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SignalCheck - Android app to monitor your Wi-Fi/2G/3G/4G LTE/5G-NR signal strengths


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I've gotten all of your messages regarding the new beta crashing upon connecting to LTE.. my hunch is that digiblur is right, although I thought I had that covered. I'm looking into it and will let you guys know.



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I have a situation where SignalCheck isn't showing the GCI for a newly accepted tower in Fort Collins, CO.  I don't know that I've ever seen the GCI value.  I have an HTC One with the latest software (4.06.651.9), not rooted.  David (Dkoellerwx) suggested that I ask what might be happening.

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A new version was just pushed out to the beta crew; the force closes should be resolved--digiblur wins the prize for correct diagnosis! There were also numerous other issues that I discovered along the way when I activated a few different phones on my Sprint account today for testing, so this should be more stable.


Those with HTC phones should see a much cleaner LTE display now as well, without multiple GCI's showing up if you are running Android 4.2+. HTC users will see the LTE UL/DL channels if it's available, and the proper band 25, 26, and 41 frequencies should display. Other LTE bands will not show the frequencies yet; each band is calculated differently, so I have a lot to do for that. Shout out to AJ for helping me out with that earlier today.


Thanks for your patience everyone.. and at the moment I'm all set with more beta testers, but I'm humbled by the enthusiasm my last post triggered! As soon as I'm confident the beta is stable, you will all get it.. just a few more days..



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Thanks Mike!  That bug crippled SignalCheck for my phone, I had to stop using it and was about to revert back to the older version, my phone was naked without SignalCheck in the notification bar.  Now to wait and let Google decide when I can get the update.

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Thanks Mike! That bug crippled SignalCheck for my phone, I had to stop using it and was about to revert back to the older version, my phone was naked without SignalCheck in the notification bar. Now to wait and let Google decide when I can get the update.

Same here, I felt lost. Only looked at my phone to change tracks. Hurry Yo butt up Google!


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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Thanks for looking into it.  It sounds like it would require a built-in delay if the system was just started or something.  That seems odd that Android tries to auto-start apps on the SD card before the SD card is initialized.  Maybe at some time in the future we can get this feature working.  Of course not everyone has an underpowered, cheap, low RAM tablet like mine that requires them to move everything they can to the SD card.


The behavior is by design; here are the details on the Android developer site. I feel your pain, but SignalCheck uses several of the features on that list. Starting on boot is something controlled by the system, unfortunately there is no way to delay it or work around this. It would open up a very messy can of worms if I added an option to allow moving to SD. Maybe I could somehow sneak an easter egg into the app for you that allows moving to SD, but it wouldn't change the potential issues I mentioned.



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The behavior is by design; here are the details on the Android developer site. I feel your pain, but SignalCheck uses several of the features on that list. Starting on boot is something controlled by the system, unfortunately there is no way to delay it or work around this. It would open up a very messy can of worms if I added an option to allow moving to SD. Maybe I could somehow sneak an easter egg into the app for you that allows moving to SD, but it wouldn't change the potential issues I mentioned.



No problem Mike.  SignalCheck is not a very large application so it does not hurt that much to have it in RAM.  You do a great job keeping it as small as you can.

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Feature request...


On the expanded notification pull down could you make it an option to show the site note instead of the mobile connection status?


Simple half swipe to see what site without leaving the current app would be great!


I edited my db file before I left work and pasted in about 15 sites. Pretty cool to see the names toggling back and forth. Well done!

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A new version was just pushed out to the beta crew; the force closes should be resolved--digiblur wins the prize for correct diagnosis! There were also numerous other issues that I discovered along the way when I activated a few different phones on my Sprint account today for testing, so this should be more stable.


Those with HTC phones should see a much cleaner LTE display now as well, without multiple GCI's showing up if you are running Android 4.2+. HTC users will see the LTE UL/DL channels if it's available, and the proper band 25, 26, and 41 frequencies should display. Other LTE bands will not show the frequencies yet; each band is calculated differently, so I have a lot to do for that. Shout out to AJ for helping me out with that earlier today.


Thanks for your patience everyone.. and at the moment I'm all set with more beta testers, but I'm humbled by the enthusiasm my last post triggered! As soon as I'm confident the beta is stable, you will all get it.. just a few more days..



Oh it's good to be back!


