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Sprint's Network Vision & LTE Deployments will soon come speeding into Washington, D.C. to jump start stalled bureaucracy



blog-0836463001329905661.jpgby Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - 3:33 AM MST


OK, Sprint 4G Rollout Updates is prepared to name the third city that Sprint's Network Vision vendor Alcatel/Lucent is deploying during 2012...Washington, D.C. The District will soon be getting another LTE option, but this time via the Now Network. In the past few days, we announced that Sprint is working on Network Vision/LTE Deployment in the San Francisco Bay market and Boston market. And now we can tell you that the Sprint Washington DC market will begin Network Vision and LTE Deployment before mid year 2012.


Sprint's DC market covers the District of Columbia and the adjacent Maryland and Northern Virginia suburbs. Alcatel/Lucent is preparing for mobilization and work should begin in a few months on converting its 900 sites to Network Vision. The entire market will take approximately 6 months to complete, wrapping up before the end of the year. The Baltimore Sprint market will have its 450+ sites fully converted and operational by the time DC comes online, making for a large contiguous super LTE cluster. Once complete, you will be able to run non stop on I-95 from Fredricksburg, Virginia, through DC and Baltimore all the way to Bel Air, Maryland with a continuous LTE signal.






Sprint 4G Rollout Updates can bring you this information about 2012 deployment markets because we have been tipped off about Network Vision information from inside sources. With this information we are able to reasonably conclude how and when Sprint intends to deploy Network Vision and LTE in every market in the country.


We will continue to scour through the data and gather deployment information for your use. It is our intent to provide at a minimum, all the Sprint markets that will likely begin Network Vision/LTE upgrades in 2012. And we intend to do so in a series of articles over the next few weeks. We will not likely announce communities slated for 2013, because the dates we hold for 2013 markets appear tentative and subject to change. With the many variables between now and 2013, Sprint could make significant shifts in deployment plans. Based on dynamic need change, funding, market permitting difficulties, etc.


With the release of Washington, D.C. today, that brings the total of Network Vision markets announced to ten. Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Baltimore and Kansas City as announced by Sprint. Chicago, San Francisco, Boston and Washington, D.C. announced by Sprint 4G Rollout Updates.


Stay tuned to Sprint 4G Rollout Updates. On Friday we will be announcing another Network Vision/LTE market that Alcatel/Lucent will be working to bring online for Sprint in 2012. Check in at S4GRU.com for all the latest updates! Become a member today. Membership is free and easy.



Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


Information about the source: The information for all of our Network Vision information has been obtained by several internal sources close to the Network Vision program who choose to remain anonymous. No source information will be released to protect anonymity.


EDITED 3/5/2012: To include market map.

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themuffinman...its one of the advantages of how Sprint is deploying Network Vision with three different vendors. But also keep in mind that each market is going to take 3 months to 8 months to complete depending on the number of sites.


Additionally, we are even announcing cities that work hasn't even started in, yet. I believe Sprint doesn't want to announce these themselves for a couple of reasons.


1. They are trying to under promise and over deliver as a strategy


2. They are giving themselves room for changes and or delays with their NV partners due to permitting or local deployment issues that may occur. Also, NV has a huge learning curve for its vendors


3. Sprint said in a conference call last year that they may speed up or slow down NV deployment based on cash on hand to make payments. If they get far ahead of themselves in announcements, it removes some of that flexibility they may need

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All the Major cities will go LTE live before the first week of October since The IPhone 4G LTE is coming in that particular month. Sprint spent 20 billions for the rights to that phone so I don't think they want to stay behind.

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I think a lot of the data I have would support that. I think Sprint will be live in a lot of the largest markets, complete or near complete around the beginning of October.

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Sprint spent 20 billions for the rights to that phone so I don't think they want to stay behind.


Oh noes, the $20B myth continues...In actuality the confirmed figure was $15.5B.

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Starting deployment in Mid 2012? If you consider an August-October start to be Mid 2012, then yes. But not many. Come the end of 2012, the Non-WiMax market dam breaks loose. Assuming NV stays on schedule, of course. Stay tuned.

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In October 2009, Sprint announced


“the availability of Sprint and Nextel service to customers in the 20 busiest underground stations in the Washington, D.C. Metro system.”




“Sprint expects to offer service in the Metro’s remaining underground stations by the fall of 2010. Service should be available in 50 percent of the Metro system’s tunnels by the fall of 2011, with complete coverage expected to be established in all the tunnels by the fall of 2012.”



With the deployment of Network Vision to the rest of D.C. will they also bring Network Vision to the underground Metro stations that already have Sprint service at the same time? Also, at the same time will they be deploying Network Vision to underground Metro stations and tunnels that don’t have Sprint service yet?



If they do delay Network Vision deployment to the Metro system I would believe it would have to do with the additional planning, permits and coordination with multiple entities, required to work within the Metro System.

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I hope they put some serious backhaul into the tower servicing George Mason University. At peak times it slows to a crawl. 30,000 students and a good third of us on Sprint...

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The fact that they're extending LTE all the way out to Frederick and beyond is awesome! I don't bother with WiMax on my OG EVO since after passing Germantown on I-270 all WiMax coverage is gone. This shows promise! I'll finally get my $10/mo extra worth of speed!

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Any word on any progress for the Balitmore/ DC markets?


S4GRU will post an update article on these markets soon. Stay tuned.



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any word yet sir? EVO4GLTE is Hungry for some LTE!!!! Thank you!!Rob


We have a DC market schedule update article coming soon. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com.



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