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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. A couple of disturbing items for Sprint: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-27/sprint-loses-bid-to-dismiss-new-york-tax-case-on-appeal.html?cmpid=yhoo And you just can't make this kind of silliness up. http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-lawsuit-says-sprint-worker-put-customer-sex-photos-on-facebook-20140227,0,5422904.story#axzz2uYXJLzgO
  2. For better or worse I doubt that many self-made billionaires have gotten to where they are by being deterred from their plans in spite of the first, second or even third time being told "NO".
  3. Unfortunately the only way he probably looks in that direction is if he becomes convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the DoJ and FCC won't let him have TMUS. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  4. Random, but speaking of telecom stock's USCC's is getting beat up today after posting subscriber losses yet again. USM is down almost $4 at the moment.
  5. Sprint 10-K http://biz.yahoo.com/e/140224/s10-k.html Pretty dry reading and not much in there that we don't already know around here.
  6. Read more: Verizon, Sprint lead on delivering mobile data traffic over LTE - FierceWirelessTech http://www.fiercewireless.com/tech/story/verizon-sprint-lead-delivering-mobile-data-traffic-over-lte/2014-02-23#ixzz2uFb65JDG Subscribe at FierceWirelessTech
  7. Current compatibility list: Compatible Phones & Software: • Samsung Galaxy S® 4 (SW: MK2 or NAE) • Samsung Galaxy Note® 3 (SW: MJ4 or NAB) • LG G2 (SW: ZV8 or ZVA) • LG Optimus F3 (SW: ZV6) • LG G Flex (SW: ZV3) • Kyocera Hydro Edge (SW: 1.010SP) • Samsung Galaxy S® 4 Mini (SW: NA7) • Samsung Galaxy Mega (SW: NA7) • Samsung Galaxy S® 4 with Sprint Spark (SW: NAF) Coming Soon: • HTC One Max
  8. Revolutionary New Sprint Framily Plan Now Available For Small Businesses http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/revolutionary-new-sprint-framily-plan-now-available-for-small-businesses.htm
  9. From my very limited understanding of how this technology works, the concept seems fascinating. It appears that Perlman may be using Clearwire spectrum for his demonstration. http://stevencrowley.com/2013/06/21/rearden-discloses-more-experimental-details-at-fccs-request-plans-to-use-clearwire-spectrum/ If it were to pan out I wonder if that would give Sprint any leg up in trying to adapt the technology.
  10. Limited edition Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  11. Thank VZW for essentially killing EV-DV singlehandedly. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  12. It's disturbing in either case. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  13. Earnings call transcript: http://seekingalpha.com/article/2011071-sprint-ceo-discusses-q4-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  14. South park Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  15. Including the net $$$ losses the last two quarters?
  16. Public works Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  17. FWIW, they would not necessarily have to limit themselves to CDMA carriers. VZW has purchased GSM carriers before and GSM based carriers have purchased CDMA carriers (i.e. T-mobile buying MetroPCS, AT&T buying Cricket & CDMA assets of Alltel, etc.).
  18. Not that it matters, but those first four items are from the December update referenced in post #90 of this thread. Only the last two items are from this month's update. http://support.sprint.com/support/article/Find_and_update_the_software_version_on_your_Netgear_Zing_Mobile_Hotspot/WServiceAdvisory_542_GKB54562?INTNAV=SU:DP:OV:UG:NetgearZingMobileHotspot:FindAndUpdateTheSoftwareVersionOnYourNetgearZingMo
  19. Software update: NTG9X15C_45.04.12.05 02/05/2014 Fixes: OMA PRL fix Data Link HA fix
  20. Perhaps Verizon is in favor of the merger, however Strigl doesn't officially speak for them. He's their former CEO as of the end of 2009.
  21. http://www.bloomberg.com/video/will-the-wireless-industry-continue-to-change-awKvce5vSleqgP4b4gmAOw.html?cmpid=yhoo Interesting Bloomberg interview with Denny Strigl, former Verizon CEO. Typical CEO sounding guy, but he touched on some good points regardless. Naturally, he spoke on the wireless industry from the business rather than technical aspect. He also spoke on a potential SoftBank/Sprint and T-Mobile merger. For one he says that AT&T should've been allowed to buy T-Mobile and similarly that SoftBank/Sprint should also be allowed to acquire T-Mobile. They hosts tried to goad him into saying something about John Legere, but he wouldn't take the bait for the most part. Worth a look if one has 11 minutes or so to kill. Among other things: This potential merger is seeming more and more like a horrible idea, and NOT because of any technological or integration issues. They'd do well to spend their money elsewhere for the time being and let T-Mobile see if they can continue doing what they're doing over the long-term.
  22. That's pretty much what somebody else suggested over on HoFo. It could happen, but they've been doing so well specifically targeting AT&T that I could also see them continuing to do that.
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