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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I dug into importing my sites into the sqlite DB but it might be a little more difficult than I thought.  I see that database is much more than what I thought it was.  I guess I could dummy up some of those fields but I don't know all the TACs, etc.  Are you just selecting the note based on the select query on the GCI? 


Also a tip, you may think about some indexes on the database based on the queries you are doing.  It would speed up things when that database starts getting very large.  I'm sure there are several DBAs around here that could give you some tips on do's don'ts for indexes.


I was actually able to simplify the database structure a little more than I originally thought, leaving the door open for the possibility of a future option to have LTE site notes for every sector, not just every site. That will be something I look into in the future, but I built the database with that in mind.


The site note queries are based on the following tables and columns; all other fields are optional (and the app would fill them in if you activated the Site Logger):


1X: sites_cdma, sid + nid + bid

GSM: sites_gsm, plmn + lac + cid

LTE: sites_lte, plmn + gci [minus the last two characters]


Technically, all fields are completely optional, the app shouldn't have any issues. But if you do not at least populate the fields above, your site note will never display in the app. So you don't have to worry about TAC, PCI, etc. if you are importing data.


The LTE query does not include the last two characters, hence the site-level logging. If you manually edit one entry outside of the app, it won't change other entries for the same site, but the app would still display only the first entry it comes across that matches the site GCI. If you edited any of the entries for that site from within the app, all of the entries for that site would be changed.


Once I know the app is playing nice with the database for more than just the couple of phones I've been testing with, I plan to look into optimizing it. I might spin off the future Trail Logger into its own DB since that could have the potential to grow very quickly, but one step at a time.



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Feature request...


On the expanded notification pull down could you make it an option to show the site note instead of the mobile connection status?


Simple half swipe to see what site without leaving the current app would be great!


I edited my db file before I left work and pasted in about 15 sites. Pretty cool to see the names toggling back and forth. Well done!


I certainly could do that, great idea! That was the type of thing I had in mind when I added the expanded notification. But after spending 6 hours debugging a 5:15am mistake, I want to make sure that adding new goodies doesn't break everything else again, so let's consider this the first new treat in the next version. :)


Glad to hear that manual edits work well -- do you have them specific to full GCI's, or just site-based? Like I said in my last post, I think the app will only show the first record it comes across right now, but I haven't tested that myself.



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I have a situation where SignalCheck isn't showing the GCI for a newly accepted tower in Fort Collins, CO.  I don't know that I've ever seen the GCI value.  I have an HTC One with the latest software (4.06.651.9), not rooted.  David (Dkoellerwx) suggested that I ask what might be happening.


Hmm, is it just on that site or on all sites? I did discover some minor bugs with the HTC routines tonight, but they typically resulted in the GCI being displayed twice, not missing completely. Next time you see that issue, please go to About > Send Diagnostics and send me a report. Be sure to put your username or e-mail address in there and include the reason for the report (I receive dozens a day), that should show me what's going on. Perhaps the site is misconfigured and the app is hiding what it perceives to be an invalid GCI.



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Speaking of auto-start, I just upgraded my new LG G2 to Kit-Kat last night and notice that SCP doesn't auto-start (have re-started half a dozen times for various reasons). Not sure if this is a Kit-Kat issue or just my phone.


Looking forward to the new version. Thanks for all the hard work!


Hmm.. you didn't move it to the SD card, did you? :) I haven't messed with that feature in quite some time, but try going into the app, un-checking the option to start on boot, exiting completely out of the Preferences menu, then go back in and re-enable it. Perhaps the setting got lost somehow.



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Hmm, is it just on that site or on all sites? I did discover some minor bugs with the HTC routines tonight, but they typically resulted in the GCI being displayed twice, not missing completely. Next time you see that issue, please go to About > Send Diagnostics and send me a report. Be sure to put your username or e-mail address in there and include the reason for the report (I receive dozens a day), that should show me what's going on. Perhaps the site is misconfigured and the app is hiding what it perceives to be an invalid GCI.




I'm pretty sure I've seen the GCI before on other sites but there aren't too many LTE sites in my area.  I'll try to make it over to one of the other active sites in the south part of Fort Collins.  And yes, I'll send the report next time I see that behavior.

