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"Two if by LTE!!!" declares Sprint 4G Rollout Updates as Boston is named as a Network Vision/LTE city for 2012



blog-0646820001329722826.jpgby Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Monday, February 20, 2012 - 1:33 AM MST


OK, Sprint 4G Rollout Updates is prepared to name the second city that Sprint's Network Vision vendor Alcatel/Lucent is deploying during 2012...Boston, Massachusetts. Bean Town, and soon to be LTE Town for Sprint. On Friday, we announced that Sprint is working on Network Vision/LTE Deployment in the San Francisco Bay Market. And now we can tell you that the Sprint Boston market is also about to begin work.


Sprint's Boston market is essentially the entire state of Massachusetts and includes 940 sites to be converted to Network Vision. Alcatel/Lucent is preparing for mobilization and work should begin soon. The entire market will take approximately 7 months to complete, wrapping up before years end. But in the interim, the market will be brought online one site at a time, tower by tower. So there will be some usable locations in Greater Bostonia by the time LTE devices start to be sold in the next few months.




S4GRU currently does not have many more details about the rollout in Boston at this time. Hopefully in the not too distant future, we can provide a neighborhood by neighborhood analysis of this deployment like we have been able to do in Chicago.


Sprint 4G Rollout Updates can bring you this information about 2012 deployment markets because we have received extensive Network Vision engineering information from inside sources. We have information on all of Sprint's 97 markets nationwide. With this information we are able to reasonably conclude how and when Sprint intends to deploy Network Vision and LTE in every market in the country. The information is not a neat and orderly list, showing markets in deployment order from 1 to 97. If it were only so easy!


We will continue to scour through the data and gather deployment information for your use. It is our intent to provide at a minimum, all the Sprint markets that will likely begin Network Vision/LTE upgrades in 2012. And we intend to do so in a series of articles over the next few weeks. We will not likely announce communities slated for 2013, because the dates we hold for 2013 markets appear tentative and subject to change. With the many variables between now and 2013, Sprint could make significant shifts in deployment plans. Based on dynamic need change, funding, market permitting difficulties, etc.


With the release of Boston today, that brings the total of Network Vision markets announced to nine. Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Baltimore and Kansas City as announced by Sprint. Chicago, San Francisco and Boston announced by Sprint 4G Rollout Updates.


Stay tuned to Sprint 4G Rollout Updates. On Wednesday we will be announcing another Network Vision/LTE market that Alcatel/Lucent will be working to bring online for Sprint in 2012. Check in at S4GRU.com for all the latest updates! Become a member today. Membership is free and easy.



Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


Information about the source: The information for the Boston deployment and all of our Network Vision information has been obtained by several internal sources close to the Network Vision program who choose to remain anonymous. The documents will not be released to protect source anonymity.


EDITED 3/5/2012: To include market map.


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We are announcing all 2012 markets over the next few weeks. Let's just say that my "Vision" for Phoenix is cloudy over the next several days.

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S4GRU, you know I would love for one of those articles that come out in the next several weeks to be about Central Illinois and specifically Peoria, IL timeframe, if in 2012 at all ;)

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Anything close to or in my small little town of York, Pennsylvania or does it look like I'm gonna have to wait til 2013? We did get Wimax pretty early so I want to have hope that Network Vision will too.

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Good news if you are willing to wait until the end of the year, but bad news if you are customer like me that has been experiencing terrible service for two months now in the biggest market of all New York City.


If a market like Boston will take 7 months to go LTE live, I could image NYC with 1100+ sites , and a lot of crowed buildings. Its not a brained that the big cities like Boston, SF, NY, LA and Chicago will go LTE this year. The question is when. The early Evo adopters like me are coming off contract in June. This will big a big problem for Sprint with no LTE in these cities by that time.

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S4GRU, you know I would love for one of those articles that come out in the next several weeks to be about Central Illinois and specifically Peoria, IL timeframe, if in 2012 at all ;)


You know you will hear it first on S4GRU.com. Stay tuned...


Anything close to or in my small little town of York, Pennsylvania or does it look like I'm gonna have to wait til 2013? We did get Wimax pretty early so I want to have hope that Network Vision will too.


We plan to announce all the cities that will begin deployment in 2012. By deduction, you will then know if you are in a 2013 market. From the data I have, I cannot tell if York is in Sprint's Central Pennsylvania market or the Philadelphia Metro market. It appears pretty close to the transition. But stay tuned to S4GRU.com for the latest.


When is it getting to TULSA!?!?!?!


We will continue to run announcements two to three times per week about cities Sprint will begin to deploy NV in 2012. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com to see if Tulsa pops up in one of those announcements!


Good news if you are willing to wait until the end of the year, but bad news if you are customer like me that has been experiencing terrible service for two months now in the biggest market of all New York City.If a market like Boston will take 7 months to go LTE live, I could image NYC with 1100+ sites , and a lot of crowed buildings. Its not a brained that the big cities like Boston, SF, NY, LA and Chicago will go LTE this year. The question is when. The early Evo adopters like me are coming off contract in June. This will big a big problem for Sprint with no LTE in these cities by that time.


