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It will be nice to see the difference.  If Sprint ever decides to update their map, they should also consider sorting the coverage by band.

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File under the "Not in my Backyard" folder....


Supreme court today rules against T-Mobile in building a cell tower on a residential property in Roswell, Georgia. 


PDF here.






This has bad ramifications for every provider if it means what I think it does. 

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This has bad ramifications for every provider if it means what I think it does. 


Folks, this Supreme Court decision has no bearing on whether T-Mobile or any other party can construct this cell tower in Roswell, GA or anywhere else.  No, the decision merely concerns timely documentation -- should a locality deny an application.



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This was the best part of the city council minutes cited in the Supreme Court decision:


Members of the City Council then commented on the application. One member of the six-person Council was recused, see id., at 111 (hearing transcript); id., at 322 (meeting minutes), leaving five voting members. Member Igleheart said that other carriers had sufficient coverage in the area and that the City did not need to level the playing field for petitioner. 


This is Georgia, after all.  He is probably an AT&T sub...





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Member Igleheart said that other carriers had sufficient coverage in the area and that the City did not need to level the playing field for petitioner.

That scares me a little.
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That scares me a little.


He was rightly recused because of inherent bias -- meaning he did not participate in the council vote.



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That scares me a little.


But this is exactly why running four national plus numerous regional/rural wireless infrastructure operators is ludicrous.  The entire telecom infrastructure should be nationalized -- one fiber and wireless network for all.  Countless virtual operators can sell their services over the top.



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But this is exactly why running four national plus numerous regional/rural wireless infrastructure operators is ludicrous.  The entire telecom infrastructure should be nationalized -- one fiber and wireless network for all.  Countless virtual operators can sell their services over the top.



Hail Hydra.




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But this is exactly why running four national plus numerous regional/rural wireless infrastructure operators is ludicrous.  The entire telecom infrastructure should be nationalized -- one fiber and wireless network for all.  Countless virtual operators can sell their services over the top.




Return of the Bell System... this time under government management? That's not an idea that I've considered to be honest. 


I don't think it would gain enough support to ever do politically given the way that the government has regulated for more providers to exist. 

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NIMBY fights like this aren't particularly new.


Another one involving Verizon is occurring locally here now - http://boycottverizonwexford.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Verizons_Federal_Lawsuit_against_Wexford_County.pdf 


They typically get shot down, because there's usually not legitimate claim to deny them. And even if there was, they usually aren't presented/filed properly.

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Return of the Bell System... this time under government management? That's not an idea that I've considered to be honest. 


I don't think it would gain enough support to ever do politically given the way that the government has regulated for more providers to exist. 

I agree, aside from the Railroads (Amtrak) and the TSA, I don't think there are many other private industries that have been taken over by the US Government and most likely won't gain support.


Then again, one can say that he Bell System has returned when one considers all the mergers that both AT&T and Verizon have done with the previous bells. 



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Return of the Bell System... this time under government management? That's not an idea that I've considered to be honest. 


I don't think it would gain enough support to ever do politically given the way that the government has regulated for more providers to exist. 


Two things...


What most rightly and sensibly should be done is not necessarily what will be done.


And nationalization of all telecom infrastructure would not be a return of the Bell System.  It would be like the Interstate Highway System -- with UPS, FedEx, Joe's Trucking Company, you, and me all operating over the top.  That works well.


A true Information Superhighway, hmm, imagine that...



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Two things...


What most rightly and sensibly should be done is not necessarily what will be done.


And nationalization of all telecom infrastructure would not be a return of the Bell System. It would be like the Interstate Highway System -- with UPS, FedEx, Joe's Trucking Company, you, and me all operating over the top. That works well.


A true Information Superhighway, hmm, imagine that...



Is this analogous to the Australian nbn?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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How much would a government run nationwide fiber network cost?????


But in all honesty...it's too late for that option. And the government isn't exactly doing a stroller job of managing the interstate system. Deficient roads that exceeded their traffic design over 20 years still running strong. But hey, I live in Maryland, so maybe all the crappy roads are here.

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How much would a government run nationwide fiber network cost?

These are the better questions. In this country, how long will it take private industry to invest in such crucial nationwide fiber network(s)? Will short term focused, increase my wealth quickly shareholders ever allow it?


I am 38 years old, but wake me from my cryogenic death slumber or reconstitute my ashes when you finally have the answers.


But in all honesty...it's too late for that option. And the government isn't exactly doing a stroller job of managing the interstate system. Deficient roads that exceeded their traffic design over 20 years still running strong. But hey, I live in Maryland, so maybe all the crappy roads are here.


How would having most everywhere a redundant VZW Beltway, AT&T Throughway, Sprint Expressway, and T-Mobile Autobahn -- each with its own tolls and insular restrictions -- be any better?


Please answer that question, too, especially as it relates to the issue under present discussion:  numerous locales do not want parallel network infrastructure that support the so called free market competition to which many worship at the altar.



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These are the better questions. In this country, how long will it take private industry to invest in such crucial nationwide fiber network(s)? Will short term focused, increase my wealth quickly shareholders ever allow it?


I am 38 years old, but wake me from my cryogenic death slumber or reconstitute my ashes when you finally have the answers.



How would having most everywhere a redundant VZW Beltway, AT&T Throughway, Sprint Expressway, and T-Mobile Autobahn -- each with its own tolls and insular restrictions -- be any better?


Please answer that question, too, especially as it relates to the issue under present discussion: numerous locales do not want parallel network infrastructure that support the so called free market competition to which many worship at the altar.




Stringing up wires is not not the same as building multiple parallel roads.


And if your idea is so doable then we'd see it done in at least one country. Like Belgium at least

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