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Network Vision/LTE - New York City Market


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Isaiah, I mean no offense, but you are, what, 15-17 years old and still in high school? Nerd or not, you know jack squat at this point in your life. Nothing that I stated is that obscure for anyone who follows the wireless industry. You just have a lot of learning yet to do over the next 5-10 years. Hopefully, you will take that to heart.


As for the experience of your friend in Atlanta, if you ever study statistics or logic, you will learn about representative samples. One or two consistent data points does not necessarily indicate a trend. For a counter to your example, imagine if we were to select a few members here at S4GRU who have LTE coverage but only 1 Mbps speeds because they are located away from the closest live LTE site. By your line of reasoning, we should be able to predict then that Sprint's average LTE speeds will be only 1 Mbps. Do you see the problem with that?




I feel like you just called me stupid idk if that what ur saying or what , me & my friend aren't stupid , im 15 btw , & so what if im 15 i know a lot for my young age im a very smart kid & . As you said "Nothing that I stated is that obscure for anyone who follows the wireless industry" i don't follow the wireless industry this is actually the first time i've ever followed any carriers progress . Maybe im wrong maybe im right as of right now we don't know bc Sprint LTE isn't fully deployed yet . Well see .

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That's basically it. 10mhz of total spectrum space, equivalent to lanes on a highway. 5 lanes going uplink, 5 lanes going downlink. Traffic will travel faster when the highway is empty, slowdown when there are more cars (users).


Same analogy for wireless users.


That makes a lot more sense for "simpletons" like me to understand .

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This thread is amazing! My fingers always hurt from running the dial back and forth on the secret decoder wheel.


Good read. Always a pleasure to read AJ's insightful posts with a little dry humor injected in the middle of them.


Sent from my little Note2



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As you said "Nothing that I stated is that obscure for anyone who follows the wireless industry" i don't follow the wireless industry this is actually the first time i've ever followed any carriers progress .


I see. By your own admission, you do not follow the wireless industry. Still, you are claiming to tell us what Sprint's average LTE speeds will be. But in order to know that type of information, you would have to follow the wireless industry.


It seems that you have gotten yourself into a bit of a paradox. So, do you or do you not follow the wireless industry? Which is it? If you do not, then you really should not be making assertions that you cannot reliably support.



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I see. By your own admission, you do not follow the wireless industry. Still, you are claiming to tell us what Sprint's average LTE speeds will be. But in order to know that type of information, you would have to follow the wireless industry.


It seems that you have gotten yourself into a bit of a paradox. So, do you or do you not follow the wireless industry? Which is it? If you do not, then you really should not be making assertions that you cannot reliably support.




Im making assumtions off of Speedtest that i've seen from fully launched markets like the Atlanta Market in which my friend lives in & he gets a consistent 30mbps down almost everytime thats what I was going off of plus other speedtest that i've seen on this forum of people gettin 20-30mbps & thats why I say it may be an average bc its an average for Atlanta but after hearing all the facts & being called stupid , maybe im wrong but as I said before we will see ....

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I'm sure if they did a survey, that 90% of people would agree. The thing with carriers that get people excited is that they advertise download a movie in 60 seconds etc. if they would advertise 5mbps and people would look it up and say, "hey this will take 7 mins, who wants that?" The reality is, people want consistency, but unfortunately as of now, that's not happening.


They will get it, once the network is built out.

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A consistent 5-12 Mbps range is amazing compared to what Sprint had there before.


IsiahL, you'll learn this stuff fast. We all had to start somewhere.

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Im making assumtions off of Speedtest that i've seen from fully launched markets like the Atlanta Market in which my friend lives in & he gets a consistent 30mbps down almost everytime thats what I was going off of plus other speedtest that i've seen on this forum of people gettin 20-30mbps & thats why I say it may be an average bc its an average for Atlanta but after hearing all the facts & being called stupid , maybe im wrong but as I said before we will see ....


Isaiah, no one has called you "stupid." Those are your words -- you jumped to that self deprecating conclusion. But you have to realize that, at age 15, you are not as "smart," relatively speaking, as people who have a few more years on you, people who are even twice as old as you are. Heck, you, yourself are not even remotely as "smart" as you will be a year or two from now. You also should realize that many of the assumptions you make at age 15 are not sound assumptions, so do not be surprised when adults with quite a bit more experience than you have call you out on those assumptions. That is part of the learning process for most teenagers.



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A consistent 5-12 Mbps range is amazing compared to what Sprint had there before.


IsiahL, you'll learn this stuff fast. We all had to start somewhere.


Okay I understand & you mispelled my name lmao its IsaiahL

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Isaiah, no one has called you "stupid." Those are your words -- you jumped to that self deprecating conclusion. But you have to realize that, at age 15, you are not as "smart," relatively speaking, as people who have a few more years on you, people who are even twice as old as you are. Heck, you, yourself are not even remotely as "smart" as you will be a year or two from now. You also should realize that many of the assumptions you make at age 15 are not sound assumptions, so do not be surprised when adults with quite a bit more experience than you have call you out on those assumptions. That is part of the learning process for most teenagers.




Your only saying that as you don't know me , everyone one I know thinks im a very intelligent person just cause I don't everything about NV or Carriers & bars doesn't mean im not smart . Yeah someone whose twice my age will obviously be smarter but not in this department there is where I excel, i know a lot about Technology & I feel like ur trying to down play me just bc you know im a teenager .

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it why sprint is putting lte on 99.9% of the sites to avoid what vzw did??


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2


Yes. Sprint will be able to roll out more advanced technology updates like LTE Release 10 and LTE Advanced for starters. Now if I understand correctly, most of Sprint's equipment can go to Release 10 with a software upgrade.