I agree to your points to some extent. But when NV starts deploying, relief will start to occur in the areas where it has been deployed, immediately. It will be a site by site, cluster by cluster deployment. So even though it will likely take 9 to 10 months to complete the NYC market from start to finish, there will be considerable improvement occurring every month along the way. It's possible that the areas where you hang will be one of the first areas. We provided a cluster by cluster deployment schedule on Chicago and we hope to do the same for NYC. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com for the latest.


So when you say 940 sites is that all the cell sites in mass or just in the Boston area? and could you tell me what the CT market covers


In the article above it says that the Boston market largely covers the entire state of Massachusetts. To the north, Sprint has the combined Vermont/New Hampshire/Maine market, to the south there is the Providence and Northern Connecticut market. And to the west there is the Upstate New York East market. In CT, there are two markets, Northern Connecticut and Southern Connecticut. Each market will be announced separately and are subject to different deployment dates.

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Puerto Rico falls into Sprint's Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands market. We will be announcing something for PR/VI in the not too distant future. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com!

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Puerto Rico falls into Sprint's Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands market. We will be announcing something for PR/VI in the not too distant future. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com!


I figure Puerto Rico shouldn't take to long at all, if I am not mistaken some parts of PR been riding the wimax wave for a while. Puerto Rico is densely populated and I would say they should have lte service up and running fairly shortly. My biggest question though is specific to the virgin islands, I highly doubt the virgin islands will get lte any time soon if ever.

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The PR/VI Sprint market has only approx. 250 sites. And most of these are in Puerto Rico. Samsung will pretty much do the entire market in one mobilization, not coming back several times. So, the Virgin Islands will likely get Network Vision and full LTE deployment at the same time as Puerto Rico. In fact, they may even start in VI because there are a lot less towers there.

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Good news all around and thanks for keeping us up to date. Looking at the responses, you would think Sprint might believe we would want to know whats going on.

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Good news if you are willing to wait until the end of the year, but bad news if you are customer like me that has been experiencing terrible service for two months now in the biggest market of all New York City.If a market like Boston will take 7 months to go LTE live, I could image NYC with 1100+ sites , and a lot of crowed buildings. Its not a brained that the big cities like Boston, SF, NY, LA and Chicago will go LTE this year. The question is when. The early Evo adopters like me are coming off contract in June. This will big a big problem for Sprint with no LTE in these cities by that time.


I honestly dont think this will deter people in NYC from resigning with Sprint in June especially if the PR is really good about how the first LTE markets in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, etc are working with LTE and improved 3G speeds.


Honestly does it really matter if LTE is not available by the time you are ready to resign your contract? Your new LTE phone will be future proof. You know that NYC, LA and Chicago will be one of the earlier markets to get LTE so I don't know why you are even worried in the first place. NYC has a HUGE area to cover so its going to take some time (hopefully by end of 2012). Im pretty sure you can get a LTE signal around town months Sprint officially announces the deployment of LTE in NYC since they have to do testing. This was the case with Clearwire and Wimax in Los Angeles where Wimax was already accessible in July 2010 for testing but wasn't officially announced until end of Nov 2010.

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I'm not prepared to say at this point, ROBERT7. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com for announcements. It will be announced by us in the next few weeks.


- Robert, S4GRU

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I'm not prepared to say at this point, ROBERT7. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com for announcements. It will be announced by us in the next few weeks.- Robert, S4GRU


You're such a tease. :)

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Robert, a little love for some non-WiMax markets would be nice. Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Kansas City, San Francisco and Boston are all currently covered by Clear. Our assumption based on the slide show presentation during the Network Update was a significant rollout to non-WiMax markets during 2012. I am wondering if this has changed.

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I don't know if it's changed, however the front end cities are all WiMax markets. And now that I know Sprint's NV/LTE deployment order I am starting to see something of concern.


Note that Sprint said they were going to cover 56M Non WiMax POPs in 2012. They didn't say that they were going to cover 56M Non WiMax POPs that are in Non WiMax markets. For instance, the Chicago Sprint market has nearly two million Non WiMax POPs, even though the Chicago market does indeed have WiMax coverages. But the Sprint Chicago market goes just 30 miles short of the Mississippi River!


But rest assured, there are several Non-WiMax markets where Sprint is starting NV/LTE deployment in 2012. They just are not on the front end of deployment with the cities that we have already announced.


Stay tuned to S4GRU.com for the latest.

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The PR/VI Sprint market has only approx. 250 sites. And most of these are in Puerto Rico. Samsung will pretty much do the entire market in one mobilization, not coming back several times. So, the Virgin Islands will likely get Network Vision and full LTE deployment at the same time as Puerto Rico. In fact, they may even start in VI because there are a lot less towers there.


Puerto Rico and the USVI should get a significant benefit from Network Vision if the cell site density is truly that low. The addition of 800MHz CDMA will be huge. One good thing is since Nextel never bothered to build out at all in P.R. and the USVI, hopefully that SMR spectrum can be put to full and immediate use and not have to be shared with any iDEN users.

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