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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Read more at: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-24/t-mobile-ceo-says-sprint-deal-could-help-crack-wireless-duopoly.html?cmpid=yhoo
  2. It isn't spring already? Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  3. And Bingo was his name... Edit: As an aside, I was reading Verizon's earnings call transcript and Fran Shammo pretty much summed up what I've been thinking since the start of this uncarrier stuff. http://seekingalpha.com/article/1957221-verizon-communications-management-discusses-q4-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript People are falling all over themselves ball washing John Legere like he's the second coming when in reality all he's doing is running a game of three-card monte.
  4. Actually, that's clearly not what he said. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1250-s4gru-staff/
  5. You just need to find a Framily that's stuck with only six lines on it. Easy peasy Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  6. http://www.fiercewireless.com/tech/story/googles-moto-x-tops-lte-network-connectivity-test/2014-01-21 Sprint phones weren't used, but the results were interesting nonetheless.
  7. I think where Sprint maybe should really ramp up their marketing for these plans is college campuses. Assuming that the coverage is up to snuff, it shouldn't be too difficult to convince struggling college students to get 6-9 of their buddies together to have unlimited calls, texts and 1 GB of data for $25/month and their own personal bills. Plus, while they're around campus they're probably surrounded by the school's wifi so they might not need more data than that anyway. And if they do they have the option to buy a higher tier. In addition to improving their national marketing, they need to start targeting niches like this.
  8. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-18/softbank-said-to-seek-sprint-t-mobile-deal-with-finances-assured.html?cmpid=yhoo Well, that's interesting. I guess to make themselves feel better, the pink fanboys are now painting these merger rumors as a sign of desperation from Sprint. However, if this source is to be believed then that isn't the case at all; it simply seems like the continuation of a calculated plan by Son. The Sprint-SoftBank deal was announced in October 2012 and T-Mobile was still losing subscribers. Meanwhile, T-Mobile's first Uncarrier sleight of hand wasn't introduced until the end of March 2013.
  9. Because they're too busy allegedly messing around with T-Mobile in what hopefully won't turn out to be a fool's errand.
  10. Nah, that won't happen. There's no reason for Sprint to switch to GSM. GSM is obsolete. Even AT&T is planning to phase out GSM by the 2016-17 time frame. Skate where the puck is going, not where it's been...The convergence will occur with VoLTE.
  11. Yes, it is ludicrous. However, it's a mindset that's being perpetuated by the tech bloggers, among others. When some random blog runs a headline about how Sprint finished in last place in some company's latest speed survey, that's all the average person sees. They don't care that Sprint may actually be fast enough for all practical purposes, they just care that it's not the fastest. The e-penis mentality has bee carefully cultivated and it runs deep.
  12. 800 SMR is on a lower priority than PCS on iPhone PRLs. As long as you have a 1900 MHz signal it won't switch over to 800.
  13. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-15/t-mobile-pricing-seen-as-obstacle-for-any-sprint-merger.html?cmpid=yhoo I still say that Sprint/SoftBank should choose the AT&T/VZW route to growth (hopefully without becoming nearly as evil) and take the money that they may have been think of buying a stake in T-Mobile with and instead use it to buy several smaller carriers i.e. USCC, C-Spire, nTelos, etc. In effect, buy customers. T-Mobile is essentially buying customers with their latest promotion, so why not?
  14. Now wait just a doggone minute! I'm gonna have to call BS. After all, rock star Neville Ray has already informed us that Sprint doesn't even want to sell tri-band devices to customers.
  15. You can get a separate Direct Connect number. I didn't like the idea of using my phone number for DC so I called tech support. They had no clue how to do it so the rep put me on hold and contacted his back office support. After about five minutes they had it figured out. They pushed an update and my phone did a profile update. I had to uninstall then reinstall the app and voila, new DC number! I think someone with a G2 made mention of the LTE thing on the Play Store comments for the Direct Connect Now app. It must be a G2 specific issue. The app works fine on LTE on both my Note 3 and my son's Optimus F3. Odd... Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
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