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  1. No carrier aggregation for band 13 in the case of Puerto Rico. What about ca with Tmobile bands..if the merger.....
  2. Sprint in Mayaguez urban area is so much better now...but if you move to the rural area from Mayaguez to Las Marias or from Mayaguez to Maricao most people use road 106( from km 4 to km 13) the problem is b25 is so weak no b13 nor b41 there...even Tmobile with b4 b66 or b2 no b71 there you cant open a video if you are in the house nor answer a call. What i see competitors use a tower in Rio Canas from the west side and two towers that are in road 349 moving from downtown mayaguez through bella vista hospital from the east side to cover that important area .In those two tower in road 349 no b13 from Sprint no b71 from Tmobile.. and people that is a must.!!!!
  3. So if it is a lock Sprint phone and and i put a tmobile sim it will work ? With the tmobile sim b41 work?
  4. Well i did ##data# then, lte then band priority, no band 71.
  5. Lte carrier agregation only in b41 .B25 is so weak that its better to disable in order the phone sees b13 or b66.and b71 now with this roaming agreement
  6. Anybody knows if Sprint galaxy s9 or s9+ have b71..? because i went to a sprint store and checked it didnt
  7. Hope Sprint keep the the pace with them...
  8. Well just to let you know Tmobile just started a furious deployment of band 71 in the island , with 10mhz of bw from the total of 50mhz they bought for this market.seems the are planning to use the rest for 5g
  9. The antenna in the middle,,,, anybody.?
  10. New upgrades at mayaguez howard johnson Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727A using Tapatalk
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