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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. The thing is, even if he did have a Spark capable S4 (which I doubt), that just shows the silliness of Sprint using the Spark icon to represent any and all LTE. People connect to 'regular' LTE and assume it's Spark because of that blasted icon. Then the Spark service gets a bad rap before people even actually experience it. Pure insanity. Whoever made that decision about the icon didn't think that one all the way through.
  2. I thought the exact same thing before even reading your reply. Here's the picture of (presumably) the four Galaxy S4 devices that he used for testing. I'll be the first to admit that my eyesight isn't the greatest and the pics aren't high-res, but for the life of me I can't see the Spark icon on any of those handsets...
  3. Sorry to hear that they laid you off. Glad to see that at least the severance package is nice.
  4. This gives me hope that we'll see Band 41 in the next iPhone: http://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2013/09/25/china-mobile-and-lte-bands-when-could-apple-announce-a-partnership/ Even Apple can't afford to piss off a carrier with ¾ billion subs.
  5. Meh. Her crap is still borderline unreadable. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  6. Yes, more wifi calling devices will be coming. Soon? I don't think anybody could say at this point unfortunately. FWIW there's currently a couple of S4 Minis on Swappa.
  7. True. Sprint does need to revamp their international offerings soon. It's disappointing too since at one point in the past Sprint (oddly) had the most compelling international data offering out of the big 4. Nope, no affiliation with NII other than the fact that Sprint DCS devices can direct connect with NII subscribers. NII's headquarters is in Reston, VA which is, of course, the city that Nextel's HQ was located.
  8. Good point. Perhaps the most recent and glaring example of this is when Hesse's attempt to buy MetroPCS was shot down, in the eleventh hour no less, by the board in early 2012. How would the wireless landscape look today had Hesse been allowed to fully execute his plans?
  9. Hostility? No, just pointing out a fact. Man, I hate when people make unfounded assumptions. While illustrating what t-mobile may have "made" At&t do, you neglect to mention that t-mobile is tweaking their plans on March 23. Those tweaks raise their data limits and align pretty closely to what Sprint is doing. I.e. 1 GB included, 3 GB for $10. Give credit where credit is due, right? I had nextel at one point in time too. They provided a service in exchange for payment. I never felt "proud" of that arrangement. I don't know why I would feel "proud" for paying a certain company my money every month. I concede that maybe that's just me though. I buy what works for me. As long as that arrangement is mutually beneficial I'm "satisfied", but "proud"? Doesn't even enter into the equation. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  10. Results? Perhaps, but for all his bluster his "uncarrier" initiatives have yet to show a net profit.
  11. I'm sure that schtick holds some sway over Generation Z types that fawns over Justin Bieber and has trouble keeping their pants up around their waist, but "everyone"? Nah, I'd beg to differ.
  12. I think perhaps some people would prefer Sprint's CEO to be some pandering assclown that dresses like a juvenile making sophomoric tweets on Twitter pretending that he's some kind of superhero.
  13. There's a lot about the guys heading out of the door. Here's a little about the guy stepping up to the plate: http://newsroom.sprint.com/executive-team/john-saw.htm http://www.telecoms.com/196931/interview-svp-for-technical-architecture-at-sprint-we-have-the-ability-to-build-a-bigger-pipe-than-the-competition-because-of-our-spectrum-position/
  14. A 5MHz Band 26 carrier has the same theoretical speed as a 5MHz Band 25 carrier.
  15. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5593-sprint-reshuffles-networks-team-saw-promoted-elfman-and-azzi-to-leave-company/
  16. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-05/deutsche-telekom-ceo-said-to-consider-t-mobile-sale-less-likely.html?cmpid=yhoo Is DT being sincere or posturing to try and get a higher bid?
  17. Personally I wouldn't consider those minor operators significant. One has less than a hundred thousand subs, another has less than a million subs and then there's Nextel Brazil with less than 4 million subs. As far as the four major operators, their subscribers are *relatively* close in size. The difference between the largest and the smallest is only @ 26 million subs. It just seems like a different dynamic than the wireless landscape here in the USA. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  18. True, Samsung has been a pretty decent NV vendor thus far. I guess my thinking is no matter how good you may doing, there's always room for improvement. They're shortchanging by saying $7B, but Sprint has already gone on record stating that they expect to spend $8B in CAPEX this year. Every billion helps.
  19. http://rootmetrics.com/rsr/usa 2nd half 2013. At least Sprint didn't come in last in overall performance. I guess that's progress. I think that they're *ok* considering that they're 5x5 MHz LTE has had to go up against their competitors 10x10 LTE networks (in most places). Hopefully their performance can improve further as more Band 26 and Band 41 LTE comes online. Ericsson Samsung Alcatel-Lucent NSN
  20. Masa Son hosting a presentation in Washington on March 11. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-03/softbank-ceo-hosts-mobile-web-event-amid-t-mobile-speculation.html SoftBank CEO to Discuss Mobile Web Amid T-Mobile Speculation
  21. Well I can guarantee you that you're not connected to band 45. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
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