbank is the best buyer for Sprint





A strange endorsement as Sprint contemplates accepting a higher bid from Dish


In a letter to chairman of the FCC Julius Genachowski, CEO of Intel Paul Otellini has expressed that he believes Softbank is a better choice than Dish to buy Sprint. Following a trip to Asia where he met with Softbank, which an Intel spokesperson refers to as "a business partner", Otellini chose to write to the FCC to encourage the company's bid for Sprint regardless of the fact that Dish is offering a higher amount. Otellini's recommendation is one based on competition, he says:

"Son-san’s vision to build a high speed competitive third national network is very compelling. We need this competition in the wireless space as the ATT/Verizon model is not giving that to consumers at this time."

No further explanation is given as to why Softbank would provide a better competitive chance for Sprint than Dish, but CEO of Softbank Masayoshi Son has proven in the past to be a bit of a mover-and-shaker in the industries his company is a part of. That may not be enough for Sprint to consider its offer, however, as the bid from Dish is still over $5 billion higher. Sprint is expecting to vote on its current deal with Softbank on June 12th.


Edited by ab30494
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    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
    • No? RCS on Google messages works great for me, messages between anyone with RCS enabled go through with no problems. Don't remember the last time I had an issue. I only have issues with people on iPhones on different carriers from T-Mobile.
    • Has anyone experienced a ridiculous amount of difficulty with Google messages with RCS enabled?  It has been a train wreck for me for the past year so I now use WhatsApp.  That works very well for all of us.... Android and iOS.  
    • Probably not worth the fiddling given that that's a few percent of the band. Also, if they really wanted to push my assumption is there are still guard bands in play for the n41 carriers so they could fit two "100 MHz" carriers into 194 MHz anyway. Looks like minimum guard band is less than 1 MHz and a 100 MHz channel is only 273 30 KHz resource blocks, which is a bit over 80 MHz total, so if they really wanted to pull another 5% or so capacity out they could.
    • Saw that for a while. Now back to n25 + n71 + n41-100Mhz + n41-90Mhz.
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