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Your only saying that as you don't know me , everyone one I know thinks im a very intelligent person just cause I don't everything about NV or Carriers & bars doesn't mean im not smart . Yeah someone whose twice my age will obviously be smarter but not in this department there is where I excel, i know a lot about Technology & I feel like ur trying to down play me just bc you know im a teenager .


Isaiah, I have been cordial and have tried to offer some useful feedback, but I am done playing around with you. Your writing is atrocious. Your relevant knowledge is lacking. Age 15 or not, I see nothing from your contributions here to indicate that you possess anything greater than average intelligence. You have a lot of work to do. You may be capable of significant improvement -- but I do not know. As you say, I do not know you. So, here is your challenge: show everyone what you can do.



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Isaiah, I have been cordial and have tried to offer some useful feedback, but I am done playing around with you. Your writing is atrocious. Your relevant knowledge is lacking. Age 15 or not, I see nothing from your contributions here to indicate that you possess anything greater than average intelligence. You have a lot of work to do. You may be capable of significant improvement -- but I do not know. As you say, I do not know you. So, here is your challenge: show everyone what you can do.





Thats b's , this isn't English class , I type in slang only because its more convenient for me & you just called me stupid with out calling me stupid. I really don't know who you think you are. Im ending this convo before the forum gets locked or one of us gets ban , but ur wrong your calling me stupid just because I said I think 20-30mbps might be an average after the Sprint rollout is complete you have no right . And opposite to ur knowledge I do have a lot to offer to what ever I put my mind to. No need for a public response if you want to continue this convo inbox me so everyone else doesn't have to read this or the forum doesn't get locked down.

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When I was 18, I thought I knew everything. The older I get, the more I realize I don't know.


Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk



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Your only saying that as you don't know me , everyone one I know thinks im a very intelligent person just cause I don't everything about NV or Carriers & bars doesn't mean im not smart . Yeah someone whose twice my age will obviously be smarter but not in this department there is where I excel, i know a lot about Technology & I feel like ur trying to down play me just bc you know im a teenager .


Age= experience


Trust me. I didn't believe my dad when he said that, but a few years from now you'll see a change in perspective. At which point you'll reflect and ponder to yourself how you could've done or said a few things differently.


Also don't deem yourself intelligent just because a few people have said it. Be humble, and show how smart you are by participating in purposeful conversations and absorb the knowledge contained within. Not by declaring it to fellow members.


We live life forward but learn it backwards. No need to exhaust anymore energy. WiWavelength isn't trying to offend, merely sharing some wisdom.


Now then, I've been wondering if Sprint installs increased capacity on towers in very densely populated areas such as main roads and shopping centers. I have experienced higher speeds in such areas.

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Age= experience


Trust me. I didn't believe my dad when he said that, but a few years from now you'll see a change in perspective. At which point you'll reflect and ponder to yourself how you could've done or said a few things differently.


Also don't deem yourself intelligent just because a few people have said it. Be humble, and show how smart you are by participating in purposeful conversations and absorb the knowledge contained within. Not by declaring it to fellow members.


We live life forward but learn it backwards. No need to exhaust anymore energy. WiWavelength isn't trying to offend, merely sharing some wisdom.


Now then, I've been wondering if Sprint installs increased capacity on towers in very densely populated areas such as main roads and shopping centers. I have experienced higher speeds in such areas.


I understand where your coming from & thank you for the advice . I know he wasn't trying to offend but he did , & your right actions speak louder than words I won't say im intelligent ill prove it. Onto the next topic.


I've also experienced better speeds at shopping centers , up in the West Nyack area at the Palisades Mall the LTE speeds that I get there are faster than average LTE speeds i've gotten in other places .

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3G Speedtest , took this one further in Long Island , more like Suffolk County . I was really surprised by the upload & download haven't had these kind of speeds in a while . I don't think this is a NV tower tho , its probably just one of the older ones that don't have a lot people using it .




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A few years/decades ago, I was a highly intelligent 15 year old -- by both measurable and outward characteristics. But I am thankful that the Internet did not exist then in the accessibility that it does now. I have enough culpability living down my 18-19 year old opinions immortalized once I set foot on a college campus and got reliable online access. Isaiah probably cannot be convinced of that now, but he has been forewarned...





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A few years/decades ago, I was a highly intelligent 15 year old -- by both measurable and outward characteristics. But I am thankful that the Internet did not exist then in the accessibility that it does now. I have enough culpability living down my 18-19 year old opinions immortalized once I set foot on a college campus and got reliable online access. Isaiah probably cannot be convinced of that now, but he has been forewarned...






You aren't kidding. I shudder to think if my opinions from my teen years were indexed and ready for viewing now. Ahhh, the internet age.


I sometimes want to grab a spork and gouge out my eyes when I read my posts just from 18-24 months ago!


Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk



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I learned my hard lesson about life when I got mugged at 15. You don't know sh*t in life and you're just another unintelligent idiot spewing BS and acting like you know everything but then you get the wakeup calls. Your loved ones that you grew up with start passing away. Your friends that you thought will stay with you forever are drifting apart due to diverging interests. Then you do the one of the biggest thing in life and apply for college and get rejected from your dream school while all your friends leave town for UC Berkely, UCLA, UC Davis, UC Riverside, CSU's, NYU, etc...


Trust me. Be humble. Appreciate the input of others and especially your peers. You only have 15 in this world and grew up around electronics and easy access to everything. Older folks like Wiwiwiwiwiwiwaaaaa experienced a lot more in his 30+ years and learned plenty from his mistakes and past actions and regrets....



Anyways back on topic. I'm getting some hyper jealrous of your 3g tests....

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