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I'm pretty sure I've seen the GCI before on other sites but there aren't too many LTE sites in my area.  I'll try to make it over to one of the other active sites in the south part of Fort Collins.  And yes, I'll send the report next time I see that behavior.

I just sent you a diagnostics report this evening. I put my username in it.

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Hey I had a question, but Would it be difficult to add the feature where you send  code to the Beta crew, and certain codes enable certain beta features? So that stability updates can be pushed with some Beta features only available to certain crowds? I have seen a few apps that have an option where you type a code in, and it  enables the Beta features linked to the code.

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Hmm.. you didn't move it to the SD card, did you? :) I haven't messed with that feature in quite some time, but try going into the app, un-checking the option to start on boot, exiting completely out of the Preferences menu, then go back in and re-enable it. Perhaps the setting got lost somehow.



Thanks Mike - Unchecking/rechecking the option seems to have done the trick :tu:   I suspect that all of the changes, updates, deletions and additions I've been doing to this new phone probably had something to do with it. All seems good now.



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If I missed, sorry.... With the new beta notes, if you wipe u phone or get a new phone, what's the best way to get ur notes to the wiped device or new device? Titanium or what do you recommend?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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I just sent you a diagnostics report this evening. I put my username in it.


I received your report, thanks.. are you sure you have seen other GCIs on that version of Android? The error I saw in the log is related to a new HTC security permission that I believe got added with the KitKat update, and isn't in the public version of the app yet (it's in the beta that is in testing now).


Hey I had a question, but Would it be difficult to add the feature where you send  code to the Beta crew, and certain codes enable certain beta features? So that stability updates can be pushed with some Beta features only available to certain crowds? I have seen a few apps that have an option where you type a code in, and it  enables the Beta features linked to the code.


I haven't seen anything like that myself -- can you point me to an app that does that so I can check it out? I don't really think it would be feasible, because of the way that Google Play handles beta updates; it's an entirely separate APK. Just like how Lite and Pro are two completely independent apps that I maintain separate code branches for.


While the main focus of my work over the past 3 months has been fixing the crashing and stability issues, the features I added along the way weren't added separately, but as part of the app as a whole. I implemented the site note feature as a way to help track some of the instability problems that were happening, and when it worked better than I thought, I just cleaned it up a bit and added it to the beta. It was never at a point where the app was stable and I just started adding new features. I would have released it had it gotten to that point. :)


If I missed, sorry.... With the new beta notes, if you wipe u phone or get a new phone, what's the best way to get ur notes to the wiped device or new device? Titanium or what do you recommend?


Great question! Something like Titanium Backup would do the trick (be sure to back up data, not just the app), or you could copy the signalcheck_log.db file out of /data/data/com.blueline.signalcheck/databases but I believe you need to be rooted for either option. That is a standard sqlite database, and there is nothing in it that restricts it to a specific device. In the future, I will be looking into adding more import/backup/restore functions from within the app. Export to .csv is all that is included right now.


I plan to publish more information about the database stuff once it's released, because there is a ton of potential with it. If someone took the time to merge a market spreadsheet with the SignalCheck database (which wouldn't be too tricky if you knew what you were doing), you could instantly have a fully "noted" market with very little effort -- and you could share that with anyone you wanted.. like in a market thread on here.. ;)



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I received your report, thanks.. are you sure you have seen other GCIs on that version of Android? The error I saw in the log is related to a new HTC security permission that I believe got added with the KitKat update, and isn't in the public version of the app yet (it's in the beta that is in testing now).




I haven't seen anything like that myself -- can you point me to an app that does that so I can check it out? I don't really think it would be feasible, because of the way that Google Play handles beta updates; it's an entirely separate APK. Just like how Lite and Pro are two completely independent apps that I maintain separate code branches for.


While the main focus of my work over the past 3 months has been fixing the crashing and stability issues, the features I added along the way weren't added separately, but as part of the app as a whole. I implemented the site note feature as a way to help track some of the instability problems that were happening, and when it worked better than I thought, I just cleaned it up a bit and added it to the beta. It was never at a point where the app was stable and I just started adding new features. I would have released it had it gotten to that point. :)




Great question! Something like Titanium Backup would do the trick (be sure to back up data, not just the app), or you could copy the signalcheck_log.db file out of /data/data/com.blueline.signalcheck/databases but I believe you need to be rooted for either option. That is a standard sqlite database, and there is nothing in it that restricts it to a specific device. In the future, I will be looking into adding more import/backup/restore functions from within the app. Export to .csv is all that is included right now.


