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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Wow, it flashed all the way up to the mid $11s
  2. Indeed. http://blogs.barrons.com/techtraderdaily/2013/12/23/att-verizon-sprint-estimates-too-high-says-moffettnathanson/?mod=yahoobarrons&ru=yahoo
  3. You say it as though that would be a bad thing.
  4. Perhaps Santa should've brought her some -ahem- battery operated toys.
  5. Surprise, surprise Joan Lappin is still bitter. http://www.forbes.com/sites/joanlappin/2013/12/26/the-five-top-fibs-told-by-sprint-management-in-2012-13/?partner=yahootix
  6. Yeah I had the problem with the SIM card message too. As you mentioned, a reboot fixed it. I didn't have the GPS issue. Mine works just fine so I have no suggestions to offer.
  7. There's definitely nothing wrong with a Nexus 5. However in the interim, you can flash digiblur's PRL write enabler and write an 800 MHz capable PRL which should resolve the issue.
  8. Yes, I actually do like it a lot. The touchscreen could be a tad more responsive, but it's nothing that I would make a big stink over. I do like Netgear's Zing Manager software to administer the device from your smartphone, tablet or computer. Not surprisingly, it does seem to pull an LTE signal better than my Note II does. The desktop dock available for it is a worthwhile option if you plan on using it in stationary locations frequently. I use it together with the Zing at work with my iPad as sometimes I prefer not to use the company computer in my office to casually browse the internet. I haven't found any Band 41 to connect to here in Vegas yet. The only time I did was in SoCal back in August. I pulled down speeds in the mid-30 Mbps range tethered to my phone over WiFi while riding in a vehicle at ~70 MPH so it performed admirably on Band 41 to me when given a chance. If you're still finding WiMAX more than LTE it might be worth it wait a bit longer for Sprint to fill in more LTE sites. Also I know waiting for new technology is often a bad idea because there's always something new and improved coming eventually. However, I don't think that the Zing (or the Novatel MiFi) support carrier aggregation so when Sprint starts deploying 20+20+20 TD-LTE, this device won't be able to take full advantage. Presumably, the next generation of hotspot devices that Sprint releases will support carrier aggregation. That's only glaring downside that I can think of at the moment.
  9. NTG9X15C_45.04.12.00 12/20/2013 Enhancements: Improved Network hand-offs between LTE bands B41 throughput improvements Spark icon Wi-Fi popup when tethered
  10. One fire that SoftBank is supposedly trying to light may not be all that popular in Overland Park: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-20/softbank-s-son-said-to-approach-six-banks-to-fund-t-mobile-deal.html?cmpid=yhoo
  11. I don't think that's really practical. For one, I don't believe that their peers offer that level of detail on their coverage maps so why should Sprint? Second there are competitive forces at play here as well. Sprint tried to offer a map with a high level of transparency with regards to the Nextel shutdown and look what happened. Salespeople at rival carriers promptly used Sprint's own map against them to steal customers. It's not hard to imagine something similar happening again if they were to proceed as you suggest.
  12. Let him have it. I think Son should bid T-Mobile up then withdraw and leave Charlie holding the bag.
  13. The transcript from the UBS conference for those interested: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1890611-sprints-ceo-presents-at-ubs-41st-annual-global-media-and-communications-conference-transcript?part=single
  14. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-06/tv-airwaves-auction-delayed-by-u-s-fcc-chairman-until-mid-2015.html?cmpid=yhoo In other words, the longer that we can keep additional low band spectrum from Sprint & t-mobile, the better. If AJ's foil, Joan Marsh, is in favor of something there's a good chance that it's not beneficial for consumers as a whole.
  15. Yes, Alabama had a number of execution issues, but the coaching gaffes were just perplexing; and that includes the FG attempt which was just bad in foresight, hindsight and any other sight. Bama got stuffed on 3rd & 1 and 4th & 1 in that fourth quarter. Yes, you should be able to get a yard if you're indeed the best team in the nation, but why even try? They were already up 7. If Saban didn't have faith in Cade Foster at that point, why not bring in Adam Griffith at that point to try to hit a 30 yard FG and go up by two scores? Then on their next possession he sends Foster out there to try an even longer 44 yard FG which looked like he drove it low and was blocked. So yes, that comes down to execution. But, for Saban to trot a freshman out there basically cold to try to hit a 57 yard FG off a wide hash with a trip to the SEC championship game and likely the BCS championship game on the line is just unfathomable. That's a kick a number of NFL kickers would have trouble with. Sure, maybe it turns out like a made-for-tv movie and the kid comes in and bangs it through the uprights with yards to spare, but you've gotta play the percentages and the chances of something bad happening were far higher than him making that kick IMO.
  16. And they do it yet again! For the life of me I can't understand why Saban tried a 57 yard FG with a freshman kicker. The chances of a block being returned for a TD or what happened, the kick coming up short and being returned were just too high. I'm not even a 'Bama fan and I was screaming, "What are you thinking, Nick?" at the TV when they were lining up for the kick. The only play there was to try the Hail Mary. Saban definitely didn't coach his best game today. The Big Ten championship game now takes on added significance for Ohio State.
  17. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  18. Indeed. Is that LTE coverage new? I had a class out at Cheyenne campus in 2012 (I HATED the drive) and I wasn't terribly impressed with Sprint's service there.
  19. It's just somewhere to have random, real-time conversations, share pics, etc. without cluttering up S4GRU.com. Plus as was mentioned, it doesn't require revealing phone numbers, email address or any other personal info, just a random BlackBerry generated pin. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  20. Why would you disable band 41? Just set it to be a lower priority than band 25 and you *should* be ok. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
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