I plan to publish more information about the database stuff once it's released, because there is a ton of potential with it. If someone took the time to merge a market spreadsheet with the sqlite database (which wouldn't be too tricky if you knew what you were doing), you could instantly have a fully "noted" market with very little effort -- and you could share that with anyone you wanted.. like in a market thread on here.. ;)



I think one was sensorly. It gives an option to enable Experimental features, under settings and under general. I just wasnt sure if doing that, and giving the experimental feature codes to cwrtain people it may help out in the future?
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I think one was sensorly. It gives an option to enable Experimental features, under settings and under general. I just wasnt sure if doing that, and giving the experimental feature codes to cwrtain people it may help out in the future?


Interesting, never stumbled across that option myself! They must roll out every update with all features included, but only activates certain ones with special codes on that screen. Again, probably not feasible the way I do updates.. it would result in everyone getting 1-2 updates per week (lately that schedule hasn't held true, but typically that's the case), and many of those updates wouldn't result in any visible changes for non-beta users.


I have discovered that a lot of people are very sensitive about updating their apps for some reason.. it's a delicate balance between the frequency and value of pushing out an update. I love seeing the update button light up for my favorite apps, but others apparently find the 10 seconds they spend downloading/installing something to be the worst part of their week. I'm not out to change human behavior, so I just try to adapt to it. ;)



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Interesting, never stumbled across that option myself! They must roll out every update with all features included, but only activates certain ones with special codes on that screen. Again, probably not feasible the way I do updates.. it would result in everyone getting 1-2 updates per week (lately that schedule hasn't held true, but typically that's the case), and many of those updates wouldn't result in any visible changes for non-beta users.


I have discovered that a lot of people are very sensitive about updating their apps for some reason.. it's a delicate balance between the frequency and value of pushing out an update. I love seeing the update button light up for my favorite apps, but others apparently find the 10 seconds they spend downloading/installing something to be the worst part of their week. I'm not out to change human behavior, so I just try to adapt to it. ;)



Thanks for the explanation!
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I received your report, thanks.. are you sure you have seen other GCIs on that version of Android? The error I saw in the log is related to a new HTC security permission that I believe got added with the KitKat update, and isn't in the public version of the app yet (it's in the beta that is in testing now).



I haven't seen anything like that myself -- can you point me to an app that does that so I can check it out? I don't really think it would be feasible, because of the way that Google Play handles beta updates; it's an entirely separate APK. Just like how Lite and Pro are two completely independent apps that I maintain separate code branches for.


While the main focus of my work over the past 3 months has been fixing the crashing and stability issues, the features I added along the way weren't added separately, but as part of the app as a whole. I implemented the site note feature as a way to help track some of the instability problems that were happening, and when it worked better than I thought, I just cleaned it up a bit and added it to the beta. It was never at a point where the app was stable and I just started adding new features. I would have released it had it gotten to that point. :)



Great question! Something like Titanium Backup would do the trick (be sure to back up data, not just the app), or you could copy the signalcheck_log.db file out of /data/data/com.blueline.signalcheck/databases but I believe you need to be rooted for either option. That is a standard sqlite database, and there is nothing in it that restricts it to a specific device. In the future, I will be looking into adding more import/backup/restore functions from within the app. Export to .csv is all that is included right now.


I plan to publish more information about the database stuff once it's released, because there is a ton of potential with it. If someone took the time to merge a market spreadsheet with the SignalCheck database (which wouldn't be too tricky if you knew what you were doing), you could instantly have a fully "noted" market with very little effort -- and you could share that with anyone you wanted.. like in a market thread on here.. ;)



That's (importing market data) what i plan to do once this SCP is in production.


sent by tapatalk from my LS-980 (G2)


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If someone took the time to merge a market spreadsheet with the SignalCheck database (which wouldn't be too tricky if you knew what you were doing), you could instantly have a fully "noted" market with very little effort -- and you could share that with anyone you wanted.. like in a market thread on here.. ;)



Yep, pretty simple to do. I haven't merged my complete area yet but I have most of it done already. Pretty slick so far and no issues!


Once it goes out public I will probably make one for a few folks in my area.

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